
Our research addresses a wide range of topics in behavioral health including suicide prevention, opioid use disorder, serious mental illness, and postpartum depression. Our research includes single-site studies and multi-site collaborations as part of the Mental Health Research Network (MHRN). We are also conducting research to support health and well-being. We aim to improve the prevention, screening, and treatment of behavioral health disorders and to understand the relationship between serious mental illness and other health outcomes.

Faculty Position
  • Hooker, Stephanie A., PhD, MPH, MS, Investigator
  • Miley, Kate, PhD, CNP, PMHNP-BC, Assistant research investigator
  • Rossom, Rebecca C., MD, MS, Sr. Investigator
  • Solberg, Leif I., MD, Senior Investigator
  • Publications While At HealthPartners
    selected publications
    Journal Article
  • Adolescents who do not endorse risk via the Patient Health Questionnaire before self-harm or suicide
    JAMA psychiatry. 2024
  • Applying meaning and self-determination theory to the development of a web-based mHealth physical activity intervention: proof-of-concept pilot study
    JMIR formative research. 2024
  • Barriers and facilitators to using a clinical decision support tool for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2024
  • Clozapine use among people with psychotic disorders who experience specific indications for clozapine
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2024
  • Impact of opioid dose reductions on patient-reported mental health and suicide-related behavior and relationship to patient choice in tapering decisions
    Journal of Pain. 2024
  • Improving assessment of adherence behaviors and drivers: targeted literature review and concept elicitation interviews in multiple countries and disease populations
    Patient preference and adherence. 2024
  • LiveWell, a smartphone-based self-management intervention for bipolar disorder: intervention participation and usability analysis
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024
  • Patient experiences and perceptions of care coordination in primary care
    Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2024
  • Patient perspectives on mental health and pain management support needed versus received during opioid deprescribing
    Journal of Pain. 2024
  • Predicting suicide death after emergency department visits with mental health or self-harm diagnoses
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2024
  • Principles for stakeholder engagement in observational health research
    JAMA Health Forum. 2024
  • Psychotherapy disruption before and after the transition to virtual mental health care induced by the COVID-19 pandemic
    Psychiatric Services. 2024
  • Racial-ethnic differences in receipt of past-year health care services among suicide decedents: a case-control study
    Psychiatric Services. 2024
  • Reduced disruption in psychotherapy visits among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
    American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2024
  • Short report: transition to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision and the prevalence of autism in a cohort of healthcare systems
    Autism. 2024
  • The impact of text messaging to promote patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) completion in orthopedic practice: findings from a randomized controlled study
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2024
  • The rapid shift to virtual mental health care: examining psychotherapy disruption by rurality status
    Journal of Rural Health. 2024
  • The role of care coordination: a qualitative study of care coordinator perceptions
    Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2024
  • 30-year cardiovascular disease risk for young adults with serious mental illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2023
  • A randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce stigma toward people with opioid use disorder among primary care clinicians
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2023
  • Are people who die by intentional medication poisoning dispensed those medications in the year prior to death?
    Archives of suicide research. 2023
  • Assessing the differential item functioning of PHQ-9 items for diverse racial and ethnic adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder diagnoses: a retrospective cohort study
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2023
  • Assessment of disruptive life events for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder using data from a consumer credit reporting agency
    JAMA psychiatry. 2023
  • Association between adverse social determinants of health and suicide death
    Medical Care. 2023
  • Beyond clinical outcomes: case control study of the role of race in disruptive life events for people with serious mental illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2023
  • COVID-19 impacts on primary care clinic care management processes
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2023
  • Cancer and psychiatric diagnoses in the year preceding suicide
    Cancer medicine. 2023
  • Care coordination in primary care: mapping the territory
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2023
  • Care management processes important for high-quality diabetes care
    Diabetes care. 2023
  • Clinician experiences with telepsychiatry collaborative care for posttraumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Complex modeling with detailed temporal predictors does not improve health records-based suicide risk prediction
    NPJ digital medicine. 2023
  • Design of a pragmatic clinical trial to improve screening and treatment for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2023
  • Development and initial validation of a measure to assess self-efficacy to reduce sedentary behavior
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2023
  • Diagnosed posttraumatic stress disorder and other trauma-associated stress disorders and risk for suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Differential effects of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk for patients with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2023
  • Effects of a smartphone-based self-management intervention for individuals with bipolar disorder on relapse, symptom burden, and quality of life: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA psychiatry. 2023
  • Health diagnoses and service utilization in the year before youth and young adult suicide
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Is there room for individual patient-specified preferences in the patient-reported outcome measurement revolution?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2023
  • Lived experience-led research agenda to address early death in people with a diagnosis of a serious mental illness: a consensus statement
    JAMA network open. 2023
  • Minnesota data sharing may be model for near-real-time tracking of drug overdose hospital and ED trends
    Health Affairs. 2023
  • Successful change management strategies for improving diabetes care delivery among high-performing practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2023
  • Suicide attempts after bariatric surgery: comparison to a nonsurgical cohort of individuals with severe obesity
    Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2023
  • The impact of COVID-19 on patients receiving care coordination in primary care: a qualitative study
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2023
  • The potential impact of clinical decision support on nonwaivered primary care clinicians' prescribing of buprenorphine
    Health Aff Sch. 2023
  • Understanding TBI as a risk factor versus a means of suicide death using electronic health record data
    Archives of suicide research. 2023
  • A new pandemic of loneliness
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • A smartphone-based self-management intervention for individuals with bipolar disorder (LiveWell): empirical and theoretical framework, intervention design, and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    JMIR research protocols. 2022
  • Accuracy of ICD-10-CM encounter diagnoses from health records for identifying self-harm events
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2022
  • Adjusting for variation in patient-reported outcome measures is needed to improve care after total knee arthroplasty
    Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2022
  • Bolstering the business case for adoption of shared decision-making systems in primary care: randomized controlled trial
    JMIR formative research. 2022
  • COVID-19 vaccination of people experiencing homelessness and incarceration in Minnesota
    Health Affairs. 2022
  • Cardiovascular disease preventive services among smaller primary care practices
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022
  • Cardiovascular risk for patients with and without schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022
  • Change that matters: a health behavior change and behavioral health curriculum for primary care
    Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2022
  • Clinical implementation of suicide risk prediction models in healthcare: a qualitative study
    BMC psychiatry. 2022
  • Comparing pharmacist-led telehealth care and clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure: the Hyperlink 3 pragmatic cluster-randomized trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • Comparison of explanatory and pragmatic design choices in a cluster-randomized hypertension trial: effects on enrollment, participant characteristics, and adherence
    Trials. 2022
  • Connecting research and practice: implementation of suicide prevention strategies in learning health care systems
    Psychiatric Services. 2022
  • Depression and cardiovascular risk in primary care patients
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022
  • Detecting and distinguishing indicators of risk for suicide using clinical records
    Translational psychiatry. 2022
  • Diabetes care quality: do large medical groups perform better?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2022
  • Effect of clinical decision support on cardiovascular risk among adults with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Effect of offering care management or online dialectical behavior therapy skills training vs usual care on self-harm among adult outpatients with suicidal ideation: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2022
  • Effects of devotional prayer and secular meditation on cardiovascular response to a faith challenge among Christians
    Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 2022
  • How does prior experience pay off in large-scale quality improvement initiatives?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • How type of practice ownership affects participation with quality improvement external facilitation: findings from EvidenceNOW
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes care delivery
    Clinical Diabetes. 2022
  • Is shared decision-making associated with better patient-reported outcomes? A longitudinal study of patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2022
  • Is the promise of PROMs being realized? Implementation experience in a large orthopedic practice
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2022
  • Kidney-metabolic factors associated with cognitive impairment in chronic kidney disease: a pilot study
    American Journal of Nephrology. 2022
  • Machine learning prediction of suicide risk does not identify patients without traditional risk factors
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2022
  • Opioid-related variables did not improve suicide risk prediction models in samples with mental health diagnoses
    J Affect Disord Rep. 2022
  • Patient and clinician perspectives on two telemedicine approaches for treating patients with mental health disorders in underserved areas
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • Patient expectations of and experiences with a suicide risk identification algorithm in clinical practice
    BMC psychiatry. 2022
  • Patient perspectives on opioid risk discussions in primary care
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2022
  • Prescription stimulant use during long-term opioid therapy and risk for opioid use disorder
    Drug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2022
  • Qualitative interviews to support development and cognitive debriefing of the Adelphi Adherence Questionnaire (ADAQ©): a patient-reported measure of medication adherence developed for use in a range of diseases, treatment modalities, and countries
    Patient preference and adherence. 2022
  • Quality and team care response to the pandemic stresses in high performing primary care practices: a qualitative study
    PloS One. 2022
  • Reach in a pragmatic hypertension trial: a critical RE-AIM component
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022
  • Sex differences in comorbid mental and substance use disorders among primary care patients with opioid use disorder
    Psychiatric Services. 2022
  • Strategies for dose optimization: views from health care systems
    Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2022
  • Suicide deaths before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: an interrupted time-series study
    Medical Care. 2022
  • The effects of major disruptions on practice participation in facilitation during a primary care quality improvement initiative
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • The relationship between depressive symptoms and subtypes of mild cognitive impairment in post-menopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2022
  • What do orthopaedists believe is needed for incorporating patient-reported outcome measures into clinical care? A qualitative study
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2022
  • What is success in treatment for opioid use disorder? Perspectives of physicians and patients in primary care settings
    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2022
  • A pilot study of the functionality and clinician acceptance of a clinical decision support tool to improve primary care of opioid use disorder
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2021
  • A taxonomy for external support for practice transformation
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Barriers to CT dose optimization: the challenge of organizational change
    Academic Radiology. 2021
  • Brief report: Meaning in life is mediated by self-efficacy in the prediction of physical activity
    Journal of Health Psychology. 2021
  • Change in perceived stress and health behaviors of emerging adults in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2021
  • Clinician perceptions about a decision support system to identify and manage opioid use disorder
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Comparisons between patients diagnosed with PTSD in primary care versus mental health care in five large civilian health care systems
    Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2021
  • Cultural and structural features of zero-burnout primary care practices
    Health Affairs. 2021
  • Evaluation of electronic health record-based suicide risk prediction models on contemporary data
    Applied Clinical Informatics. 2021
  • Experiences and perceptions of patients with uncontrolled hypertension who are dissatisfied with their hypertension care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Longitudinal assessment of mental health and well-being in patients being treated with medications for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Addictive behaviors reports. 2021
  • Peer and non-peer academic scientists and peer support specialist community of practice: stakeholder engagement to advance the science of peer support
    Proc IEEE Glob Humanit Technol Conf. 2021
  • Personalized outcomes for hip and knee replacement: the patient's point of view
    Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2021
  • Predicting suicide attempts and suicide deaths among adolescents following outpatient visits
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
  • Prediction of suicidal behavior using self-reported suicidal ideation among patients with bipolar disorder
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
  • Prevalence and medication treatment of opioid use disorder among primary care patients with hepatitis C and HIV
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021
  • Psychosocial needs of parents engaged in treatment for opioid use disorder
    Substance Use and Misuse. 2021
  • Receipt of medications for opioid use disorder among youth engaged in primary care: data from 6 health systems
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2021
  • Serious suicide attempts and risk of suicide death
    Crisis. 2021
  • Strategies and factors associated with top performance in primary care for diabetes: insights from a mixed methods study
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Suicide behavior following PHQ-9 screening among individuals with substance use disorders
    Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2021
  • The impact of patient-centered medical home certification on quality of care for patients with diabetes
    Health Services Research. 2021
  • Utility of item 9 of the patient health questionnaire in the prospective identification of adolescents at risk of suicide attempt
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 2021
  • Weighing the association between BMI change and suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2021
  • What makes care coordination work best?
    Minnesota Family Physician. 2021
  • What's important: postoperative care planning. Recognizing the central role of pets in many patients' lives
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2021
  • Association between suicide death and concordance with benzodiazepine treatment guidelines for anxiety and sleep disorders
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2020
  • Awareness of meaning in life is protective against burnout among family physicians: a CERA study
    Family Medicine. 2020
  • Chronic pain diagnoses and opioid dispensings among insured individuals with serious mental illness
    BMC psychiatry. 2020
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of single-component and multicomponent interventions for reducing radiation doses in patients undergoing computed tomography: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2020
  • Design of a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial comparing telehealth care and best practice clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Differences in diabetes care with and without certification as a medical home
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2020
  • Do physical activity, caloric intake, and sleep vary together day to day? Exploration of intraindividual variability in 3 key health behaviors
    Journal of physical activity & health. 2020
  • Documented opioid use disorder and its treatment in primary care patients across six U.S. health systems
    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2020
  • Engaging in personally meaningful activities is associated with meaning salience and psychological well-being
    Journal of Positive Psychology. 2020
  • Integrating meaning in life and self-determination theory to predict physical activity adoption in previously inactive exercise initiates enrolled in a randomized trial
    Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2020
  • Mental health and psychosocial needs of patients being treated for opioid use disorder in a primary care residency clinic
    Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 2020
  • Methods to identify and prioritize research projects and perform embedded research in learning healthcare systems
    Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020
  • Multiple dimensions of wellness: development and psychometric properties of the Anschutz Wellness Evaluation 360 (AWE360)
    J Well Being Assess. 2020
  • Organizational factors and quality improvement strategies associated with lower radiation dose from CT examinations
    Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2020
  • Patient loneliness in an urban, underserved family medicine residency clinic: prevalence and relationship to health care utilization
    Family Practice. 2020
  • Pragmatic trial design of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk in people with serious mental illness
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Predictors of family medicine patient retention in opioid medication-assisted treatment
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020
  • Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems
    Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2020
  • Provider contributions to disparities in mental health care
    Psychiatric Services. 2020
  • Redesigning primary care to improve diabetes outcomes (the UNITED Study)
    Diabetes care. 2020
  • Substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2020
  • The effect of depression and rurality on diabetes control
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020
  • Using self-determination theory to understand eating behaviors and weight change in emerging adults
    Eating behaviors. 2020
  • Values-based behavioral activation for chronic pain in primary care: a pilot study
    Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2020
  • What outcomes matter to patients after joint or spine surgery?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2020
  • A candidate gene study of risk for dementia in older, postmenopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2019
  • Analysis of computed tomography radiation doses used for lung cancer screening scans
    JAMA internal medicine. 2019
  • Are wishes for death or suicidal ideation symptoms of depression in older adults?
    Aging & mental health. 2019
  • Assessing and minimizing re-identification risk in research data derived from health care records
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Diagnosed mental health conditions and risk of suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2019
  • Does ownership make a difference in primary care practice?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2019
  • Predicting suicide attempts for racial and ethnic groups of patients during routine clinical care
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 2019
  • Predictors of intervention interest among individuals with short sleep duration
    Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2019
  • Principles and procedures for data and safety monitoring in pragmatic clinical trials
    Trials. 2019
  • Self-reported suicidal ideation as a predictor of suicidal behavior among outpatients with diagnoses of psychotic disorders
    Psychiatric Services. 2019
  • Study to promote innovation in rural integrated telepsychiatry (SPIRIT): rationale and design of a randomized comparative effectiveness trial of managing complex psychiatric disorders in rural primary care clinics
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • The mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the relationship between nonmalignant chronic pain and suicide death
    Pain practice. 2019
  • Variation in patterns of health care before suicide: a population case-control study
    Preventive Medicine. 2019
  • What health records data are required for accurate prediction of suicidal behavior?
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019
  • A psychometric approach to theory-based behavior change intervention development: example from the Colorado Meaning-Activity Project
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2018
  • Burnout among physicians, advanced practice clinicians and staff in smaller primary care practices
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018
  • Daily meaning salience and physical activity in previously inactive exercise initiates
    Health Psychology. 2018
  • Dermatologic conditions and risk of suicide: a case-control study
    Psychosomatics. 2018
  • Do monetary incentives increase fitness center utilization? It depends
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2018
  • Does patient adherence to antidepressant medication actually vary between physicians?
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018
  • Encouraging health behavior change: eight evidence-based strategies
    Family Practice Management. 2018
  • Engaging primary care practices in studies of improvement: did you budget enough for practice recruitment?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2018
  • General medical, mental health, and demographic risk factors associated with suicide by firearm compared with other means
    Psychiatric Services. 2018
  • Implementation of care management: an analysis of recent AHRQ research
    Medical Care Research and Review. 2018
  • Large-scale implementation of collaborative care management for depression and diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes from repeated smoking cessation assistance in routine primary care
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2018
  • Mutuality and heart failure self-care in patients and their informal caregivers
    European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2018
  • Near real-time surveillance for consequences of health policies using sequential analysis
    Medical Care. 2018
  • Opioid use during pregnancy, observations of opioid use, and secular trend from 2006 to 2014 at HealthPartners Medical Group
    Clinical Journal of Pain. 2018
  • Potentially preventable hospital and emergency department events: lessons from a large innovation project
    The Permanente journal. 2018
  • Practice facilitator strategies for addressing electronic health record data challenges for quality improvement: EvidenceNOW
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Predicting suicide attempts and suicide deaths following outpatient visits using electronic health records
    American Journal of Psychiatry. 2018
  • Prevalence and risk of severe cognitive impairment in advanced chronic kidney disease
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2018
  • Primary care practices' abilities and challenges in using electronic health record data for quality improvement
    Health Affairs. 2018
  • Psychometric properties of the postpartum depression screening scale beyond the postpartum period
    Research in Nursing and Health. 2018
  • Recruiting practices for change initiatives is hard: findings from EvidenceNOW
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2018
  • Supporting families managing parental mental illness: challenges and resources
    International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2018
  • Taking innovation to scale in primary care practices: the functions of health care extension
    Health Affairs. 2018
  • Treatment initiation for new episodes of depression in primary care settings
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018
  • Use of quality improvement strategies among small to medium-size US primary care practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Antidepressant use by youth with minimal or mild depression: evidence from 3 health systems
  • Between-visit changes in suicidal ideation and risk of subsequent suicide attempt
    Depression and Anxiety. 2017
  • Clinician burnout and satisfaction with resources in caring for complex patients
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • Denver Spirited Heart: mixed-methods pilot study of a psychospiritual intervention for heart failure patients
    Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2017
  • Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of brief clinician tobacco counseling for youth and adults
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • Impact of a national collaborative care initiative for patients with depression and diabetes or cardiovascular disease
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • IntelliCare: an eclectic, skills-based app suite for the treatment of depression and anxiety
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2017
  • Major physical health conditions and risk of suicide
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017
  • Patient-centered outcomes measurement: does it require information from patients?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2017
  • Suicidal ideation reported on the PHQ9 and risk of suicidal behavior across age groups
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2017
  • The COMPASS initiative: description of a nationwide collaborative approach to the care of patients with depression and diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • The challenges of collecting and using patient care data from diverse care systems: lessons From COMPASS
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2017
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on rates of return to psychotherapy for depression
    Depression and Anxiety. 2017
  • Understanding the experience of care managers and relationship with patient outcomes: the COMPASS initiative
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • Updated priorities among effective clinical preventive services
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • A national evaluation of a dissemination and implementation initiative to enhance primary care practice capacity and improve cardiovascular disease care: the ESCALATES study protocol
    Implementation science. 2016
  • A statewide effort to implement collaborative care for depression: reach and impact for all patients with depression
    Medical Care. 2016
  • Adherence to common cardiovascular medications in patients with schizophrenia vs. patients without psychiatric illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2016
  • Antidepressant adherence across diverse populations and healthcare settings
    Depression and Anxiety. 2016
  • Assessing trends in tobacco cessation in diverse patient populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2016
  • Facilitating action for suicide prevention by learning health care systems
    Psychiatric Services. 2016
  • Identifying groups at risk for 1-year membership termination from a fitness center at enrollment
    Preventive medicine reports. 2016
  • Population-based outreach versus care as usual to prevent suicide attempt: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    Trials. 2016
  • Predictors of optimal cognitive aging in 80+ women: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2016
  • Predictors of poor response to depression treatment in primary care
    Psychiatric Services. 2016
  • Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer
    Journal of Health Psychology. 2016
  • Relationships between caffeine intake and risk for probable dementia or global cognitive impairment: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2016
  • Risk of suicide attempt and suicide death following completion of the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module in community practice
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2016
  • System transformation in Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH): variable impact on chronically ill patients' utilization
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2016
  • The Brain in Kidney Disease (BRINK) Cohort Study: design and baseline cognitive function
    American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2016
  • The effects of patient-centered depression care on patient satisfaction and depression remission
    Family Practice. 2016
  • Theory vs practice: should primary care practice take on social determinants of health now? No
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2016
  • A framework for describing health care delivery organizations and systems
    American Journal of Public Health. 2015
  • A stepped-wedge evaluation of an initiative to spread the collaborative care model for depression in primary care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2015
  • Adjusting antidepressant quality measures for race and ethnicity
    JAMA psychiatry. 2015
  • Antidepressants are not overprescribed for mild depression
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2015
  • High glycemic index diet as a risk factor for depression: analyses from the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015
  • It is time to ask patients what outcomes are important to them
  • Minnesota's early experience with medical home implementation: viewpoints from the front lines
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Newly developed chronic conditions and changes in health-related quality of life in postmenopausal women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015
  • Organizational factors and change strategies associated with medical home transformation
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2015
  • Provider and staff perceptions of veterans' attrition from a national primary care weight management program
    Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2015
  • Psychiatric comorbidity and 30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure, AMI, and pneumonia
    Psychiatric Services. 2015
  • The effect of achieving patient-reported outcome measures on satisfaction
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2015
  • Veterans Health Administration's MOVE! Weight Management Program: primary care clinicians' perceptions of program implementation
    Military Medicine. 2015
  • A guide to research partnerships for pragmatic clinical trials
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014
  • Assessing organizational readiness for depression care quality improvement: relative commitment and implementation capability
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Challenges of medical home transformation reported by 118 patient-centered medical home (PCMH) leaders
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Changes in antidepressant use by young people and suicidal behavior after FDA warnings and media coverage: quasi-experimental study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014
  • Documentation of the 5 A's for smoking cessation by PCPs across distinct health systems
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Effective implementation of collaborative care for depression: what is needed?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Health care contacts in the year before suicide death
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2014
  • How much shared decision making occurs in usual primary care of depression?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Implementing asthma guidelines using practice facilitation and local learning collaboratives: a randomized controlled trial
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Leveraging practice-based research networks to accelerate implementation and diffusion of chronic kidney disease guidelines in primary care practices: a prospective cohort study
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Patient experience and physician/staff satisfaction in transforming medical homes
  • Protocol: Adaptive Implementation of Effective Programs Trial (ADEPT): cluster randomized SMART trial comparing a standard versus enhanced implementation strategy to improve outcomes of a mood disorders program
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Self-management support activities in patient-centered medical home practices
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2014
  • The effect of depression treatment on work productivity
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Barriers to improving primary care of depression: perspectives of medical group leaders
    Qualitative Health Research. 2013
  • Context matters: the experience of 14 research teams in systematically reporting contextual factors important for practice change
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • Designing and implementing research on a statewide quality improvement initiative: the DIAMOND study and initiative
    Medical Care. 2013
  • Influence of type 2 diabetes on brain volumes and changes in brain volumes: results from the Women's Health Initiative Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Medical home transformation: a gradual process and a continuum of attainment
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • Response to Annweiler and Beauchet on: Calcium and vitamin d supplementation and cognitive impairment in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2013
  • Stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, and mental health in hospice workers in Minnesota
    Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013
  • Support and strategies for change among small patient-centered medical home practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • The DIAMOND initiative: implementing collaborative care for depression in 75 primary care clinics
    Implementation science. 2013
  • The use of computed tomography in pediatrics and the associated radiation exposure and estimated cancer risk
    JAMA pediatrics. 2013
  • A technology solution for the high-tech diagnostic imaging conundrum
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Are characteristics of the medical home associated with diabetes care costs?
    Medical Care. 2012
  • Association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D and the risk of cognitive decline in older women
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2012
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and cognitive impairment in the women's health initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012
  • Patient medical group continuity and healthcare utilization
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Patient-centered medical home cost reductions limited to complex patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Use of diagnostic imaging studies and associated radiation exposure for patients enrolled in large integrated health care systems, 1996-2010
    JAMA. 2012
  • Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA) to explore the relationship between medical "homeness" and quality
    Health Services Research. 2012
  • Designing payment for Collaborative Care for Depression in primary care
    Health Services Research. 2011
  • How can we remodel practices into medical homes without a blueprint or a bank account?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Is consistent primary care within a patient-centered medical home related to utilization patterns and costs?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Prevalence of practice system tools for improving depression care among primary care clinics: the DIAMOND initiative
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011
  • Relationship of clinic medical home scores to health care costs
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Relationship of clinic medical home scores to quality and patient experience
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • Trends in quality during medical home transformation
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • A surveillance source of tobacco use differences among immigrant populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2010
  • Adolescent primary care visit patterns
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2010
  • Are all commonly prescribed antipsychotics associated with greater mortality in elderly male veterans with dementia?
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2010
  • Disparities in tobacco cessation medication orders and fills among special populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2010
  • Effects of electronic decision support on high-tech diagnostic imaging orders and patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2010
  • Greater use of preventive services in U.S. health care could save lives at little or no cost
    Health Affairs. 2010
  • Informed choice assistance for women making uterine fibroid treatment decisions: a practical clinical trial
    Medical Decision Making. 2010
  • Partnership research: a practical trial design for evaluation of a natural experiment to improve depression care
    Medical Care. 2010
  • Quality of sleep in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
    Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa.. 2010
  • Comparing costs and quality of care at retail clinics with that of other medical settings for three common illnesses
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Diabetes care quality: insurance, health plan, and physician group contributions
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2009
  • Effectiveness of the 5-As tobacco cessation treatments in nine HMOs
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Evaluating preference-sensitive care for uterine fibroids: it's not so simple
    Journal of women's health (2002). 2009
  • How can primary care cross the quality chasm?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2009
  • Is integration in large medical groups associated with quality?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2009
  • Lessons for non-VA care delivery systems from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Quality Enhancement Research Initiative: QUERI Series
    Implementation science. 2009
  • A randomized controlled trial of telephone counseling with smokeless tobacco users: the ChewFree Minnesota study
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2008
  • Can patient safety be measured by surveys of patient experiences?
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2008
  • Depression in patients with diabetes: does it impact clinical goals?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Measuring an organization's ability to manage change: the change process capability questionnaire and its use for improving depression care
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • Measuring practice systems for chronic illness care: accuracy of self-reports from clinical personnel
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2008
  • Optimizing practice through research: a new perspective to solve an old problem
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Practice systems are associated with high-quality care for diabetes
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2008
  • Quality of diabetes care in family medicine practices: influence of nurse-practitioners and physician's assistants
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Relationship between the presence of practice systems and the quality of care for depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • The effect of advanced access implementation on quality of diabetes care
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2008
  • Tobacco-use prevalence in special populations taking advantage of electronic medical records
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008
  • Use and costs of care in retail clinics versus traditional care sites
    Health Affairs. 2008
  • Variation in quality of diabetes care at the levels of patient, physician, and clinic
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2008
  • You can help reduce alcohol misuse
    Clinical Advisor. 2008
  • Crossing the quality chasm for diabetes care: the power of one physician, his team, and systems thinking
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2007
  • Improving medical practice: a conceptual framework
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2007
  • Large multispecialty group practices and quality improvement: what is needed to transform care?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2007
  • Optimizing practice through research: a preventive services case study
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2007
  • Proactive recruitment of health plan smokers into telephone counseling
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2007
  • Smoking and cessation behaviors among young adults of various educational backgrounds
    American Journal of Public Health. 2007
  • Use of practice system tools by medical groups for depression
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • Young adult smokers: are they different?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • Ambulatory care quality measures for the 6 aims from administrative data
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Are claims data accurate enough to identify patients for performance measures or quality improvement? The case of diabetes, heart disease, and depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Care quality and implementation of the chronic care model: a quantitative study
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Challenges of change: a qualitative study of chronic care model implementation
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Colorectal cancer screening: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Effect of improved primary care access on quality of depression care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Increasing primary care physician productivity: A case study
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2006
  • Influenza vaccination health impact and cost effectiveness among adults aged 50 to 64 and 65 and older
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Physician-patient interaction for smoking cessation medications: a dance of mutual accommodation?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: methods
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: results of a systematic review and analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Recruiting medical groups for research: relationships, reputation, requirements, rewards, reciprocity, resolution, and respect
    Implementation science. 2006
  • Repeated tobacco-use screening and intervention in clinical practice: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Transforming medical care: case study of an exemplary, small medical group
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Follow-up and follow-through of depressed patients in primary care: the critical missing components of quality care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. 2005
  • Frequency of physician-directed assistance for smoking cessation in patients receiving cessation medications
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2005
  • Offering telephone counseling to smokers using pharmacotherapy
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2005
  • Practice systems for chronic care: frequency and dependence on an electronic medical record
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2005
  • Randomized trial of quality improvement intervention to improve diabetes care in primary care settings
    Diabetes care. 2005
  • The QUEST for quality: what are medical groups doing about it?
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2005
  • Diabetic patients who smoke: are they different?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2004
  • Do all components of the chronic care model contribute equally to quality improvement?
  • Does improved access to care affect utilization and costs for patients with chronic conditions?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Is making smoking status a vital sign sufficient to increase cessation support actions in clinical practice?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2004
  • Is patient readiness to change a predictor of improved glycemic control?
    Diabetes care. 2004
  • Key issues in transforming health care organizations for quality: the case of advanced access
  • Measuring patient safety in ambulatory care: potential for identifying medical group drug-drug interaction rates using claims data
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Smoking-related attitudes and clinical practices of medical personnel in Minnesota
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004
  • Tobacco control efforts in managed care: what do the doctors think?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • A conceptual model of emergency department crowding
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Does methodology affect the ability to monitor tobacco control activities? implications for HEDIS and other performance measures
    Preventive Medicine. 2003
  • Emergency department crowding: consensus development of potential measures
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Improving diabetes care and outcomes: the secondary benefits of a public health-managed care research collaboration
    Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2003
  • Paying for quality improvement: compliance with tobacco cessation guidelines
  • Treatment of elderly and other adult patients for depression in primary care
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2003
  • Variation in diabetes care by age: opportunities for customization of care
    BMC Family Practice. 2003
  • When depression is the diagnosis, what happens to patients and are they satisfied?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2003
  • Does insurance coverage for drug therapy affect smoking cessation?
    Health Affairs. 2002
  • Is quality free? The relationship between cost and quality across 18 provider groups
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Nonresponse bias: does it affect measurement of clinician behavior?
    Medical Care. 2002
  • Physician smoking-cessation actions: are they dependent on insurance coverage or on patients?
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002
  • A CQI intervention to change the care of depression: a controlled study
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2001
  • Aids to quitting tobacco use: how important are they outside controlled trials?
    Preventive Medicine. 2001
  • Patient satisfaction and discussion of smoking cessation during clinical visits
    Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2001
  • The failure of a controlled trial to improve depression care: a qualitative study
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2001
  • Variation in clinical preventive services
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2001
  • Care-seeking behavior for upper respiratory infections
    Journal of Family Practice. 2000
  • Failure of a continuous quality improvement intervention to increase the delivery of preventive services. A randomized trial
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2000
  • Guideline implementation: what the literature doesn't tell us
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Improving prevention is difficult
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2000
  • Incentivising, facilitating, and implementing an office tobacco cessation system
    Tobacco Control. 2000
  • Lessons from experienced guideline implementers: attend to many factors and use multiple strategies
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Editorial Article
  • Screening for suicide risk is predicting the future, not diagnosing the present [editorial]
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety.  49. 2023
  • Reporting on and reviewing for race/racialization, ethnicity, and culture [editorial]
    Psychiatric Services.  73. 2022
  • Bring back the notepads: drawing as an underutilized approach to improving patient comprehension and recall [editorial]
    Patient Education and Counseling.  103. 2020
  • A body of work, a missed opportunity: dyadic research in older adults [editorial]
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.  67. 2019
  • Managing mental health disorders requires attending to both primary care and its specialty mental health collaborators [editorial]
    Family Practice.  36. 2019
  • Can quality improvement be optional [editorial]?
    Families, systems & health.  36. 2018
  • The new hypertension guideline: logical but unwise [editorial]
    Family Practice.  35. 2018
  • What do we know and need to know about transforming primary care [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  34. 2017
  • Preventable hospital admissions: are they [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  32. 2015
  • Patient outcomes measures-the next promising answer [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  31. 2014
  • Advanced access--fad or important [editorial]?
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  171. 2011
  • Care coordination: what is it, what are its effects and can it be sustained [editorial]?
    Family Practice Research Journal.  28. 2011
  • The medical home: is it a blind men and elephant tale [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  26. 2009
  • Conference Poster
  • Understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among firefighters: application of the Health Belief Model [poster]
  • Population-based outreach vs usual care to prevent suicide attempt: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial [poster]
  • The mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the relationship between chronic pain and suicide death [poster]
  • Assessing trends in smoking cessation in diverse patient populations using electronic medical records [poster]
  • Assessing trends in smoking cessation in diverse patient populations using electronic medical records [poster]
  • Final results from a study of the implementation of the collaborative care model for primary care of depression (DIAMOND) in 76 clinics in Minnesota [poster]
  • Calcium and vitamin d supplementation and cognitive impairment in the Women's Health Initiative [poster]
  • Examining health service utilization in the year prior to suicide death [poster]
  • How to engage patients and clinicians as research partners, and have fun, too [poster]
  • The utility of internet recruitment in achieving a representative patient sample: the BRINK Memory Study [poster]
  • Use of CER hub to evaluate outcomes of smoking cessation services, a behavioral treatment [poster]
  • Use of antidepressants and suicide attempts in young patients following FDA warnings [poster]
  • COMPASS: evaluating an evolving and spreading innovation [poster]
  • DIAMOND: what predicts poor response to usual depression treatment in primary care? [poster]
  • Integrating patient and clinician perspectives in the TransforMN study [poster]
  • Are improvements in clinic practice systems associated with improvements in quality outcomes [poster]?
  • DIAMOND Study: an innovative observational design model for patient-centered comparative effectiveness research [poster]
  • Which patient characteristics predict response and remission to usual primary care of depression [poster]?
  • The DIAMOND Study [poster]
  • The impact of an HPV (human papillomavirus) upon strategies for cervical cancer screening [poster]
  • Review
  • Factors associated with increased health care utilization for patients with dementia with Lewy bodies: a narrative review [review]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2024
  • Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: updated evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force [systematic review]
    JAMA. 2020
  • The role of the patient-centered medical home in treating depression [review]
    Current psychiatry reports. 2020
  • Priorities Wizard: multisite web-based primary care clinical decision support improved chronic care outcomes with high use rates and high clinician satisfaction rates [review]
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Harnessing centred identity transformation to reduce executive function burden for maintenance of health behaviour change: the Maintain IT model [review]
    Health Psychology Review. 2018
  • Family caregiving for persons with heart failure at the intersection of heart failure and palliative care: a state-of-the-science review [review]
    Heart Failure Reviews. 2017
  • Primary care screening for and treatment of depression in pregnant and postpartum women: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force [meta-analysis, review, systematic review]
    JAMA. 2016
  • The impact of relationship quality on health-related outcomes in heart failure patients and informal family caregivers: an integrative review [review]
    Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2015
  • Use of electronic health records to support smoking cessation [meta-analysis, review, systematic review]
    The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2014
  • Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [review, systematic review]
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013
  • Use of antipsychotic medications in pediatric populations: what do the data say [review]?
    Current psychiatry reports. 2013
  • Electronic medical records to increase the clinical treatment of tobacco dependence: a systematic review [review, systematic review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2010
  • Clinical preventive services for adolescents [review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009
  • Prioritizing clinical preventive services: a review and framework with implications for community preventive services [review]
    Annual Review of Public Health. 2009
  • Primary care intervention to reduce alcohol misuse ranking its health impact and cost effectiveness [review, systematic review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008
  • Policy Briefs
  • Comparing change in systolic blood pressure with clinic-based care versus telehealth care in a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial (Hyperlink 3) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Comparing two approaches to implementing suicide risk identification models [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Demographic and psychosocial factors associated with suicide mortality among childbearing-age individuals: a case-control study [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Health diagnoses and service utilization in the year prior to youth and young adult suicide [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Trauma diagnoses and risk for suicide mortality in a health system patient population [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • A web-based clinical decision support system (Wizard) increases appropriate cardiometabolic diagnostic coding at primary care visits [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Variation in care improvement opportunities suggests need for tailored clinician-specific improvement interventions [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Opioid prescribing during pregnancy: eight-year secular trends at HealthPartners Medical Group [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2017
  • Antidepressant adherence across diverse populations and health care settings [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients receiving opioid therapy during pregnancy [abstract]
    Pharmacotherapy. 2016
  • Implementing collaborative care management for depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease across eight health care systems [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Integrating technology into mental health intervention trials [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • A candidate gene study of genetic risk for dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in women aged >65 years: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) [abstract]
    Alzheimer's & dementia. 2014
  • Quick Info