
The goal of our Center for Chronic Care Innovation is to improve the quality of chronic disease care and prevention. We conduct clinical trials and observational studies focusing on hypertension, diabetes, depression, and other chronic diseases. We translate research evidence into practice, including through the use of clinical decision support (CDS).

  • CCCI
  • Affiliation
    Faculty Position
  • Appana, Deepa, Director, Institute Technology 2007 -
  • Crain, Lauren, PhD, Sr. Research Investigator & Statistician 2001 -
  • Ekstrom, Heidi L., Principal Project Manager
  • Kharbanda, Elyse O., MD, MPH, Sr. Investigator 2010 -
  • Margolis, Karen L., MD, MPH, Sr. Investigator
  • McKinney, Zeke, MD, MHI, MPH, Research Investigator
  • O'Connor, Patrick J., MD, MA, MPH, Sr. Investigator
  • Rossom, Rebecca C., MD, MS, Sr. Investigator
  • Solberg, Leif I., MD, Senior Investigator 1992 -
  • Vazquez-Benitez, Gabriela, PhD, MS, Senior Research Investigator & Statistician 2010 -
  • Publications While At HealthPartners
    selected publications
    Journal Article
  • "I'm torn": qualitative analysis of dental practitioner-perceived barriers, facilitators, and solutions to HPV vaccine promotion
    Healthcare. 2024
  • 18 Years - VISION and IVY Networks, September 2023-January 2024
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2024
  • A CKD clinical decision support system: a cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care clinics
    Kidney Med. 2024
  • A learning health system to generate and accelerate innovation: the HealthPartners Institute
    NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv. 2024
  • Adolescents who do not endorse risk via the Patient Health Questionnaire before self-harm or suicide
    JAMA psychiatry. 2024
  • An electronic teen questionnaire, the eTeenQ, for risk behavior screening during adolescent well visits in an integrated health system: development and pilot implementation
    JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2024
  • Applying meaning and self-determination theory to the development of a web-based mHealth physical activity intervention: proof-of-concept pilot study
    JMIR formative research. 2024
  • Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant and recently pregnant individuals
    JAMA network open. 2024
  • Automated vs. manual coding of neuroimaging reports via natural language processing, using the international classification of diseases, tenth revision
    Heliyon. 2024
  • Barriers and facilitators to using a clinical decision support tool for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2024
  • COVID-19 vaccination in the first trimester and major structural birth defects among live births
    JAMA pediatrics. 2024
  • Case series of patients with acute and chronic urticaria after COVID-19 vaccination
    Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. 2024
  • Characterisation and validation of lactation information from structured electronic health records for use in pharmacoepidemiological studies
    Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2024
  • Clinical epidemiology and risk factors for critical outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated adults hospitalized with COVID-19-VISION Network, 10 states, June 2021-March 2023
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2024
  • Clozapine use among people with psychotic disorders who experience specific indications for clozapine
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2024
  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination and stillbirth in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024
  • Cumulative environmental stress and emerging cardiometabolic risk during childhood
    Pediatric Obesity. 2024
  • Impact of opioid dose reductions on patient-reported mental health and suicide-related behavior and relationship to patient choice in tapering decisions
    Journal of Pain. 2024
  • Improving assessment of adherence behaviors and drivers: targeted literature review and concept elicitation interviews in multiple countries and disease populations
    Patient preference and adherence. 2024
  • Influenza vaccination accuracy among adults: self-report compared with electronic health record data
    Vaccine. 2024
  • Interim estimates of 2023-24 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness - United States
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2024
  • Is hypertension diagnostic testing and diagnosis associated with psychological distress?
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2024
  • LiveWell, a smartphone-based self-management intervention for bipolar disorder: intervention participation and usability analysis
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy links to childhood blood pressure through birth weight and body mass index: NHANES 1999-2018
    Journal of Human Hypertension. 2024
  • Mortality risk after COVID-19 vaccination: a self-controlled case series study
    Vaccine. 2024
  • Obstetric complications and birth outcomes after antenatal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024
  • Patient experiences and perceptions of care coordination in primary care
    Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2024
  • Patient perspectives on mental health and pain management support needed versus received during opioid deprescribing
    Journal of Pain. 2024
  • Predicting suicide death after emergency department visits with mental health or self-harm diagnoses
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2024
  • Protocol of a patient randomized clinical trial to improve medication adherence in primary care
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2024
  • Psychotherapy disruption before and after the transition to virtual mental health care induced by the COVID-19 pandemic
    Psychiatric Services. 2024
  • Race and ethnicity and pharmacy dispensing of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes
    Lancet Reg Health Am. 2024
  • Racial-ethnic differences in receipt of past-year health care services among suicide decedents: a case-control study
    Psychiatric Services. 2024
  • Reduced disruption in psychotherapy visits among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
    American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2024
  • Relationship of blood pressure, health behaviors, and new diagnosis and control of hypertension in the BP-CHECK Study
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2024
  • Short report: transition to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision and the prevalence of autism in a cohort of healthcare systems
    Autism. 2024
  • The impact of stimulant medications on blood pressure and body mass index in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    Academic Pediatrics. 2024
  • The impact of text messaging to promote patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) completion in orthopedic practice: findings from a randomized controlled study
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2024
  • The rapid shift to virtual mental health care: examining psychotherapy disruption by rurality status
    Journal of Rural Health. 2024
  • The role of care coordination: a qualitative study of care coordinator perceptions
    Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2024
  • Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pancreatic cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2024
  • Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 related hospitalizations in people who had experienced homelessness or incarceration - findings from the Minnesota EHR Consortium
    Journal of Community Health. 2024
  • 30-year cardiovascular disease risk for young adults with serious mental illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2023
  • A broad assessment of COVID-19 vaccine safety using tree-based data-mining in the vaccine safety datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • A randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce stigma toward people with opioid use disorder among primary care clinicians
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2023
  • A safety study evaluating non-COVID-19 mortality risk following COVID-19 vaccination
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Acceptability and adherence to home, kiosk, and clinic blood pressure measurement compared to 24-H ambulatory monitoring
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2023
  • Active postlicensure safety surveillance for recombinant zoster vaccine using electronic health record data
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2023
  • Adapting a clinical decision support system to improve identification of pediatric hypertension in a rural health system: design of a pragmatic trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2023
  • Adoption of shared decision-making and clinical decision support for reducing cardiovascular disease risk in community health centers
    JAMIA open. 2023
  • All-cause mortality after hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic emergencies among U.S. adults with diabetes, 2011-2020
    Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2023
  • Are people who die by intentional medication poisoning dispensed those medications in the year prior to death?
    Archives of suicide research. 2023
  • Assessing the differential item functioning of PHQ-9 items for diverse racial and ethnic adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder diagnoses: a retrospective cohort study
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2023
  • Assessment of disruptive life events for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder using data from a consumer credit reporting agency
    JAMA psychiatry. 2023
  • Association between CKD and major hemorrhage in older persons: data from the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly Randomized Trial
    Kidney international reports. 2023
  • Association between adverse social determinants of health and suicide death
    Medical Care. 2023
  • Beyond clinical outcomes: case control study of the role of race in disruptive life events for people with serious mental illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2023
  • COVID-19 booster vaccination in early pregnancy and surveillance for spontaneous abortion
    JAMA network open. 2023
  • COVID-19 impacts on primary care clinic care management processes
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2023
  • COVID-19 vaccine safety surveillance in early pregnancy in the United States: design factors affecting the association between vaccine and spontaneous abortion
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2023
  • Cancer and psychiatric diagnoses in the year preceding suicide
    Cancer medicine. 2023
  • Care coordination in primary care: mapping the territory
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2023
  • Care management processes important for high-quality diabetes care
    Diabetes care. 2023
  • Challenges & opportunities for the epidemiological evaluation of the effects of COVID-19 vaccination on reproduction and pregnancy
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Clinician experiences with telepsychiatry collaborative care for posttraumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Complex modeling with detailed temporal predictors does not improve health records-based suicide risk prediction
    NPJ digital medicine. 2023
  • Describing racial disparity in hypertension control in a large Minnesota outpatient practice
    Health services research and managerial epidemiology. 2023
  • Design of a pragmatic clinical trial to improve screening and treatment for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2023
  • Diagnosed posttraumatic stress disorder and other trauma-associated stress disorders and risk for suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Differential effects of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk for patients with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2023
  • Does clinical decision support increase appropriate medication prescribing for cardiovascular risk reduction?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2023
  • Effects of a smartphone-based self-management intervention for individuals with bipolar disorder on relapse, symptom burden, and quality of life: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA psychiatry. 2023
  • Evaluation of preferred language and timing of COVID-19 vaccine uptake and disease outcomes
    JAMA network open. 2023
  • Health care utilization: finding the right balance [cover story]
    Minn Physician. 2023
  • Health diagnoses and service utilization in the year before youth and young adult suicide
    Psychiatric Services. 2023
  • Household income, cortisol, and obesity during early childhood: a prospective longitudinal study
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2023
  • Identification of cancer chemotherapy regimens and patient cohorts in administrative claims: challenges, opportunities, and a proposed algorithm
    Journal of Medical Economics. 2023
  • Impact of accounting for correlation between COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in a COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness evaluation using a test-negative design
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Influenza vaccination among pregnant people before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023
  • Influenza vaccination among pregnant women: self-report compared with vaccination data from electronic health records, 2018-2020 influenza seasons
    Public Health Reports. 2023
  • Influenza vaccination during pregnancy and risk of selected major structural congenital heart defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study 2006-2011
    Birth defects research. 2023
  • Is there room for individual patient-specified preferences in the patient-reported outcome measurement revolution?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2023
  • Lived experience-led research agenda to address early death in people with a diagnosis of a serious mental illness: a consensus statement
    JAMA network open. 2023
  • Medically attended acute adverse events in pregnant people after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) booster vaccination
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023
  • Minnesota data sharing may be model for near-real-time tracking of drug overdose hospital and ED trends
    Health Affairs. 2023
  • Primary care physician beliefs and practices regarding blood pressure measurement: results from BP-CHECK qualitative interviews
    BMC Prim Care. 2023
  • Prolonged disability following re-exposure after complete recovery from aerotoxic syndrome: a case report
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023
  • Protection of two and three mRNA vaccine doses against severe outcomes among adults hospitalized with COVID-19--VISION Network, August 2021 to March 2022
    Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2023
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women in the United States: the contribution of vaccine-related attitudes
    Preventive Medicine. 2023
  • Rates of hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic emergencies among U.S. adults with diabetes, 2011-2020
    Diabetes care. 2023
  • Relationships between social vulnerability and coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination coverage and vaccine effectiveness
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2023
  • Safety signal identification for COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccination using tree-based scan statistics in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Successful change management strategies for improving diabetes care delivery among high-performing practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2023
  • Suicide attempts after bariatric surgery: comparison to a nonsurgical cohort of individuals with severe obesity
    Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2023
  • Tdap vaccination during pregnancy and risk of chorioamnionitis and related infant outcomes
    Vaccine. 2023
  • The development and initial feasibility testing of D-HOMES: a behavioral activation-based intervention for diabetes medication adherence and psychological wellness among people experiencing homelessness
    Frontiers in Psychology. 2023
  • The impact of COVID-19 on patients receiving care coordination in primary care: a qualitative study
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2023
  • The most common medications dispensed to lactating persons: an electronic health record-based approach
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2023
  • The potential impact of clinical decision support on nonwaivered primary care clinicians' prescribing of buprenorphine
    Health Aff Sch. 2023
  • Tree-based data mining for safety assessment of first COVID-19 booster doses in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Understanding COVID-19 health disparities with birth country and language data
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2023
  • Understanding TBI as a risk factor versus a means of suicide death using electronic health record data
    Archives of suicide research. 2023
  • A smartphone-based self-management intervention for individuals with bipolar disorder (LiveWell): empirical and theoretical framework, intervention design, and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    JMIR research protocols. 2022
  • Accelerometer-measured daily steps, physical function, and subsequent fall risk in older women: the Objective Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Women Study
    Journal of aging and physical activity. 2022
  • Accuracy of ICD-10-CM encounter diagnoses from health records for identifying self-harm events
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2022
  • Adjusting for variation in patient-reported outcome measures is needed to improve care after total knee arthroplasty
    Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2022
  • Antibiotics prior to age 2 years have limited association with preschool growth trajectory
    International Journal of Obesity (2005). 2022
  • Assessing the implementation of a clinical decision support tool in primary care for diabetes prevention: a qualitative interview study using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Science
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2022
  • Association of an automated blood pressure measurement quality improvement program with terminal digit preference and recorded mean blood pressure in 11 clinics
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Association of the COVID-19 pandemic with routine childhood vaccination rates and proportion up to date with vaccinations across 8 US health systems in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    JAMA pediatrics. 2022
  • Automated office blood pressure and the impact of attendance and rest on diagnostic accuracy
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2022
  • BestFIT Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial results: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatment sequences
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2022
  • Blood pressure checks for diagnosing hypertension: health professionals' knowledge, beliefs, and practices
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • Bolstering the business case for adoption of shared decision-making systems in primary care: randomized controlled trial
    JMIR formative research. 2022
  • COVID-19 vaccination of people experiencing homelessness and incarceration in Minnesota
    Health Affairs. 2022
  • Cardiovascular disease preventive services among smaller primary care practices
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022
  • Cardiovascular risk for patients with and without schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022
  • Characteristics of state legislation addressing prescription drug price increases in the United States, 2020
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Clinic, home, and kiosk blood pressure measurements for diagnosing hypertension: a randomized diagnostic study
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Clinical decision support with or without shared decision making to improve preventive cancer care: a cluster-randomized trial
    Medical Decision Making. 2022
  • Clinical implementation of suicide risk prediction models in healthcare: a qualitative study
    BMC psychiatry. 2022
  • Clinician perceptions of a clinical decision support system to reduce cardiovascular risk among prediabetes patients in a predominantly rural healthcare system
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2022
  • Comparing pharmacist-led telehealth care and clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure: the Hyperlink 3 pragmatic cluster-randomized trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • Comparison of explanatory and pragmatic design choices in a cluster-randomized hypertension trial: effects on enrollment, participant characteristics, and adherence
    Trials. 2022
  • Connecting research and practice: implementation of suicide prevention strategies in learning health care systems
    Psychiatric Services. 2022
  • Depression and cardiovascular risk in primary care patients
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022
  • Detecting and distinguishing indicators of risk for suicide using clinical records
    Translational psychiatry. 2022
  • Diabetes care quality: do large medical groups perform better?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2022
  • Differences in the association between oral glucocorticoids and risk of preterm birth by data source: reconciling the results
    Arthritis Care & Research. 2022
  • Differences in the prevalence of screen-detected depression after acute coronary syndrome between health systems in the USA: findings from CODIACS-QoL randomized controlled trial
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Early estimates of bivalent mRNA vaccine effectiveness in preventing COVID-19-associated emergency department or urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among immunocompetent adults - VISION Network, nine states, September-November 2022
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022
  • Effect of clinical decision support at community health centers on the risk of cardiovascular disease: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Effect of clinical decision support on cardiovascular risk among adults with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Effect of offering care management or online dialectical behavior therapy skills training vs usual care on self-harm among adult outpatients with suicidal ideation: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2022
  • Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 second doses and boosters for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and SARS-CoV-2-related hospitalizations: a statewide report from the Minnesota Electronic Health Record Consortium
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2022
  • Effectiveness of homologous and heterologous COVID-19 booster doses following 1 Ad.26.COV2.S (Janssen [Johnson & Johnson]) vaccine dose against COVID-19-associated emergency department and urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among adults - VISION Network, 10 states, December 2021-March 2022
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022
  • Effectiveness of stepped depression care among patients with screen-identified depression after acute coronary syndromes: a secondary analysis of the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2022
  • Estimation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine effectiveness against medically attended COVID-19 in pregnancy during periods of Delta and Omicron variant predominance in the United States
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Evaluation of acute adverse events after Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2022
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with altered abundance of exosomal microRNAs in human milk
    Clinical Therapeutics. 2022
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with differences in human milk hormone and cytokine concentrations in a fully breastfeeding United States cohort
    Nutrients. 2022
  • How does prior experience pay off in large-scale quality improvement initiatives?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • How to make up for rotavirus vaccination missed during the COVID-19 pandemic?-Reply
    JAMA pediatrics. 2022
  • How type of practice ownership affects participation with quality improvement external facilitation: findings from EvidenceNOW
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Human papillomavirus vaccination clinical decision support for young adults in an upper midwestern healthcare system: a clinic cluster-randomized control trial
    Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2022
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes care delivery
    Clinical Diabetes. 2022
  • Implementing a prediabetes clinical decision support system in a large primary care system: design, methods, and pre-implementation results
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022
  • Influenza vaccination during pregnancy and risk of selected major structural noncardiac birth defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study 2006-2011
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022
  • Introducing mass communications strategies to medical students: a novel short session for fourth-year students
    Academic Medicine. 2022
  • Is shared decision-making associated with better patient-reported outcomes? A longitudinal study of patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2022
  • Is the promise of PROMs being realized? Implementation experience in a large orthopedic practice
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2022
  • Kidney-metabolic factors associated with cognitive impairment in chronic kidney disease: a pilot study
    American Journal of Nephrology. 2022
  • Law enforcement violence in the black community: a catalyst for clinician engagement in social justice
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and kidney function in participants of the ASPREE Trial
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2022
  • Machine learning prediction of suicide risk does not identify patients without traditional risk factors
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2022
  • Minnesota Electronic Health Record Consortium COVID-19 Project: informing pandemic response through statewide collaboration using observational data
    Public Health Reports. 2022
  • Modernizing diabetes care quality measures
    Health Affairs. 2022
  • Monitoring vaccine safety using the Vaccine Safety Datalink: assessing capacity to integrate data from Immunization Information systems
    Vaccine. 2022
  • Opioid-related variables did not improve suicide risk prediction models in samples with mental health diagnoses
    J Affect Disord Rep. 2022
  • Patient and clinician perspectives on two telemedicine approaches for treating patients with mental health disorders in underserved areas
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • Patient expectations of and experiences with a suicide risk identification algorithm in clinical practice
    BMC psychiatry. 2022
  • Patient perspectives on opioid risk discussions in primary care
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2022
  • Point: uncertainty about estimating the risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy
    Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2022
  • Prescription stimulant use during long-term opioid therapy and risk for opioid use disorder
    Drug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2022
  • Primary care clinicians' opinions before and after implementation of cancer screening and prevention clinical decision support in a clinic cluster-randomized control trial: a survey research study
    BMC Health Services Research. 2022
  • Qualitative interviews to support development and cognitive debriefing of the Adelphi Adherence Questionnaire (ADAQ©): a patient-reported measure of medication adherence developed for use in a range of diseases, treatment modalities, and countries
    Patient preference and adherence. 2022
  • Quality and team care response to the pandemic stresses in high performing primary care practices: a qualitative study
    PloS One. 2022
  • Race/ethnicity and age associations with hair cortisol concentrations among children studied longitudinally from early through middle childhood
    Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022
  • Reach in a pragmatic hypertension trial: a critical RE-AIM component
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022
  • Receipt of COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy and preterm or small-for-gestational-age at birth - eight integrated health care organizations, United States, December 15, 2020-July 22, 2021
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022
  • Relative risks of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations and clinical outcomes by age and race/ethnicity-March 2020-March 2021
    Open forum infectious diseases. 2022
  • Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccination
    Vaccine. 2022
  • Safety and tolerability of high-dose daily vitamin D(3) supplementation in the vitamin D and type 2 diabetes (D2d) study-a randomized trial in persons with prediabetes
    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2022
  • Safety of COVID-19 vaccination in United States children ages 5 to 11 years
    Pediatrics. 2022
  • Sex differences in comorbid mental and substance use disorders among primary care patients with opioid use disorder
    Psychiatric Services. 2022
  • Strategies for dose optimization: views from health care systems
    Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2022
  • Suicide deaths before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: an interrupted time-series study
    Medical Care. 2022
  • The effect of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk in patients with prediabetes: a secondary analysis of the D2d study
    Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2022
  • The effects of major disruptions on practice participation in facilitation during a primary care quality improvement initiative
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • The relationship between depressive symptoms and subtypes of mild cognitive impairment in post-menopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2022
  • Using advanced racial and ethnic identity demographics to improve surveillance of work-related conditions in an occupational clinic setting
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2022
  • Variation in mean arterial pressure increases falls risk in elderly physically frail and prefrail individuals treated with antihypertensive medication
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • What do orthopaedists believe is needed for incorporating patient-reported outcome measures into clinical care? A qualitative study
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2022
  • "I know my body better than you:" patient focus groups to inform a decision aid on oral corticosteroid use during pregnancy
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021
  • A mini-epidemic of suspected contact dermatitis to Delta Airlines uniforms
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • A pilot study of the functionality and clinician acceptance of a clinical decision support tool to improve primary care of opioid use disorder
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2021
  • A randomized trial of medical cannabis in patients with stage IV cancers to assess feasibility, dose requirements, impact on pain and opioid use, safety, and overall patient satisfaction
    Supportive Care in Cancer. 2021
  • A taxonomy for external support for practice transformation
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Association of cardiovascular outcomes and mortality with sustained long-acting insulin only vs long-acting plus short-acting insulin treatment
    JAMA network open. 2021
  • Association of inadvertent 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine in pregnancy with spontaneous abortion and adverse birth outcomes
    JAMA network open. 2021
  • Barriers to CT dose optimization: the challenge of organizational change
    Academic Radiology. 2021
  • COVID-19 vaccination coverage among insured persons aged ≥16 years, by race/ethnicity and other selected characteristics - eight integrated health care organizations, United States, December 14, 2020-May 15, 2021
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness of firefighters: initial results of a multi-phased study
    Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2021
  • Clinician perceptions about a decision support system to identify and manage opioid use disorder
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Comparison of medical school financing plans among matriculating US medical students from 2017 to 2019
    JAMA network open. 2021
  • Comparisons between patients diagnosed with PTSD in primary care versus mental health care in five large civilian health care systems
    Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2021
  • Cultural and structural features of zero-burnout primary care practices
    Health Affairs. 2021
  • Design and rationale of an intervention to improve cancer prevention using clinical decision support and shared decision making: a clinic-randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2021
  • Developing algorithms for identifying major structural birth defects using automated electronic health data
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021
  • Economic outcomes of depression screening after acute coronary syndromes: the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2021
  • Effect of clinical decision support on diagnostic imaging for pediatric appendicitis: a cluster randomized trial
    JAMA network open. 2021
  • Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines in ambulatory and inpatient care settings
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2021
  • Evaluation of electronic health record-based suicide risk prediction models on contemporary data
    Applied Clinical Informatics. 2021
  • Experiences and perceptions of patients with uncontrolled hypertension who are dissatisfied with their hypertension care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Human milk glucose, leptin, and insulin predict cessation of full breastfeeding and initiation of formula use
    Breastfeeding Medicine. 2021
  • Incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease within the Vaccine Safety Datalink network and evaluation of association with rotavirus vaccination
    Vaccine. 2021
  • Inequities in hypertension control in the United States exposed and exacerbated by COVID-19 and the role of home blood pressure and virtual health care during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021
  • Infant sex differences in human milk intake and composition from 1- to 3-month post-delivery in a healthy United States cohort
    Annals of Human Biology. 2021
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and risk of cognitive decline and dementia among older adults
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021
  • Major GI bleeding in older persons using aspirin: incidence and risk factors in the ASPREE randomised controlled trial
    Gut. 2021
  • Maternal dietary intake of total fat, saturated fat, and added sugar is associated with infant adiposity and weight status at 6 mo of age
    Journal of Nutrition. 2021
  • Oral corticosteroids and risk of preterm birth in the California Medicaid program
    The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice. 2021
  • Patient perceptions of using clinical decision support for cancer screening and prevention: "I wouldn't have thought about getting screened without it."
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Peer and non-peer academic scientists and peer support specialist community of practice: stakeholder engagement to advance the science of peer support
    Proc IEEE Glob Humanit Technol Conf. 2021
  • Personalized outcomes for hip and knee replacement: the patient's point of view
    Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2021
  • Population characteristics, use, and spending on sole-source, off-patent drugs among commercial insurance members in the United States—an analysis of outpatient claims data at a single health plan
    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2021
  • Pragmatic clinic randomized trial to improve chronic kidney disease care: design and adaptation due to COVID disruptions
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2021
  • Predicting suicide attempts and suicide deaths among adolescents following outpatient visits
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
  • Prediction of suicidal behavior using self-reported suicidal ideation among patients with bipolar disorder
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
  • Prevalence and medication treatment of opioid use disorder among primary care patients with hepatitis C and HIV
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021
  • Primary care physician perspectives on using team care in clinical practice
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021
  • Receipt of medications for opioid use disorder among youth engaged in primary care: data from 6 health systems
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2021
  • Recent trends in cardiovascular disease deaths: a state specific perspective
    BMC public health. 2021
  • Risk patterns and mortality in postmenopausal women using latent class analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021
  • Serious suicide attempts and risk of suicide death
    Crisis. 2021
  • Shots in shops: dispelling COVID-19 misinformation in underrepresented communities
    ACOEM (American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine) Quarterly. 2021
  • Sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors associated with hyperglycemic crises among adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in the US from 2014 to 2020
    JAMA network open. 2021
  • Spontaneous abortion following COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy
    JAMA. 2021
  • Strategies and factors associated with top performance in primary care for diabetes: insights from a mixed methods study
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Suicide behavior following PHQ-9 screening among individuals with substance use disorders
    Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2021
  • Surveillance for adverse events after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination
    JAMA. 2021
  • Temporal trends in undervaccination: a population-based cohort study
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021
  • The childhood vaccination schedule and the lack of association with type 1 diabetes
    Pediatrics. 2021
  • The impact of patient-centered medical home certification on quality of care for patients with diabetes
    Health Services Research. 2021
  • The impact of personalized clinical decision support on primary care patients' views of cancer prevention and screening: a cross-sectional survey
    BMC Health Services Research. 2021
  • Using a brief tool to assess healthy school environments: a pilot study
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2021
  • Utility of item 9 of the patient health questionnaire in the prospective identification of adolescents at risk of suicide attempt
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 2021
  • Vaccine Safety Datalink infrastructure enhancements for evaluating the safety of maternal vaccination
    Therapeutic advances in drug safety. 2021
  • Weighing the association between BMI change and suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2021
  • What makes care coordination work best?
    Minnesota Family Physician. 2021
  • What's important: postoperative care planning. Recognizing the central role of pets in many patients' lives
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2021
  • An analysis of changes in emergency department visits after a state declaration during the time of COVID-19
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2020
  • Antihypertensive medication use and blood pressure control among treated older adults
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2020
  • Association between post-stroke disability and 5-year hip-fracture risk: The Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2020
  • Association between rotavirus vaccination and type 1 diabetes in children
    JAMA pediatrics. 2020
  • Association between suicide death and concordance with benzodiazepine treatment guidelines for anxiety and sleep disorders
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2020
  • Barriers, facilitators, and potential solutions to advancing interoperable clinical decision support: multi-stakeholder consensus recommendations for the opioid use case
    AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium. 2020
  • Birth and early developmental screening outcomes associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy
    Journal of Perinatology. 2020
  • COVID-19 trials protect human rights
    Minnesota Spokesman Recorder. 2020
  • Cardiovascular events and costs with home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management for uncontrolled hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Challenges involved in establishing a web-based clinical decision support tool in community health centers
    Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020
  • Characteristics and price increases among sole-source, off-patent drugs in the United States, 2008 to 2018
    JAMA network open. 2020
  • Chronic pain diagnoses and opioid dispensings among insured individuals with serious mental illness
    BMC psychiatry. 2020
  • Clinical decision support for recognizing and managing hypertensive blood pressure in youth: no significant impact on medical costs
    Academic Pediatrics. 2020
  • Comparison of mortality and major cardiovascular events among adults with type 2 diabetes using human vs analogue insulins
    JAMA network open. 2020
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of single-component and multicomponent interventions for reducing radiation doses in patients undergoing computed tomography: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2020
  • Design of a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial comparing telehealth care and best practice clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Diagnostic performance of emergency physician gestalt for predicting acute appendicitis in patients age 5 to 20 years
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2020
  • Differences in diabetes care with and without certification as a medical home
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2020
  • Documented opioid use disorder and its treatment in primary care patients across six U.S. health systems
    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2020
  • Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine pediatric vaccine ordering and administration - United States, 2020
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020
  • Evaluating the association of stillbirths after maternal vaccination in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020
  • Factors associated with treatment and control of hypertension in a healthy elderly population free of cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Impact of the 2017 American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology hypertension guideline in aged individuals
    Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Improving hypertension recognition in adolescents, a small but important first step in cardiovascular disease prevention
    Academic Pediatrics. 2020
  • Institutional racism in medicine: from institutional to personal
    Minn Physician. 2020
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and risk of cardiovascular disease events among community-dwelling elderly
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Methods to identify and prioritize research projects and perform embedded research in learning healthcare systems
    Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020
  • Oral corticosteroid use during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth
    Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 2020
  • Organizational factors and quality improvement strategies associated with lower radiation dose from CT examinations
    Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2020
  • Pragmatic trial design of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk in people with serious mental illness
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Pre-implementation adaptation of primary care cancer prevention clinical decision support in a predominantly rural healthcare system
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2020
  • Predictors of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia in individuals with diabetes: a classification and regression tree analysis
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2020
  • Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems
    Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2020
  • Provider contributions to disparities in mental health care
    Psychiatric Services. 2020
  • Redesigning primary care to improve diabetes outcomes (the UNITED Study)
    Diabetes care. 2020
  • SARS-CoV-2 infection among hospitalized pregnant women: reasons for admission and pregnancy characteristics - eight U.S. health care centers, March 1-May 30, 2020
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020
  • Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home: a joint policy statement from the American Heart Association and American Medical Association
    Circulation. 2020
  • Substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2020
  • The Women's Health Initiative Estrogen-Alone trial had differential disease and medical expenditure consequences across age groups
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2020
  • The effect of depression and rurality on diabetes control
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020
  • The effects of financial incentives on diabetes prevention program attendance and weight loss among low-income patients: the We Can Prevent Diabetes cluster-randomized controlled trial
    BMC public health. 2020
  • What outcomes matter to patients after joint or spine surgery?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2020
  • A candidate gene study of risk for dementia in older, postmenopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2019
  • Accuracy of self-reported weight in the Women's Health Initiative
    Public Health Nutrition. 2019
  • Analysis of computed tomography radiation doses used for lung cancer screening scans
    JAMA internal medicine. 2019
  • Are wishes for death or suicidal ideation symptoms of depression in older adults?
    Aging & mental health. 2019
  • Assessing and minimizing re-identification risk in research data derived from health care records
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Association of full breastfeeding duration with postpartum weight retention in a cohort of predominantly breastfeeding women
    Nutrients. 2019
  • Barriers and facilitators to implementing cancer prevention clinical decision support in primary care: a qualitative study
    BMC Health Services Research. 2019
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): design and methods of a randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, kiosk, and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • Current status and future directions for electronic point-of-care clinical decision support to improve diabetes management in primary care
    Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2019
  • Development of a clinical decision support system for pediatric abdominal pain in emergency department settings across two health systems within the HCSRN
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Diagnosed mental health conditions and risk of suicide mortality
    Psychiatric Services. 2019
  • Does ownership make a difference in primary care practice?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2019
  • Effect of depression screening after acute coronary syndromes on quality of life: the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2019
  • Higher maternal diet quality during pregnancy and lactation is associated with lower infant weight-for-length, body fat percent, and fat mass in early postnatal life
    Nutrients. 2019
  • Hypertension treatment and control and risk of falls in older women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2019
  • Impact of updated pediatric hypertension guidelines on progression from elevated blood pressure to hypertension in a community-based primary care population
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2019
  • Maternal antibiotic use during pregnancy and childhood obesity at age 5 years
    International Journal of Obesity (2005). 2019
  • Occupational medicine clinical practice data reveal increased injury rates among Hispanic workers
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2019
  • PCSK9 inhibitor use in the real world: data From the National Patient-Centered Research Network
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2019
  • Physical activity and weight gain after smoking cessation in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2019
  • Predicting suicide attempts for racial and ethnic groups of patients during routine clinical care
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 2019
  • Principles and procedures for data and safety monitoring in pragmatic clinical trials
    Trials. 2019
  • Rationale, design, and baseline data for a multicenter randomized clinical trial comparing depression screening strategies after acute coronary syndrome: the Comparison of Depression Identification after Acute Coronary Syndromes-Quality of Life and Cost Outcomes (CODIACS-QOL) trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • Relationship of maternal weight status before, during, and after pregnancy with breast milk hormone concentrations
    Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2019
  • Safety of guidelines recommending live attenuated influenza vaccine for routine use in children and adolescents with asthma
    Vaccine. 2019
  • Self-reported suicidal ideation as a predictor of suicidal behavior among outpatients with diagnoses of psychotic disorders
    Psychiatric Services. 2019
  • Similar relative risks of seizures following measles containing vaccination in children born preterm compared to full-term without previous seizures or seizure-related disorders
    Vaccine. 2019
  • Smoking cessation, weight gain, and risk of stroke among postmenopausal women
    Preventive Medicine. 2019
  • Study to promote innovation in rural integrated telepsychiatry (SPIRIT): rationale and design of a randomized comparative effectiveness trial of managing complex psychiatric disorders in rural primary care clinics
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • Text message alerts to emergency physicians identifying potential study candidates increase clinical trial enrollment
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019
  • The Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids 5-10 Obesity Prevention Trial: 12 and 24-month outcomes
    Pediatric Obesity. 2019
  • The mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the relationship between nonmalignant chronic pain and suicide death
    Pain practice. 2019
  • Understanding primary care providers' perceptions of cancer prevention and screening in a predominantly rural healthcare system in the upper Midwest
    BMC Health Services Research. 2019
  • Uptake and safety of hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Vaccine. 2019
  • Validation of the Pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC) in a community emergency department setting
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2019
  • Variation in patterns of health care before suicide: a population case-control study
    Preventive Medicine. 2019
  • What health records data are required for accurate prediction of suicidal behavior?
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019
  • Add-on antihypertensive medications to angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers in diabetes: a comparative effectiveness study
    Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2018
  • Association between bariatric surgery and macrovascular disease outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and severe obesity
    JAMA. 2018
  • Breastfeeding history and risk of stroke among parous postmenopausal women in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018
  • Burnout among physicians, advanced practice clinicians and staff in smaller primary care practices
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018
  • Clinical decision support directed to primary care patients and providers reduces cardiovascular risk: a randomized trial
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018
  • Clinical decision support for recognition and management of hypertension: a randomized trial
    Pediatrics. 2018
  • Computer modeling of diabetes and its transparency: a report on the eighth Mount Hood challenge
    Value in Health. 2018
  • Cost-effectiveness of a community-based diabetes prevention program with participation incentives for medicaid beneficiaries
    Health Services Research. 2018
  • Dermatologic conditions and risk of suicide: a case-control study
    Psychosomatics. 2018
  • Development and validation of a novel Pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC)
    Pediatrics. 2018
  • Development of a standardized definition for clinically significant bleeding in the ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial
  • Does patient adherence to antidepressant medication actually vary between physicians?
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018
  • Economic evaluation of the home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist case management to control hypertension (Hyperlink) trial
    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on all-cause mortality in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on cardiovascular events and bleeding in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on disability-free survival in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Engaging primary care practices in studies of improvement: did you budget enough for practice recruitment?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Evaluation of an electronic clinical decision support tool for incident elevated BP in adolescents
    Academic Pediatrics. 2018
  • Evaluation of the pooled cohort risk equations for cardiovascular risk prediction in a multiethnic cohort from the Women's Health Initiative
    JAMA internal medicine. 2018
  • General medical, mental health, and demographic risk factors associated with suicide by firearm compared with other means
    Psychiatric Services. 2018
  • Genetic variants in sex hormone pathways and the risk of type 2 diabetes among African American, Hispanic American, and European American postmenopausal women in the US
    Journal of Diabetes. 2018
  • Impact of hormone therapy on Medicare spending in the Women's Health Initiative randomized clinical trials
    American Heart Journal. 2018
  • Implementation of care management: an analysis of recent AHRQ research
    Medical Care Research and Review. 2018
  • Improving health and well-being: connecting research and practice. The 24th Annual Conference of the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN)
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2018
  • Infant hospitalizations and mortality after maternal vaccination
    Pediatrics. 2018
  • Key components of success in a randomized trial of blood pressure telemonitoring with medication therapy management pharmacists
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2018
  • Large-scale implementation of collaborative care management for depression and diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes from repeated smoking cessation assistance in routine primary care
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes of the effects of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure among adults with uncontrolled hypertension: follow-up of a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2018
  • Mediators of weight loss maintenance in the Keep It Off Trial
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2018
  • Microvascular outcomes in patients with diabetes after bariatric surgery versus usual care: a matched cohort study
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2018
  • Multicomponent obesity prevention intervention in low-income preschoolers: primary and subgroup analyses of the NET-Works Randomized Clinical Trial, 2012-2017
    American Journal of Public Health. 2018
  • Near real-time surveillance for consequences of health policies using sequential analysis
    Medical Care. 2018
  • Opioid use during pregnancy, observations of opioid use, and secular trend from 2006 to 2014 at HealthPartners Medical Group
    Clinical Journal of Pain. 2018
  • Performance of the net reclassification improvement for nonnested models and a novel percentile-based alternative
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018
  • Pooled analysis of nine cohorts reveals breast cancer risk factors by tumor molecular subtype
    Cancer Research. 2018
  • Potentially preventable hospital and emergency department events: lessons from a large innovation project
    The Permanente journal. 2018
  • Practice facilitator strategies for addressing electronic health record data challenges for quality improvement: EvidenceNOW
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Predicting suicide attempts and suicide deaths following outpatient visits using electronic health records
    American Journal of Psychiatry. 2018
  • Prevalence and risk of severe cognitive impairment in advanced chronic kidney disease
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2018
  • Primary care practices' abilities and challenges in using electronic health record data for quality improvement
    Health Affairs. 2018
  • Priorities Wizard: chronic disease clinical decision support that works
    MetroDoctors. 2018
  • Racial disparities in family-provider interactions for pediatric asthma care
    Journal of Asthma. 2018
  • Recruiting practices for change initiatives is hard: findings from EvidenceNOW
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2018
  • Reducing diabetes distress and improving self-management with mindfulness
    Social Work in Health Care. 2018
  • Risk of spontaneous abortion after inadvertent human papillomavirus vaccination in pregnancy
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018
  • Taking innovation to scale in primary care practices: the functions of health care extension
    Health Affairs. 2018
  • Treatment initiation for new episodes of depression in primary care settings
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018
  • Understanding primary care provider attitudes and behaviors regarding cardiovascular disease risk and diabetes prevention in the northern midwest
    Clinical Diabetes. 2018
  • Uptake and safety of Hepatitis B vaccination during pregnancy: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Vaccine. 2018
  • Use of quality improvement strategies among small to medium-size US primary care practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2018
  • An uncommon mechanism for work-related total achilles tendon rupture
  • An uncommon mechanism of work-related partial-thickness triceps tear
  • Antidepressant use by youth with minimal or mild depression: evidence from 3 health systems
  • Association of 3 different antihypertensive medications with hip and pelvic fracture risk in older adults: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2017
  • Association of fenofibrate therapy with long-term cardiovascular risk in statin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes
    JAMA cardiology. 2017
  • Baseline characteristics of participants in the ASPREE (ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly) Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2017
  • Benign breast disease and risk of thyroid cancer
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2017
  • Between-visit changes in suicidal ideation and risk of subsequent suicide attempt
    Depression and Anxiety. 2017
  • Case report: initially missed diagnosis of quadriceps partial tendon rupture
  • Clinician burnout and satisfaction with resources in caring for complex patients
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • Effect of depression before breast cancer diagnosis on mortality among postmenopausal women
    Cancer. 2017
  • Febrile seizure risk after vaccination in children one to five months of age
    Pediatric Neurology. 2017
  • Financial incentives for diabetes prevention in a Medicaid population: study design and baseline characteristics
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2017
  • First trimester influenza vaccination and risks for major structural birth defects in offspring
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2017
  • Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of brief clinician tobacco counseling for youth and adults
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • High rates of severe hypoglycemia among African American patients with diabetes: the surveillance, prevention, and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) network
    Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2017
  • Identifying birth defects in automated data sources in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2017
  • Immunization: Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Minn Physician. 2017
  • Impact of a national collaborative care initiative for patients with depression and diabetes or cardiovascular disease
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • IntelliCare: an eclectic, skills-based app suite for the treatment of depression and anxiety
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2017
  • Intentional weight loss and endometrial cancer risk
    Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2017
  • Major physical health conditions and risk of suicide
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017
  • Maternal Tdap vaccination and risk of infant morbidity
    Vaccine. 2017
  • Maternal and infant outcomes after human papillomavirus vaccination in the periconceptional period or during pregnancy
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and long-term all-cause and cause-specific mortality: The Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2017
  • Metabolic phenotype and risk of colorectal cancer in normal-weight postmenopausal women
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2017
  • Occupational medicine considerations in the management of low back pain injuries
    MetroDoctors. 2017
  • Patient-centered outcomes measurement: does it require information from patients?
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2017
  • Pooled analysis of active cigarette smoking and invasive breast cancer risk in 14 cohort studies
    International Journal of Epidemiology. 2017
  • Predicting hypertension among children with incident elevated blood pressure
    Academic Pediatrics. 2017
  • Predicting neutropenia risk in patients with cancer using electronic data
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2017
  • Predicting the 6-month risk of severe hypoglycemia among adults with diabetes: development and external validation of a prediction model
    Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2017
  • Red blood cell polyunsaturated fatty acids and mortality in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2017
  • Remarkable case of uncorrected type IC tricuspid atresia with adaptive pulmonary trunk dilatation to allow prolonged survival: case report and CT fly-through
  • Response to Comment on Pathak et al. Severe hypoglycemia requiring medical intervention in a large cohort of adults with diabetes receiving care in U.S. integrated health care delivery systems: 2005-2011
    Diabetes care. 2017
  • Risk of diabetes after hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017
  • Spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy: case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of maternal immunization safety data
    Vaccine. 2017
  • Suicidal ideation reported on the PHQ9 and risk of suicidal behavior across age groups
    Journal of Affective Disorders. 2017
  • The COMPASS initiative: description of a nationwide collaborative approach to the care of patients with depression and diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • The challenges of collecting and using patient care data from diverse care systems: lessons From COMPASS
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2017
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on rates of return to psychotherapy for depression
    Depression and Anxiety. 2017
  • The merits of MIIC: Minnesota's immunization information system excels at population health surveillance
    Minnesota Medicine. 2017
  • Trends in incidence of hospitalized acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiovascular Research Network (CVRN)
    American Journal of Medicine. 2017
  • Understanding the experience of care managers and relationship with patient outcomes: the COMPASS initiative
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2017
  • Updated priorities among effective clinical preventive services
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • Use and customization of risk scores for predicting cardiovascular events using electronic health record data
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2017
  • Use of calcium channel blockers and breast cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2017
  • Use of clinical decision support to increase premedication regimen homogeneity
    Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2017
  • Venous thromboembolism incidence, recurrence, and mortality based on Women's Health Initiative data and Medicare claims
    Thrombosis Research. 2017
  • A national evaluation of a dissemination and implementation initiative to enhance primary care practice capacity and improve cardiovascular disease care: the ESCALATES study protocol
    Implementation science. 2016
  • A randomized trial of a low-fat diet intervention on blood pressure and hypertension: tertiary analysis of the WHI dietary modification trial
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2016
  • A statewide effort to implement collaborative care for depression: reach and impact for all patients with depression
    Medical Care. 2016
  • A substudy evaluating treatment intensification on medication adherence among hypertensive patients receiving home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2016
  • Adapting machine learning techniques to censored time-to-event health record data: A general-purpose approach using inverse probability of censoring weighting
    Journal of biomedical informatics. 2016
  • Adherence to common cardiovascular medications in patients with schizophrenia vs. patients without psychiatric illness
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2016
  • Antidepressant adherence across diverse populations and healthcare settings
    Depression and Anxiety. 2016
  • Assessing trends in tobacco cessation in diverse patient populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2016
  • Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and height loss: findings from the Women's Health Initiative Calcium and Vitamin D clinical trial
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2016
  • Calcium supplements and cardiovascular disease risk: what do clinicians and patients need to know?
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2016
  • Change in weight status and development of hypertension
    Pediatrics. 2016
  • Congenital anomalies: Case definition and guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of immunization safety data
    Vaccine. 2016
  • Diabetes, diabetes treatment, and risk of thyroid cancer
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis critical care pathway implementation: incorporation into EMR significantly decreases length of stay
    Endocrine Practice. 2016
  • Diagnostic delay and antibiotic overuse in acute pulmonary blastomycosis
    Open forum infectious diseases. 2016
  • Examining failure in a dynamic decision environment: strategies for treating patients with a chronic disease
  • Facilitating action for suicide prevention by learning health care systems
    Psychiatric Services. 2016
  • Factors associated with failure to achieve a glycated haemoglobin target of <8.0% in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial
    Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. 2016
  • Febrile seizure risk after vaccination in children 6 to 23 months
    Pediatrics. 2016
  • Hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and risk of thyroid cancer
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016
  • Implementation of electronic clinical decision support for pediatric appendicitis
    Pediatrics. 2016
  • Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: influenza seasons 2002-2012, Vaccine Safety Datalink
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016
  • Long-term microvascular disease outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: evidence for the legacy effect of surgery
    Diabetes care. 2016
  • Maternal Tdap vaccination: coverage and acute safety outcomes in the vaccine safety datalink, 2007-2013
    Vaccine. 2016
  • Measurement tools for integrated worker health protection and promotion: lessons learned from the SafeWell Project
    Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016
  • Medication adherence does not explain black-white differences in cardiometabolic risk factor control among insured patients with diabetes
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2016
  • Mismatching among guidelines, providers, and parents on controller medication use in children with asthma
    The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice. 2016
  • Modeled health and economic impact of team-based care for hypertension
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016
  • Orthostatic hypotension in the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) blood pressure trial: prevalence, incidence, and prognostic significance
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2016
  • Patient characteristics associated with greater blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2016
  • Population-based outreach versus care as usual to prevent suicide attempt: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    Trials. 2016
  • Potential misclassification of blood pressure status in children and adolescents with short or tall stature
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016
  • Pre-existing diabetes and lung cancer prognosis
    British Journal of Cancer. 2016
  • Predictors of optimal cognitive aging in 80+ women: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2016
  • Predictors of poor response to depression treatment in primary care
    Psychiatric Services. 2016
  • Prevalence and correlates of body image dissatisfaction in postmenopausal women
    Women and Health. 2016
  • Red blood cell fatty acids and incident diabetes mellitus in the women's health initiative memory study
    PloS One. 2016
  • Relationships between caffeine intake and risk for probable dementia or global cognitive impairment: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2016
  • Risk factors for incident hospitalized heart failure with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction in a multiracial cohort of postmenopausal women
    Circulation: Heart Failure. 2016
  • Risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination in children and adults
    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016
  • Risk of preterm or small-for-gestational-age birth after influenza vaccination during pregnancy: caveats when conducting retrospective observational studies
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016
  • Risk of suicide attempt and suicide death following completion of the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module in community practice
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2016
  • Severe hypoglycemia requiring medical intervention in a large cohort of adults with diabetes receiving care in U.S. integrated health care delivery systems: 2005-2011
    Diabetes care. 2016
  • System transformation in Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH): variable impact on chronically ill patients' utilization
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2016
  • Tdap vaccination during pregnancy and microcephaly and other structural birth defects in offspring
    JAMA. 2016
  • The BestFIT trial: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatments
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2016
  • The Brain in Kidney Disease (BRINK) Cohort Study: design and baseline cognitive function
    American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2016
  • The effects of patient-centered depression care on patient satisfaction and depression remission
    Family Practice. 2016
  • Theory vs practice: should primary care practice take on social determinants of health now? No
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2016
  • Utility and significance of gadolinium-based contrast enhancement in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
    AJNR: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2016
  • Vaccination and 30-day mortality risk in children, adolescents, and young adults
    Pediatrics. 2016
  • A Naive Bayes machine learning approach to risk prediction using censored, time-to-event data
    Statistics in Medicine. 2015
  • A framework for describing health care delivery organizations and systems
    American Journal of Public Health. 2015
  • A stepped-wedge evaluation of an initiative to spread the collaborative care model for depression in primary care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2015
  • A successful multifaceted trial to improve hypertension control in primary care: why did it work?
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Activity patterns of preschool-aged children at risk for obesity
    Journal of physical activity & health. 2015
  • Adjusting antidepressant quality measures for race and ethnicity
    JAMA psychiatry. 2015
  • Alcohol consumption, body mass index and breast cancer risk by hormone receptor status: Women's Lifestyle and Health Study
    BMC cancer. 2015
  • An innovative approach to informing research: gathering perspectives on diabetes care challenges from an online patient community
  • Antidepressants are not overprescribed for mild depression
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2015
  • Association between magnesium intake and risk of colorectal cancer among postmenopausal women
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2015
  • Association of Tdap vaccination with acute events and adverse birth outcomes among pregnant women with prior tetanus-containing immunizations
    JAMA. 2015
  • Asthma treatments and mental health visits after a Food and Drug Administration label change for leukotriene inhibitors
    Clinical Therapeutics. 2015
  • Comparing US paediatric and adult weight classification at the transition from late teenage to young adulthood
    Pediatric Obesity. 2015
  • Cross-sectional and longitudinal risk of physical impairment in a cohort of postmenopausal women who experience physical and verbal abuse
    BMC Women's Health. 2015
  • Effects of TZD use and discontinuation on fracture rates in ACCORD Bone Study
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015
  • Electronic medical record-based performance improvement project to document and reduce excessive cardiac troponin testing
    Clinical Chemistry. 2015
  • Factors associated with adherence to blood pressure measurement recommendations at pediatric primary care visits, Minnesota and Colorado, 2007-2010
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2015
  • High glycemic index diet as a risk factor for depression: analyses from the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015
  • Household factors, family behavior patterns, and adherence to dietary and physical activity guidelines among children at risk for obesity
    Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2015
  • Impact of bariatric surgery on life expectancy in severely obese patients with diabetes: a decision analysis
    Annals of Surgery. 2015
  • Impacting delayed pediatric influenza vaccination: a randomized controlled trial of text message reminders
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015
  • Improving red blood cell orders, utilization, and management with point-of-care clinical decision support
    Transfusion. 2015
  • In Reply to Wayne, Bursuk, McGaphie
    Academic Medicine. 2015
  • Individual patient data meta-analysis of self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP-SMART): a protocol
    BMJ open. 2015
  • Insulin dose and cardiovascular mortality in the ACCORD Trial
    Diabetes care. 2015
  • It is time to ask patients what outcomes are important to them
  • Methods for engaging stakeholders in comparative effectiveness research: a patient-centered approach to improving diabetes care
    Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2015
  • Minnesota's early experience with medical home implementation: viewpoints from the front lines
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Newly developed chronic conditions and changes in health-related quality of life in postmenopausal women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015
  • Organizational factors and change strategies associated with medical home transformation
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2015
  • Pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention for parents of preschool children: a pilot study
  • Pre-existing diabetes and breast cancer prognosis among elderly women
    British Journal of Cancer. 2015
  • Prevalence of chronic kidney disease among individuals with diabetes in the SUPREME-DM Project, 2005-2011
    Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2015
  • Preventable major cardiovascular events associated with uncontrolled glucose, blood pressure, and lipids and active smoking in adults with diabetes with and without cardiovascular disease: a contemporary analysis
    Diabetes care. 2015
  • Primary adherence to controller medications for asthma is poor
    Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2015
  • Psychiatric comorbidity and 30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure, AMI, and pneumonia
    Psychiatric Services. 2015
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled blood pressure in patients with previously controlled hypertension
    American Heart Journal. 2015
  • Residential proximity to major roadways and incident hypertension in post-menopausal women
    Environmental Research. 2015
  • Safety of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis and influenza vaccinations in pregnancy
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015
  • TeenBP: development and piloting of an EHR-linked clinical decision support system to improve recognition of hypertension in adolescents
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2015
  • The effect of achieving patient-reported outcome measures on satisfaction
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2015
  • Trends in diabetes incidence among 7 million insured adults, 2006-2011: the SUPREME-DM project
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2015
  • Who must we target now to minimize future cardiovascular events and total mortality? Lessons from the Surveillance, Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) cohort study
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2015
  • A comparison of confounding adjustment methods for assessment of asthma controller medication effectiveness
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2014
  • A guide to research partnerships for pragmatic clinical trials
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014
  • A machine learning approach to improving dynamic decision making
  • Accuracy of hemoglobin A1c imputation using fasting plasma glucose in diabetes research using electronic health records data
  • Assessing organizational readiness for depression care quality improvement: relative commitment and implementation capability
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Association between diabetes, diabetes treatment and risk of developing endometrial cancer
    British Journal of Cancer. 2014
  • Binge eating behavior and weight loss maintenance over a 2-year period
    Journal of Obesity. 2014
  • Challenges of medical home transformation reported by 118 patient-centered medical home (PCMH) leaders
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Change in physical activity after a diabetes diagnosis: opportunity for intervention
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2014
  • Changes in antidepressant use by young people and suicidal behavior after FDA warnings and media coverage: quasi-experimental study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014
  • Cognitive function and brain structure in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus after intensive lowering of blood pressure and lipid levels: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2014
  • Concern about child weight among parents of children at-risk for obesity
  • Data mining for censored time-to-event data: a Bayesian network model for predicting cardiovascular risk from electronic health record data
  • Diabetes, diabetes treatment and breast cancer prognosis
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2014
  • Documentation of the 5 A's for smoking cessation by PCPs across distinct health systems
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Educating resident physicians using virtual case-based simulation improves diabetes management: a randomized controlled trial
    Academic Medicine. 2014
  • Effective implementation of collaborative care for depression: what is needed?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes
    JAMA. 2014
  • Health care contacts in the year before suicide death
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2014
  • How much shared decision making occurs in usual primary care of depression?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Impact of hypertension on healthcare costs among children
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Implementing asthma guidelines using practice facilitation and local learning collaboratives: a randomized controlled trial
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2014
  • Influenza vaccine text message reminders for urban, low-income pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial
    American Journal of Public Health. 2014
  • Influenza vaccine: an updated position statement of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
    Journal of Adolescent Health. 2014
  • Initial persistence with antihypertensive therapies is associated with depression treatment persistence, but not depression
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2014
  • Initiation of oral contraceptives and changes in blood pressure and body mass index in healthy adolescents
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2014
  • Intensification of antihyperglycemic therapy among patients with incident diabetes: a Surveillance Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2014
  • Intensive blood pressure control, falls, and fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD Trial
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2014
  • Job design and ethnic differences in working women's physical activity
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2014
  • Leveraging practice-based research networks to accelerate implementation and diffusion of chronic kidney disease guidelines in primary care practices: a prospective cohort study
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Lipid abnormalities in foreign-born and US-born patients in a medical group
    Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2014
  • Lipid screening in children and adolescents in community practice: 2007 to 2010
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Maternal influenza vaccine and risks for preterm or small for gestational age birth
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2014
  • Missed opportunities for pregnancy prevention among insured adolescents
    JAMA pediatrics. 2014
  • Monovalent H1N1 influenza vaccine safety in pregnant women, risks for acute adverse events
    Vaccine. 2014
  • Novel use and utility of integrated electronic health records to assess rates of prediabetes recognition and treatment: brief report from an integrated electronic health records pilot study
    Diabetes care. 2014
  • Outcomes of combined cardiovascular risk factor management strategies in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2014
  • Paradoxical reduction in HDL-C with fenofibrate and thiazolidinedione therapy in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD Lipid Trial
    Diabetes care. 2014
  • Patient experience and physician/staff satisfaction in transforming medical homes
  • Personalised physician learning intervention to improve hypertension and lipid control: randomised trial comparing two methods of physician profiling
    BMJ quality & safety. 2014
  • Predicting child physical activity and screen time: parental support for physical activity and general parenting styles
    Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2014
  • Prescription medication burden in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes: A SUrveillance, PREvention, and ManagEment of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2014
  • Prevalence of obesity and extreme obesity in children aged 3-5 years
    Pediatric Obesity. 2014
  • Protocol: Adaptive Implementation of Effective Programs Trial (ADEPT): cluster randomized SMART trial comparing a standard versus enhanced implementation strategy to improve outcomes of a mood disorders program
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Randomized trial of telephone outreach to improve medication adherence and metabolic control in adults with diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2014
  • Receipt of pertussis vaccine during pregnancy across 7 Vaccine Safety Datalink Sites
    Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • Self-management support activities in patient-centered medical home practices
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2014
  • Self-reported activity and accelerometry in 2 behavior-maintenance trials
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2014
  • Severe obesity in children: prevalence, persistence and relation to hypertension
    International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology. 2014
  • The effect of depression treatment on work productivity
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Use of Medicare data to identify coronary heart disease outcomes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Use of leukotriene receptor antagonists are associated with a similar risk of asthma exacerbations as inhaled corticosteroids
    The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice. 2014
  • Vaccinations given during pregnancy, 2002-2009: a descriptive study
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2014
  • Within-person variability of urinary bisphenol-A in postmenopausal women
    Environmental Research. 2014
  • A multisite study of long-term remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes mellitus following gastric bypass
    Obesity Surgery. 2013
  • Adolescent consent for vaccination: a position paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
    Journal of Adolescent Health. 2013
  • Are benefits from diabetes self-management education sustained?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2013
  • Aspirin treatment failure and the risk of recurrent stroke and death among patients with ischemic stroke
    Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2013
  • Author response to lipid-lowering in African Americans in ALLHAT-optimism bias?
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2013
  • Barriers to improving primary care of depression: perspectives of medical group leaders
    Qualitative Health Research. 2013
  • Benefits of early hypertension control on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Comparative effectiveness of bariatric surgery vs. nonsurgical treatment of type 2 diabetes among severely obese adults
    Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. 2013
  • Comparison of single versus multiple spontaneous extra- and/or intracranial arterial dissection
    Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2013
  • Context matters: the experience of 14 research teams in systematically reporting contextual factors important for practice change
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • Current status and future prospects for electronic point-of-care clinical decision support in diabetes care
    Current Diabetes Reports. 2013
  • Designing and implementing research on a statewide quality improvement initiative: the DIAMOND study and initiative
    Medical Care. 2013
  • Determinants of neurologic deterioration and stroke-free survival after spontaneous cervicocranial dissections: a multicenter study
    Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2013
  • Development and validation of the Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC)
    Science and engineering ethics. 2013
  • Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for gastrointestinal cancers among postmenopausal women
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2013
  • Effect of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure control: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2013
  • Effects of menopausal hormone therapy on ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2013
  • Enhancing long-term weight loss maintenance: 2 year results from the Keep It Off randomized controlled trial
    Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2013
  • Identifying pregnancy episodes, outcomes, and mother-infant pairs in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Impact of specific glucose-control strategies on microvascular and macrovascular outcomes in 58,000 adults with type 2 diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Inactivated influenza vaccine during pregnancy and risks for adverse obstetric events
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013
  • Influence of type 2 diabetes on brain volumes and changes in brain volumes: results from the Women's Health Initiative Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Influenza and pertussis vaccination coverage among privately insured women of reproductive age
    Maternal and child health journal. 2013
  • Initial antihyperglycemic drug therapy among 241 327 adults with newly identified diabetes from 2005 through 2010: a surveillance, prevention, and management of diabetes mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study
    Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2013
  • Intensive glycemic control and thiazolidinedione use: effects on cortical and trabecular bone at the radius and tibia
    Calcified Tissue International. 2013
  • Intergenerational photovoice projects: optimizing this mechanism for influencing health promotion policies and strengthening relationships
    Health promotion practice. 2013
  • Long-term follow-up of moderately hypercholesterolemic hypertensive patients following randomization to pravastatin vs usual care: the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT-LLT)
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2013
  • Longitudinal changes in dietary fat intake and associated changes in cardiovascular risk factors in adults with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2013
  • Maternal safety of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in pregnant women
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013
  • Medical home transformation: a gradual process and a continuum of attainment
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2013
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction for family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial
    The Gerontologist. 2013
  • Mortality and morbidity during and after Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial: results by sex
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2013
  • Mortality rates and cause-of-death patterns in a vaccinated population
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • NET-Works: Linking families, communities and primary care to prevent obesity in preschool-age children
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2013
  • Patterns of care and persistence after incident elevated blood pressure
    Pediatrics. 2013
  • Prehypertension and hypertension in community-based pediatric practice
    Pediatrics. 2013
  • Project Wings, a coping intervention for Latina adolescents: a pilot study
    Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2013
  • Receipt of human papillomavirus vaccine among privately insured adult women in a U.S. midwestern health maintenance organization
    Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • Relationships between the Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC) and self-reported research practices
    Science and engineering ethics. 2013
  • Response to Annweiler and Beauchet on: Calcium and vitamin d supplementation and cognitive impairment in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2013
  • Safety of the yellow fever vaccine: a retrospective study
    Journal of Travel Medicine. 2013
  • Secular trends in diagnostic code density in electronic healthcare data from health care systems in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Self-report compared to electronic medical record across eight adult vaccines: do results vary by demographic factors?
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Sex differences in cardiovascular outcomes in patients with incident hypertension
    Journal of Hypertension. 2013
  • Sleep disturbance and incidence of thyroid cancer in postmenopausal women the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2013
  • Smoking and diabetes: does the increased risk ever go away?
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2013
  • Smoking cessation, weight change, and coronary heart disease among postmenopausal women with and without diabetes
    JAMA. 2013
  • Statin exposure is associated with decreased asthma-related emergency department visits and oral corticosteroid use
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, and mental health in hospice workers in Minnesota
    Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013
  • Super learning to hedge against incorrect inference from arbitrary parametric assumptions in marginal structural modeling
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2013
  • Support and strategies for change among small patient-centered medical home practices
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2013
  • The DIAMOND initiative: implementing collaborative care for depression in 75 primary care clinics
    Implementation science. 2013
  • The association of whole grain consumption with incident type 2 diabetes: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    Annals of Epidemiology. 2013
  • The authors respond: a multisite study of long-term remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes mellitus following gastric bypass
    Obesity Surgery. 2013
  • The relationship between urban sprawl and coronary heart disease in women
    Health & place. 2013
  • The use of computed tomography in pediatrics and the associated radiation exposure and estimated cancer risk
    JAMA pediatrics. 2013
  • Using simulation technology to teach diabetes care management skills to resident physicians
    Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2013
  • Virtual care: internet-delivered diabetes education for health professionals
  • A comparison between antihypertensive medication adherence and treatment intensification as potential clinical performance measures
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012
  • A prospective study of leukocyte telomere length and risk of type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women
    Diabetes. 2012
  • A prospective study of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, blood pressure, and incident hypertension in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012
  • A technology solution for the high-tech diagnostic imaging conundrum
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Adherence to blood pressure telemonitoring in a cluster-randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2012
  • Age differential between outcomes of carotid angioplasty and stent placement and carotid endarterectomy in general practice
    Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2012
  • Are characteristics of the medical home associated with diabetes care costs?
    Medical Care. 2012
  • Association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D and the risk of cognitive decline in older women
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2012
  • Baseline comparison of three health utility measures and the feeling thermometer among participants in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes trial
    Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2012
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and cognitive impairment in the women's health initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012
  • Combined intensive blood pressure and glycemic control does not produce an additive benefit on microvascular outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients
    Kidney International. 2012
  • Comparative effectiveness of 2 beta-blockers in hypertensive patients
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2012
  • Comparison of acute nonthrombolytic and thrombolytic treatments in ischemic stroke patients 80 years or older
    American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012
  • Construction of a multisite DataLink using electronic health records for the identification, surveillance, prevention, and management of diabetes mellitus: the SUPREME-DM project
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2012
  • Cost-effectiveness of an electronic medical record based clinical decision support system
    Health Services Research. 2012
  • Depression predicts all-cause mortality: epidemiological evaluation from the ACCORD HRQL substudy
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Design and rationale for Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Case Management to Control Hypertension (HyperLink): a cluster randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012
  • Design of the value of imaging in enhancing the wellness of your heart (VIEW) trial and the impact of uncertainty on power
    Clinical Trials (London, England). 2012
  • Detection and recognition of hypertension in anxious and depressed patients
    Journal of Hypertension. 2012
  • Diabetes and asthma case identification, validation, and representativeness when using electronic health data to construct registries for comparative effectiveness and epidemiologic research
    Medical Care. 2012
  • Diabetes and lung cancer among postmenopausal women
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Diabetes symptoms and distress in ACCORD trial participants: relationship to baseline clinical variables
    Clinical Diabetes. 2012
  • Diabetes, metformin, and breast cancer in postmenopausal women
    Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012
  • Dynamic marginal structural modeling to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of more or less aggressive treatment intensification strategies in adults with type 2 diabetes
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2012
  • Effect of a text messaging intervention on influenza vaccination in an urban, low-income pediatric and adolescent population: a randomized controlled trial
    JAMA. 2012
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on depression and health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Fenofibrate-associated changes in renal function and relationship to clinical outcomes among individuals with type 2 diabetes: the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) experience
    Diabetologia. 2012
  • Glycaemia and correlates of patient-reported outcomes in ACCORD trial participants
    Diabetic Medicine. 2012
  • Identifying adolescent females at high risk of pregnancy in a pediatric emergency department
    Journal of Adolescent Health. 2012
  • Incidence and prognosis of resistant hypertension in hypertensive patients
    Circulation. 2012
  • Intensive glycemic control is not associated with fractures or falls in the ACCORD randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Intracranial stenosis in young patients: unique characteristics and risk factors
    Neuroepidemiology. 2012
  • Long-term clinical and angiographic outcomes in patients with spontaneous cervico-cranial arterial dissections treated with stent placement
    Journal of Neuroimaging. 2012
  • Long-term effects of incident diabetes mellitus on cardiovascular outcomes in people treated for hypertension: the ALLHAT Diabetes Extension Study
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012
  • Patient medical group continuity and healthcare utilization
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Patient-centered medical home cost reductions limited to complex patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2012
  • Racial and ethnic differences in incident hospitalized heart failure in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation. 2012
  • Strength of association for incident diabetes risk factors according to diabetes case definitions: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012
  • Text4Health: impact of text message reminder-recalls for pediatric and adolescent immunizations
    American Journal of Public Health. 2012
  • The Women's Health Initiative: the food environment, neighborhood socioeconomic status, BMI, and blood pressure
    Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2012
  • The association between medication adherence and treatment intensification with blood pressure control in resistant hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2012
  • The influence of health and lifestyle characteristics on the relation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with risk of colorectal and breast cancer in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012
  • Use of diagnostic imaging studies and associated radiation exposure for patients enrolled in large integrated health care systems, 1996-2010
    JAMA. 2012
  • Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA) to explore the relationship between medical "homeness" and quality
    Health Services Research. 2012
  • A diet high in low-fat dairy products lowers diabetes risk in postmenopausal women
    Journal of Nutrition. 2011
  • Age-dependent gender differences in hypertension management
    Journal of Hypertension. 2011
  • Association of active and passive smoking with risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women: a prospective cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2011
  • Biomarker-calibrated dietary energy and protein intake associations with diabetes risk among postmenopausal women from the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011
  • Combination therapy as initial treatment for newly diagnosed hypertension
    American Heart Journal. 2011
  • Comparative effectiveness of patient education methods for type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2011
  • Comparison between angioplasty using compliant and noncompliant balloons for treatment of cerebral vasospasm associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage
    Neurosurgery. 2011
  • Delivering adolescent preventive services in an office setting
    Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 2011
  • Designing payment for Collaborative Care for Depression in primary care
    Health Services Research. 2011
  • Diabetes performance measures: current status and future directions
    Diabetes care. 2011
  • Effects of a low-fat dietary intervention on glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary Modification trial
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011
  • Effects of intensive glucose lowering on brain structure and function in people with type 2 diabetes (ACCORD MIND): a randomised open-label substudy
    Lancet Neurology. 2011
  • Estimated prevalence of acoustic cranial windows and intracranial stenosis in the US elderly population: ultrasound screening in adults for intracranial disease study
    Neuroepidemiology. 2011
  • Exploring pregnant women's views on influenza vaccination and educational text messages
    Preventive Medicine. 2011
  • Five-year rehospitalization outcomes in a cohort of patients with acute ischemic stroke: Medicare linkage study
    Stroke. 2011
  • Health outcomes after stopping conjugated equine estrogens among postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy: a randomized controlled trial
    JAMA. 2011
  • How can we remodel practices into medical homes without a blueprint or a bank account?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Impact of electronic health record clinical decision support on diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • Impact of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for treatment of cerebral vasospasm on subarachnoid hemorrhage patient outcomes
    Neurocritical Care. 2011
  • Interaction between smoking and obesity and the risk of developing breast cancer among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2011
  • Is consistent primary care within a patient-centered medical home related to utilization patterns and costs?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Keep it off: a phone-based intervention for long-term weight-loss maintenance
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2011
  • Long-term effects of intensive glucose lowering on cardiovascular outcomes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2011
  • Missed opportunities in cardiovascular disease prevention?: low rates of hypertension recognition for women at medicine and obstetrics-gynecology clinics
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2011
  • Near-normalization of glucose and microvascular diabetes complications: data from ACCORD and ADVANCE
    Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2011
  • Neighborhood socioeconomic status and cognitive function in women
    American Journal of Public Health. 2011
  • Obesogenic family types identified through latent profile analysis
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2011
  • Prevalence of practice system tools for improving depression care among primary care clinics: the DIAMOND initiative
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011
  • Recruiting and retaining family caregivers to a randomized controlled trial on mindfulness-based stress reduction
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2011
  • Relationship of clinic medical home scores to health care costs
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Relationship of clinic medical home scores to quality and patient experience
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2011
  • Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination
    Vaccine. 2011
  • The effect of calcium plus vitamin D on risk for invasive cancer: results of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) calcium plus vitamin D randomized clinical trial
    Nutrition and Cancer. 2011
  • The effect of electronic health records on the use of clinical care guidelines for patients with medically complex conditions
    Journal of the American Dental Association. 2011
  • The role of human papillomavirus vaccination in promoting delivery of other preventive and medical services
    Academic Pediatrics. 2011
  • The use of telehealth technology in assessing the accuracy of self-reported weight and the impact of a daily immediate-feedback intervention among obese employees
    International journal of telemedicine and applications. 2011
  • Trends in quality during medical home transformation
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • Vasomotor symptoms and cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2011
  • A cluster-randomized trial to improve stroke care in hospitals
    Neurology. 2010
  • A surveillance source of tobacco use differences among immigrant populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2010
  • Adolescent primary care visit patterns
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2010
  • American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes--2010
    Diabetes care. 2010
  • Are all commonly prescribed antipsychotics associated with greater mortality in elderly male veterans with dementia?
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2010
  • Blood pressure trajectories and associations with treatment intensification, medication adherence, and outcomes among newly diagnosed coronary artery disease patients
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Calcium/vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcification in the Women's Health Initiative
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2010
  • Changes in Tdap and MCV4 vaccine coverage following enactment of a statewide requirement of Tdap vaccination for entry into sixth grade
    American Journal of Public Health. 2010
  • Comparative effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors versus beta-blockers as second-line therapy for hypertension
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of protected carotid artery stent placement versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients
    Journal of Endovascular Therapy. 2010
  • Delays in filling clopidogrel prescription after hospital discharge and adverse outcomes after drug-eluting stent implantation: implications for transitions of care
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Disparities in tobacco cessation medication orders and fills among special populations
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2010
  • Effect of intensive treatment of hyperglycaemia on microvascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes: an analysis of the ACCORD randomised trial
    Lancet (London, England). 2010
  • Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Effects of electronic decision support on high-tech diagnostic imaging orders and patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2010
  • Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Effects of medical therapies on retinopathy progression in type 2 diabetes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Epidemiologic relationships between A1C and all-cause mortality during a median 3.4-year follow-up of glycemic treatment in the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2010
  • Greater use of preventive services in U.S. health care could save lives at little or no cost
    Health Affairs. 2010
  • Increased risk of bleeding in patients on clopidogrel therapy after drug-eluting stents implantation: insights from the HMO Research Network-Stent Registry (HMORN-stent)
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. 2010
  • Informed choice assistance for women making uterine fibroid treatment decisions: a practical clinical trial
    Medical Decision Making. 2010
  • Maintaining physical activity among older adults: 24-month outcomes of the Keep Active Minnesota randomized controlled trial
    Preventive Medicine. 2010
  • Multimarker prediction of coronary heart disease risk: the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2010
  • Outpatient EHR-based diabetes clinical decision support that works: lessons learned from implementing Diabetes Wizard
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2010
  • Partnership research: a practical trial design for evaluation of a natural experiment to improve depression care
    Medical Care. 2010
  • Population reach and recruitment bias in a maintenance RCT in physically active older adults
    Journal of physical activity & health. 2010
  • Quality of sleep in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
    Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa.. 2010
  • Relationship of hypertension, blood pressure, and blood pressure control with white matter abnormalities in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS)-MRI trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • Simulated physician learning program improves glucose control in adults with diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2010
  • The effects of baseline characteristics, glycaemia treatment approach, and glycated haemoglobin concentration on the risk of severe hypoglycaemia: post hoc epidemiological analysis of the ACCORD study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2010
  • The importance of organizational justice in ensuring research integrity
    Journal of empirical research on human research ethics. 2010
  • The lack of utility of circulating biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction for type 2 diabetes risk prediction among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010
  • The long and winding road to physical activity maintenance
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2010
  • Trends in first-line therapy for hypertension in the Cardiovascular Research Network Hypertension Registry, 2002-2007
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010
  • Trends in time to confirmation and recognition of new-onset hypertension, 2002-2006
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2010
  • Using electronic health records to improve outpatient diabetes care
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2010
  • ALLHAT findings revisited in the context of subsequent analyses, other trials, and meta-analyses
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Brain volumes, cognitive impairment, and conjugated equine estrogens
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2009
  • Comparing costs and quality of care at retail clinics with that of other medical settings for three common illnesses
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Coronary heart disease in moderately hypercholesterolemic, hypertensive black and non-black patients randomized to pravastatin versus usual care: the antihypertensive and lipid lowering to prevent heart attack trial (ALLHAT-LLT)
    American Heart Journal. 2009
  • Customized feedback to patients and providers failed to improve safety or quality of diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2009
  • Diabetes care quality: insurance, health plan, and physician group contributions
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2009
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. 2009
  • Does diabetes double the risk of depression?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2009
  • Effectiveness of the 5-As tobacco cessation treatments in nine HMOs
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Effects of paroxetine and sertraline on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: an observational cohort study
    CNS drugs. 2009
  • Evaluating preference-sensitive care for uterine fibroids: it's not so simple
    Journal of women's health (2002). 2009
  • Heart failure in ALLHAT: did blood pressure medication at study entry influence outcome?
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2009
  • How can primary care cross the quality chasm?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2009
  • Institutions' expectations for researchers' self-funding, federal grant holding, and private industry involvement: manifold drivers of self-interest and researcher behavior
    Academic Medicine. 2009
  • Is integration in large medical groups associated with quality?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2009
  • Is there a downside to customizing care? Implications of general and patient-specific treatment strategies
    Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2009
  • Lessons for non-VA care delivery systems from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Quality Enhancement Research Initiative: QUERI Series
    Implementation science. 2009
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction and diabetes
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2009
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy and subclinical cerebrovascular disease: the WHIMS-MRI Study
    Neurology. 2009
  • Readiness of US health plans to manage cardiometabolic risk
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2009
  • Reproductive history, oral contraceptive use, and the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stoke in a cohort study of middle-aged Swedish women
    Stroke. 2009
  • Self-weighing promotes weight loss for obese adults
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009
  • Simulated physician learning intervention to improve safety and quality of diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2009
  • Spiritual direction with physicians
    Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. 2009
  • Telephone counseling and home telemonitoring: the Weigh by Day Trial
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2009
  • The role of diabetes educators in the medical home
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2009
  • Use of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009
    MMWR: Recommendations and Reports. 2009
  • A new approach to physical activity maintenance: rationale, design, and baseline data from the Keep Active Minnesota Trial
    BMC Geriatrics. 2008
  • A prospective study of the effect of hypertension and baseline blood pressure on cognitive decline and dementia in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2008
  • A randomized controlled trial of telephone counseling with smokeless tobacco users: the ChewFree Minnesota study
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2008
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm events in the women's health initiative: cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2008
  • Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of incident diabetes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Diabetes care. 2008
  • Can patient safety be measured by surveys of patient experiences?
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2008
  • Depression in patients with diabetes: does it impact clinical goals?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Developing a distributed research network to conduct population-based studies and safety surveillance
    AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium. 2008
  • Developing a distributed research network to conduct population-based studies and safety surveillance AMIA Annu Symp Proc
  • Economic analysis of medical practice variation between 1991 and 2000: the impact of patient outcomes research teams (PORTs)
    International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2008
  • Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2008
  • Effects of estrogen with and without progestin and obesity on symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux
    Gastroenterology. 2008
  • Effects of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2008
  • Improving diabetes care in practice: findings from the TRANSLATE trial
    Diabetes care. 2008
  • Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of treated diabetes mellitus in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2008
  • Maintaining physical activity among older adults: six-month outcomes of the Keep Active Minnesota randomized controlled trial
    Preventive Medicine. 2008
  • Management of high blood pressure in clinical practice: perceptible qualitative differences in approaches utilized by clinicians
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2008
  • Measuring an organization's ability to manage change: the change process capability questionnaire and its use for improving depression care
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • Measuring practice systems for chronic illness care: accuracy of self-reports from clinical personnel
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2008
  • Obesity and risk of pancreatic cancer among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative (United States)
    British Journal of Cancer. 2008
  • Optimizing practice through research: a new perspective to solve an old problem
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Practice systems are associated with high-quality care for diabetes
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2008
  • Quality of diabetes care in family medicine practices: influence of nurse-practitioners and physician's assistants
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2008
  • Relationship between the presence of practice systems and the quality of care for depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • The Cardiovascular Research Network: a new paradigm for cardiovascular quality and outcomes research
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2008
  • The Cardiovascular Research Network: a new paradigm for cardiovascular quality and outcomes research
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2008
  • The effect of advanced access implementation on quality of diabetes care
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2008
  • The effect of exercise during pregnancy on maternal outcomes: practical implications for practice Am J Lifestyle Med
  • Tobacco-use prevalence in special populations taking advantage of electronic medical records
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008
  • Use and costs of care in retail clinics versus traditional care sites
    Health Affairs. 2008
  • Usefulness of baseline lipids and C-reactive protein in women receiving menopausal hormone therapy as predictors of treatment-related coronary events
    American Journal of Cardiology. 2008
  • Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative: comparison with medication inventories and fasting glucose measurements
    Clinical Trials (London, England). 2008
  • Variation in quality of diabetes care at the levels of patient, physician, and clinic
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2008
  • You can help reduce alcohol misuse
    Clinical Advisor. 2008
  • A prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of myocardial infarction among Swedish women
    Fertility and Sterility. 2007
  • Blood pressure control in Hispanics in the antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2007
  • Clinical and public health implications of glycemic relapse in type 2 diabetes
    Nature Clinical Practice: Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2007
  • Crossing the quality chasm for diabetes care: the power of one physician, his team, and systems thinking
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2007
  • Improving medical practice: a conceptual framework
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2007
  • Large multispecialty group practices and quality improvement: what is needed to transform care?
    Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2007
  • Optimizing practice through research: a preventive services case study
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2007
  • Proactive recruitment of health plan smokers into telephone counseling
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2007
  • Prospective study of leukocyte count as a predictor of incident breast, colorectal, endometrial, and lung cancer and mortality in postmenopausal women
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2007
  • Smoking and cessation behaviors among young adults of various educational backgrounds
    American Journal of Public Health. 2007
  • Use of practice system tools by medical groups for depression
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • Young adult smokers: are they different?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • Ambulatory care quality measures for the 6 aims from administrative data
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Are claims data accurate enough to identify patients for performance measures or quality improvement? The case of diabetes, heart disease, and depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Care quality and implementation of the chronic care model: a quantitative study
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Challenges of change: a qualitative study of chronic care model implementation
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Colorectal cancer screening: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Diabetes: how are we diagnosing and initially managing it?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Effect of improved primary care access on quality of depression care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Increasing primary care physician productivity: A case study
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2006
  • Influenza vaccination health impact and cost effectiveness among adults aged 50 to 64 and 65 and older
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Physician-patient interaction for smoking cessation medications: a dance of mutual accommodation?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: methods
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: results of a systematic review and analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Recruiting medical groups for research: relationships, reputation, requirements, rewards, reciprocity, resolution, and respect
    Implementation science. 2006
  • Repeated tobacco-use screening and intervention in clinical practice: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Scientists' perceptions of organizational justice and self-reported misbehaviors
    Journal of empirical research on human research ethics. 2006
  • Transforming medical care: case study of an exemplary, small medical group
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Characteristics of adults who use prayer as an alternative therapy
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2005
  • Cholesterol levels and statin use in patients with coronary heart disease treated in primary care settings
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2005
  • Commentary--improving diabetes care by combating clinical inertia
    Health Services Research. 2005
  • Factors driving diabetes care improvement in a large medical group: ten years of progress
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2005
  • Follow-up and follow-through of depressed patients in primary care: the critical missing components of quality care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. 2005
  • Frequency of physician-directed assistance for smoking cessation in patients receiving cessation medications
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2005
  • Health care charges associated with physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2005
  • Impact of an electronic medical record on diabetes quality of care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2005
  • Insurance status and access to urgent ambulatory care follow-up appointments
    JAMA. 2005
  • Offering telephone counseling to smokers using pharmacotherapy
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2005
  • Practice systems for chronic care: frequency and dependence on an electronic medical record
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2005
  • Randomized trial of quality improvement intervention to improve diabetes care in primary care settings
    Diabetes care. 2005
  • The QUEST for quality: what are medical groups doing about it?
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2005
  • Diabetic patients who smoke: are they different?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2004
  • Do all components of the chronic care model contribute equally to quality improvement?
  • Does improved access to care affect utilization and costs for patients with chronic conditions?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Health and performance factors in health care shift workers
    Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2004
  • Is making smoking status a vital sign sufficient to increase cessation support actions in clinical practice?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2004
  • Is patient readiness to change a predictor of improved glycemic control?
    Diabetes care. 2004
  • Key issues in transforming health care organizations for quality: the case of advanced access
  • Measuring patient safety in ambulatory care: potential for identifying medical group drug-drug interaction rates using claims data
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Meeting recommendations for multiple healthy lifestyle factors. Prevalence, clustering, and predictors among adolescent, adult, and senior health plan members
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004
  • Smoking-related attitudes and clinical practices of medical personnel in Minnesota
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004
  • Tobacco control efforts in managed care: what do the doctors think?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • A conceptual model of emergency department crowding
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Changes in physical activity and short-term changes in health care charges: a prospective cohort study of older adults
    Preventive Medicine. 2003
  • Does methodology affect the ability to monitor tobacco control activities? implications for HEDIS and other performance measures
    Preventive Medicine. 2003
  • Emergency department crowding: consensus development of potential measures
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Improving diabetes care and outcomes: the secondary benefits of a public health-managed care research collaboration
    Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2003
  • Paying for quality improvement: compliance with tobacco cessation guidelines
  • Smoking cessation attempts in relation to prior health care charges: the effect of antecedent smoking-related symptoms?
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2003
  • Treatment of elderly and other adult patients for depression in primary care
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2003
  • Variation in diabetes care by age: opportunities for customization of care
    BMC Family Practice. 2003
  • When depression is the diagnosis, what happens to patients and are they satisfied?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2003
  • Complementary and alternative medicine use among health plan members. A cross-sectional survey
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2002
  • Does insurance coverage for drug therapy affect smoking cessation?
    Health Affairs. 2002
  • How acceptable are financial incentives and written feedback for improving hypertension control? Perspectives from physicians, clinic administrators, and patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Is quality free? The relationship between cost and quality across 18 provider groups
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Nonresponse bias: does it affect measurement of clinician behavior?
    Medical Care. 2002
  • Physician smoking-cessation actions: are they dependent on insurance coverage or on patients?
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002
  • A CQI intervention to change the care of depression: a controlled study
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2001
  • Aids to quitting tobacco use: how important are they outside controlled trials?
    Preventive Medicine. 2001
  • Patient satisfaction and discussion of smoking cessation during clinical visits
    Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2001
  • Physical inactivity and short-term all-cause mortality in adults with chronic disease
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2001
  • Professional advice and readiness to change behavioral risk factors among members of a managed care organization
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2001
  • Screening for diabetes mellitus in high-risk patients: cost, yield, and acceptability
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2001
  • The failure of a controlled trial to improve depression care: a qualitative study
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2001
  • Variation in clinical preventive services
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2001
  • Care-seeking behavior for upper respiratory infections
    Journal of Family Practice. 2000
  • Failure of a continuous quality improvement intervention to increase the delivery of preventive services. A randomized trial
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2000
  • Guideline implementation: what the literature doesn't tell us
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Health behaviors of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in an HMO
    Preventive Medicine. 2000
  • Impact of birthweight on healthcare charges within a managed care organization
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2000
  • Improving diabetes care in a large health care system: an enhanced primary care approach
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Improving prevention is difficult
    Effective Clinical Practice. 2000
  • Incentivising, facilitating, and implementing an office tobacco cessation system
    Tobacco Control. 2000
  • Lessons from experienced guideline implementers: attend to many factors and use multiple strategies
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Continuous quality improvement can improve glycemic control for HMO patients with diabetes
    Archives of Family Medicine. 1996
  • Editorial Article
  • Insulin management in patients with diabetes receiving hemodialysis: unanswered questions and way forward [editorial]
    American Journal of Kidney Diseases.  83. 2024
  • Screening for suicide risk is predicting the future, not diagnosing the present [editorial]
    Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety.  49. 2023
  • COVID-19 mRNA vaccines during pregnancy: new evidence to help address vaccine hesitancy [editorial]
    JAMA.  327. 2022
  • Get a doctor to avoid going to the doctor
    MinnesotaSpokesmanRecorder.  2022
  • Reporting on and reviewing for race/racialization, ethnicity, and culture [editorial]
    Psychiatric Services.  73. 2022
  • Bearing bad news: walking with patients [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  104. 2021
  • Black MN doctors on COVID-19 vaccine: 'the benefits outweigh the risks'
    MinnesotaSpokesmanRecorder.  2021
  • Combating fear of the unknown in healthcare worker COVID vaccination [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  104. 2021
  • Invest in tobacco prevention to improve health, ease health disparities [editorial]
    MinnPost.  2021
  • Overcoming therapeutic inertia in type 2 diabetes care-timing, context, and appropriateness of treatment intensification [editorial]
    JAMA network open.  4. 2021
  • Shifting the culture of working while ill [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  104. 2021
  • Sickle cell trait: an unsound cause of death [editorial]
    Lancet (London, England).  398. 2021
  • To protect Black lives, ban menthol tobacco products [editorial]
  • Toward the quadruple aim: caring for oneself [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  104. 2021
  • Which COVID-19 vaccine to choose [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  104. 2021
  • Community partnership in clinical research [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • Engaging the community, one physician at a time [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • Pursuing justice for our black patients and communities [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • The anxiety of underrepresentation [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • The challenges of team-based care [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • The importance of patient trust [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  103. 2020
  • Antihypertensive medication use in older adults at risk for hip fracture [editorial]
    JAMA.  322. 2019
  • Capsule commentary on Marcum et al, Statin dosing instructions, medication adherence, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a cohort study of incident statin users [editorial]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine.  34. 2019
  • Maintaining a culture of humanism in medicine [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • Managing mental health disorders requires attending to both primary care and its specialty mental health collaborators [editorial]
    Family Practice.  36. 2019
  • Mind the gap: where quality measures fall down [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • Overcoming identity differences to meet the needs of the medically underserved [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • Patients simply want to be heard [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • Proceeding carefully with medical cannabis [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • The problem(s) with board exams [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  102. 2019
  • Can quality improvement be optional [editorial]?
    Families, systems & health.  36. 2018
  • Inventing a new model of hypertension care for black men [editorial]
    New England Journal of Medicine.  378. 2018
  • Is Tdap the best prevention we have against pertussis disease [editorial]?
    Journal of Adolescent Health.  62. 2018
  • Looking to the future [editorial]
    Minnesota Medicine.  101. 2018
  • The new hypertension guideline: logical but unwise [editorial]
    Family Practice.  35. 2018
  • Risk and benefit information and use of aspirin [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  177. 2017
  • Strategies to prioritize clinical options in primary care [editorial]
    Annals of Family Medicine.  15. 2017
  • What do we know and need to know about transforming primary care [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  34. 2017
  • Are we measuring blood pressure correctly in children, particularly in obesity [editorial]?
    Archives of Disease in Childhood.  101. 2016
  • Cardiac troponin testing is overused after the rule-in or rule-out of myocardial infarction [editorial]
    Clinical Chemistry.  61. 2015
  • Helping mothers to get the message about influenza: are texts the future for increased immunization [editorial]?
  • Intensive BP control, falls, and fractures: response to Jolobe [editorial]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine.  30. 2015
  • Preventable hospital admissions: are they [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  32. 2015
  • How clinical pharmacists can improve outpatient diabetes care [editorial]
    Diabetes Management (London, England).  4. 2014
  • Patient outcomes measures-the next promising answer [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  31. 2014
  • Patients affected by changes to hypertension guideline [editorial]
    JAMA.  312. 2014
  • Personalized and prioritized diabetes treatment recommendations to reduce cardiovascular risk [editorial]
  • Risks and benefits of antihypertensive medications in older adults [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  174. 2014
  • Authors' reply to Sleep disturbance and incidence of thyroid cancer in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative [editorial]
    American Journal of Epidemiology.  178. 2013
  • Patient preferences in diabetes care: overcoming barriers using new strategies [editorial]
    Journal of comparative effectiveness research.  2. 2013
  • Self-reported diabetes is a valid outcome in pragmatic clinical trials and observational studies [editorial]
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.  66. 2013
  • Supporting high-value Part D Medicare choices for low-income beneficiaries: comment on "Cognition and take-up of subsidized drug benefits by Medicare beneficiaries" [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  173. 2013
  • A look ahead at the future of diabetes prevention and treatment [editorial]
    JAMA.  308. 2012
  • Greater diabetes-care contact frequency is associated with more rapid achievement of care goals but interpretation of finding requires consideration of patient adherence and motivation [editorial]
    Evidence-Based Medicine.  17. 2012
  • How EHR-based clinical decision support promotes patient-centered care [editorial]
    Diabetes Management (London, England).  2. 2012
  • Prioritizing treatments in type 2 diabetes mellitus [editorial]
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  172. 2012
  • Quality improvement collaboratives in the age of health informatics--new wine in new wineskins [editorial]
    BMJ quality & safety.  21. 2012
  • Smoking cessation, weight gain, and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among postmenopausal women [editorial]
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  172. 2012
  • Advanced access--fad or important [editorial]?
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  171. 2011
  • Care coordination: what is it, what are its effects and can it be sustained [editorial]?
    Family Practice Research Journal.  28. 2011
  • Financing vaccines for adolescents: a position paper of the society for adolescent health and medicine [editorial]
    Journal of Adolescent Health.  48. 2011
  • Opportunities to increase the effectiveness of EHR-based diabetes clinical decision support [invited editorial]
    Appl Clin Inf.  2. 2011
  • Strategies to reduce the cost of renal complications in patients with type 2 diabetes [editorial]
    Diabetes care.  34. 2011
  • The Women's Health Initiative Calcium/Vitamin D Trial [editorial]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex..  57. 2011
  • Insulin regimens in type 2 diabetes [editorial]
    New England Journal of Medicine.  362. 2010
  • The growing importance of diabetes screening [editorial]
    Diabetes care.  33. 2010
  • The medical home: is it a blind men and elephant tale [editorial]?
    Family Practice.  26. 2009
  • Chapter
  • Comparative effectiveness of adaptive treatment strategies
    Targeted learning in data science: causal inference for complex longitudinal studies (Springer series in statistics). 2018
  • Quality improvement in primary care: the role of organization, systems, and collaboratives (Chapter 12)
    Mclaughlin And Kaluzny's Continuous quality improvement in health care. 2011
  • Diabetes
    Chronic disease epidemiology and control. 2010
  • Healthcare provider reminder systems, provider education, and patient education: working with healthcare delivery systems to improve the delivery of tobacco-use treatment to patients--an action guide
    The community health promotion handbook: action guides to improve community health. 2008
  • How to organize the practice for improved delivery of clinical preventive services
    Health promotion and disease prevention in clinical practice. 2008
  • Using data mining to predict errors in chronic disease care
    Advances in patient safety: from research to implementation. 2008
  • Advances in Patient Safety Clinical Inertia and Outpatient Medical Errors
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 2: Concepts and Methodology). 2005
  • Advances in Patient Safety Identification, Classification, and Frequency of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 1: Research Findings). 2005
  • Advances in Patient Safety SimCare: A Model for Studying Physician Decisionmaking Activity
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 4: Programs, Tools, and Products). 2005
  • Clinical inertia and outpatient medical errors
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. 2005
  • Identification, classification, and frequency of medical errors in outpatient diabetes care
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. 2005
  • SimCare: a model for studying physician decisionmaking activity
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 4: Programs, Tools, and Products). 2005
  • Conference Paper
    *** hidden publications ***
  • Complications of Work Related Injury with Retained Lead Bullet Fragments in Woman of Childbearing Age
  • Complications of work related injury with retained lead bullet fragments in woman of childbearing age
  • Diabetes "smart" registries: context, complexity, and impact
  • Transforming primary care clinics into health care homes in Minnesota: what have we learned? TheTransforMN Study [keynote speakers]
  • Cost-effectiveness of EMR-based clinical decision support [presentation
  • Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination {presentation]
  • The future of implementation - science, practice and policy [plenary panel member]
  • Changes in physical activity and nutrition in a behavioral intervention pilot study: Passport to Brain Wellness
  • Root causes of clinical inertia in diabetes care [abstract presentation]
  • Addressing tobacco in health care [expert panel discussion]
  • Assessing quality of life in diabetes: comparing the Health Utility Index (HUI)-2 and HUI-3
  • DIAMOND: depression improvement across Minnesota, offering a new direction
  • Diabetes group visits: what can you do to maximize communication and behavior change?
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [
  • Implementation of electronic decision support for providers to improve diabetes care
  • Implementing advanced decision support for providers to improve diabetes care
  • Implementing advanced decision support for providers to improve diabetes care
  • Managing the diabetes patient not at goal
  • Overview of measures for diabetes quality and accountability
  • Prediabetes: what are health plans doing about it?
  • Understanding and overcoming clinical inertia in diabetes care: a systematic approach
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data to profile 21 physician-specific treatment strategies in diabetes care
  • What can you do to maximize communication and behavior change?
  • Conference Poster
  • Understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among firefighters: application of the Health Belief Model [poster]
  • Elevated blood pressure and risks for progression to hypertension in youth 10-17 years of age [poster]
  • Factors associated with Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) compliance and weight loss among low-income participants [poster]
  • Initial phase results of Firefighter Cardiorespiratory Fitness Pilot Study [poster]
  • Highly motivated population provides two successful recruitment methods into the TMD self-care study and PACT program [poster]
  • PACT: a self-management program for chronic pain utilizing online education and telehealth coaching, findings of the pilot study [poster]
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [poster]
  • Analytic evaluation of immunization overutilization rates in Minnesota [poster]
  • Aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: challenges to appropriate use [poster]
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a stakeholder informed randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, kiosk, and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring [poster]
  • Can prioritized clinical decision support in primary care reduce cardiovascular risk? [poster]
  • Clinical decision support impact on overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events [poster]
  • Development and validation of a risk equation for appendicitis in children presenting with abdominal pain [poster]
  • Impact of improving diabetes care on Quality adjusted Life Expectancy (QALE) and costs: a 40-year perspective [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and pharmacist management on BP outcomes [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management [poster]
  • Population-based outreach vs usual care to prevent suicide attempt: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial [poster]
  • Primary care provider use rates of a clinical decision support tool and change in diabetes performance measures [poster]
  • Racial/ethnic disparities in completion of the routine immunization series by age two [poster]
  • Results of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of TeenBP, an EHR-based clinical decision support tool, on recognition of adolescent hypertension [poster]
  • The composition of a contemporary occupational medicine practice [poster]
  • The composition of a contemporary occupational medicine practice [poster]
  • The mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the relationship between chronic pain and suicide death [poster]
  • Using EMR-linked data for passive patient safety reporting in pragmatic clinical trials [poster]
  • What factors facilitate weight loss among Medicaid beneficiaries participating in the diabetes prevention program [poster]?
  • Correlation between provider use rates of a clinical decision support tool and diabetes performance measures [e-poster 1266-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Assessing trends in smoking cessation in diverse patient populations using electronic medical records [poster]
  • Assessing trends in smoking cessation in diverse patient populations using electronic medical records [poster]
  • DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) critical care pathway [poster]
  • Design of diabetes clinical decision support systems that reduce CV risk [poster]
  • Effects of taconite mining silica and respirable dust exposure on an inflammatory DNA adduct biomarker, M1dG [poster]
  • Effects of taconite mining silica and respirable dust exposure on an inflammatory DNA adduct biomarker, M1dG [poster]
  • Improving packed red blood cell orders, utilization, and management with point-of-care clinical decision support [poster]
  • Improving population health: predictors of recidivism to uncontrolled hypertension in patients with previously well-controlled hypertension [poster]
  • Incident ADHD diagnosis and use of stimulant medication among youth 10-17 years [poster]
  • Passive safety monitoring using electronic medical records data for pragmatic cardiovascular clinical trials [poster]
  • Relation of change in weight status to the development of hypertension in children and adolescents [poster]
  • The use of electronic health record alerts to improve postoperative hand therapy protocol compliance following peripheral nerve repair [poster]
  • The use of order-based CDS alerting to increase the homogeneity of premedication regimens in patients with known contrast allergies [poster]
  • Usage and engagement of a collaborative Wiki for occupational and environmental medicine residents [poster]
  • Usage and engagement of a collaborative Wiki for occupational and environmental medicine residents [poster]
  • Use and customization of risk scores for predicting cardiovascular events with electronic health data [poster]
  • Final results from a study of the implementation of the collaborative care model for primary care of depression (DIAMOND) in 76 clinics in Minnesota [poster]
  • How did pharmacists help patients achieve blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring plus pharmacist management [poster]?
  • Implementation of a pediatric prehospital pain management protocol [poster]
  • Improving packed red blood cell orders, utilization, and management with point-of-care clinical decision support [poster]
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Preventable major cardiovascular events due to uncontrolled glucose, blood pressure, and lipids or active smoking in adults with diabetes with and without cardiovascular disease [poster]
  • Timing and impact of transition from pediatric to adult care on glycemic control among adolescents and young adults with diabetes: results from the SUPREME-DM pilot study [poster]
  • Validation of colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) data within the HMORN Virtual Data Warehouse [poster]
  • Within-person variability of urinary Bisphenol-A in postmenopausal women [poster]
  • A multisite study of long-term remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes mellitus following gastric bypass [poster]
  • Calcium and vitamin d supplementation and cognitive impairment in the Women's Health Initiative [poster]
  • Comparative effectiveness of bariatric surgery vs. nonsurgical treatment of type 2 diabetes among severely obese adults [poster]
  • Comparison of blood pressure (BP) measurement in HealthPartners primary care clinics before and after automated BP device use [poster]
  • Creation and implementation of an analytic dataset for a multi-site surveillance study using electronic health records (EHR) and medical claims data [poster]
  • Declining rates of major cardiovascular events in adults with and without diabetes: 2005-2011 [poster]
  • Diagnosis of pediatric hypertension depends on clinical practice guideline definitions [poster]
  • Examining health service utilization in the year prior to suicide death [poster]
  • Frequency and results of glucose screening in children and adolescents 2007-2011 [poster]
  • Frequency of CV Wizard use and gender disparity [poster]
  • Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids 5-10: results from baseline analyses [poster]
  • How to engage patients and clinicians as research partners, and have fun, too [poster]
  • Impact of BMI and change in BMI on progression from normotension to prehypertension or hypertension in patients ages 3-17 [poster]
  • Impact of oral contraceptives on adolescent blood pressure and BMI [poster]
  • Impact of oral contraceptives on adolescent blood pressure and BMI [poster]
  • Impact of specific glucose-control strategies on microvascular outcomes in 58,000 adults with type 2 diabetes [poster]
  • Improved self-efficacy and satisfaction with care among Hyperlink intervention patients [poster]
  • Improving diabetes management with mindfulness-based stress reduction [poster]
  • Integrating medical and dental data to improve quality and safety of dental care [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Predictors of medication usage for incident diabetes patients: a SUrveillance, PREvention, and ManagEment of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study [poster]
  • Prehypertension and hypertension in community-based pediatric practice [poster]
  • Prevalence of obesity and extreme obesity in children aged three to five years [poster]
  • The utility of internet recruitment in achieving a representative patient sample: the BRINK Memory Study [poster]
  • Use of CER hub to evaluate outcomes of smoking cessation services, a behavioral treatment [poster]
  • Use of antidepressants and suicide attempts in young patients following FDA warnings [poster]
  • Acute adverse events following trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) in pregnancy [poster]
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [poster]
  • Baseline blood pressure among adolescents initiating hormonal contraception [poster]
  • COMPASS: evaluating an evolving and spreading innovation [poster]
  • DIAMOND: what predicts poor response to usual depression treatment in primary care? [poster]
  • Enhancing weight loss maintenance: 2 year results from the Keep It Off trial [poster]
  • From research innovation to broader public use: the SimCare story [poster]
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring for hypertension management: implications for practice [poster]
  • Impact of bariatric surgery on life expectancy in adults with diabetes [poster]
  • Impact of bariatric surgery on life expectancy in adults with diabetes [poster]
  • Integrating patient and clinician perspectives in the TransforMN study [poster]
  • Lipid patterns among foreign and U.S. born patients in a medical group [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Pregnancy among insured adolescents [poster]
  • Simulated provider training improves diabetes management [poster]
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [poster]
  • We can prevent diabetes in Minnesota [poster]
  • A simulated diabetes learning intervention improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [poster]
  • Are improvements in clinic practice systems associated with improvements in quality outcomes [poster]?
  • DIAMOND Study: an innovative observational design model for patient-centered comparative effectiveness research [poster]
  • Designing a patient interface for shared decision support [poster]
  • Does depression status impact recognition, treatment, or control of hypertension [poster]?
  • Effectiveness of using e-health records to improve dental care for medically compromised patients [poster]
  • Estimating pregnancy start dates with prenatal procedure codes [poster]
  • Improvements in self-efficacy and diabetes distress, but not glucose control, from individual diabetes education are sustained [poster]
  • Intentions for pregnancy among female adolescents presenting to a pediatric emergency department [poster]
  • Provider and staff beliefs and attitudes about creating care systems for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a private medical group [poster]
  • Provider satisfaction with a simulated learning approach to diabetes management [poster]
  • Safety of seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) in pregnant women [poster]
  • Safety of the yellow fever vaccine: a retrospective study [poster]
  • Use of Diabetes Wizard EMR-based clinical decision support system [poster]
  • Which patient characteristics predict response and remission to usual primary care of depression [poster]?
  • Changes in cognitive function and plasma biomarkers in a pilot trial of a multi-domain intervention to prevent cognitive decline [poster]
  • Childhood hypertension and obesity: diagnosis, care and costs [poster]
  • Chronic kidney disease in HealthPartners patients [poster]
  • Cost effectiveness of an EMR-based clinical decision support system [poster]
  • EHR-based clinical decision support for assessing cardiovascular risk [poster]
  • Electronic data collection for a clinical trial conducted within a health system [poster]
  • Health outcomes of bariatric surgery in individuals with type 2 diabetes [poster]
  • MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) for caregivers of people with dementia: the Balance Study [poster]
  • Patterns of blood pressure measurement at pediatric primary care visits in large medical group practices [poster]
  • Pediatric hypertension and obesity: predictors, care, and costs [poster]
  • Physical activity maintenance [poster]
  • The DIAMOND Study [poster]
  • The Minnesota Memory Project [poster]
  • The impact of an HPV (human papillomavirus) upon strategies for cervical cancer screening [poster]
  • Medication therapy management (MTM): an evaluation of medicare part d member response and participation [poster]
  • Randomized trial: EHR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in diabetes [poster]
  • Two-year outcomes following off-label use of drug-eluting stents in the real world: insights from the HMO Research Network-Stent Registry (HMORN-STENT) [poster]
  • Extraction, creation and quality of vital sign data of the HMORN VDW (Virtual Data Warehouse) [poster]
  • Extraction, creation and quality of vital sign data of the HMORN VDW (Virtual Data Warehouse) [poster]
  • Reasons for diabetes clinical inertia in primary care practice [poster]
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data for passive patient safety surveillance in clinical trials [poster]
  • Report
  • Comparing telehealth and clinic-based care for lowering uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Leveraging health communication, data, and innovative approaches for sustainable systems-wide changes to reduce the prevalence of obesity: proceedings of a workshop in brief
  • Stakeholder-driven action plan for improving pain management, opioid use, and opioid use disorder treatment through patient-centered clinical decision support
  • Influenza immunization for adults 18 years and older
  • Screening for depression in adults: an updated systematic evidence review for the US Preventive Services Task Force: Evidence Synthesis No. 128
  • Meningococcal immunization
  • Pneumococcal immunization
  • Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Screening for high blood pressure in adults: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet]
  • Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: an evidence update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
  • Delirium: screening, prevention, and diagnosis – a systematic review of the evidence [Internet]
  • Healthy lifestyles [health care guideline]
  • Lipid management in adults [health care guideline]
  • Prevention and management of obesity [health care guideline]
  • Preventive services for adults [health care guideline]
  • Preventive services for children and adolescents [health care guideline]
  • Hypertension diagnosis and treatment [health care guideline]
  • Prevention and management of obesity: mature adolescents and adults [health care guideline]
  • Preventive services for children and adolescents [health care guideline]
  • Review
  • Factors associated with increased health care utilization for patients with dementia with Lewy bodies: a narrative review [review]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2024
  • Early patient-centered outcomes research experience with the use of telehealth to address disparities: scoping review [review, systematic review]
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021
  • Evidence and recommendations on the use of telemedicine for the management of arterial hypertension: an international expert position paper [review]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: updated evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force [systematic review]
    JAMA. 2020
  • Self-monitoring of blood pressure in patients with hypertension-related multi-morbidity: systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis [meta-analysis, systematic review]
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • The role of the patient-centered medical home in treating depression [review]
    Current psychiatry reports. 2020
  • Blood pressure assessment in adults in clinical practice and clinic-based research: JACC Scientific Expert Panel [review]
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2019
  • Priorities Wizard: multisite web-based primary care clinical decision support improved chronic care outcomes with high use rates and high clinician satisfaction rates [review]
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Self-monitoring of blood pressure in hypertension: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis [review, systematic review, meta-analysis]
    PLoS Medicine. 2017
  • The impact of antihypertensive medications on bone mineral density and fracture risk [review article]
    Current Cardiology Reports. 2017
  • Outpatient diabetes clinical decision support: current status and future directions [review]
    Diabetic Medicine. 2016
  • Primary care screening for and treatment of depression in pregnant and postpartum women: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force [meta-analysis, review, systematic review]
    JAMA. 2016
  • Research needs to improve hypertension treatment and control in African Americans [review]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2016
  • Diagnostic and predictive accuracy of blood pressure screening methods with consideration of rescreening intervals: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [review, systematic review]
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Use of electronic health records to support smoking cessation [meta-analysis, review, systematic review]
    The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2014
  • Genome-wide association analysis of blood-pressure traits in African-ancestry individuals reveals common associated genes in African and non-African populations [meta-analysis]
    American Journal of Human Genetics. 2013
  • Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [review, systematic review]
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013
  • Use of antipsychotic medications in pediatric populations: what do the data say [review]?
    Current psychiatry reports. 2013
  • Assessing the safety of influenza immunization during pregnancy: the Vaccine Safety Datalink [review]
    American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012
  • Electronic medical records to increase the clinical treatment of tobacco dependence: a systematic review [review, systematic review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2010
  • Vaccinating teens: current guidelines, challenges, and opportunities [review]
    Pediatric Annals. 2010
  • Clinical preventive services for adolescents [review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009
  • Preventing and managing cardiometabolic risk: the logic for intervention [review]
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2009
  • Prioritizing clinical preventive services: a review and framework with implications for community preventive services [review]
    Annual Review of Public Health. 2009
  • Primary care intervention to reduce alcohol misuse ranking its health impact and cost effectiveness [review, systematic review]
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008
  • Restricted-carbohydrate diets in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis [meta-analysis, review]
    Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2008
  • Using data mining to predict errors in chronic disease care [review]
  • Policy Briefs
  • Comparing change in systolic blood pressure with clinic-based care versus telehealth care in a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial (Hyperlink 3) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Comparing two approaches to implementing suicide risk identification models [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Demographic and psychosocial factors associated with suicide mortality among childbearing-age individuals: a case-control study [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Health diagnoses and service utilization in the year prior to youth and young adult suicide [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Maximizing use of chronic disease clinical decision support in primary care clinics: lessons learned from randomized trials [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Medication adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: preliminary data from the patient perspective [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Patients deciding on cancer screening and prevention using clinical decision support: "I wouldn't have thought about getting screened without it" [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Trauma diagnoses and risk for suicide mortality in a health system patient population [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Better care strategies are necessary to address poor medication adherence [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • Differences in chronic kidney disease management in patients with and without diabetes in a large care delivery system [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • Glycemic relapse: major threat to ongoing improvement in diabetes care [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • A web-based clinical decision support system (Wizard) increases appropriate cardiometabolic diagnostic coding at primary care visits [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, and kiosk, to 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring--comparative accuracy primary outcome results [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Challenges encountered in linking community health centers' electronic health record data to a web-based clinical decision support tool [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Dissemination and sustained use of an outpatient clinical decision system with high use rates, high clinician satisfaction, and positive impact on quality of care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Long-term effects on cardiovascular events of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist management in patients with uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Variation in care improvement opportunities suggests need for tailored clinician-specific improvement interventions [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • A comparison of the impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines on primary care populations with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2018
  • Impact of human versus analog insulins on occurrence of myocardial infarction [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2017
  • Opioid prescribing during pregnancy: eight-year secular trends at HealthPartners Medical Group [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2017
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • All is not equal...or is it? Targeting uncontrolled cardiovascular risk factors in racial and ethnic populations to prevent major cardiovascular events [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Antidepressant adherence across diverse populations and health care settings [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Can financial incentives prevent diabetes in a low-income population? [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients receiving opioid therapy during pregnancy [abstract]
    Pharmacotherapy. 2016
  • Comparative effectiveness of two diabetes clinical decision support systems on cardiometabolic outcomes and CV risk: randomized trial [abstract 2304-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Design features of successful outpatient chronic disease care clinical decision support systems [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Designing outpatient diabetes care clinical decision support systems for high use rates [abstract 2309-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Eliciting patient treatment preferences using a clinical decision support system [abstract 1252-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Implementing collaborative care management for depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease across eight health care systems [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Integrating technology into mental health intervention trials [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Long-term impact of intensive glucose, blood pressure, or lipid control on health utility: ACCORDION Study [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of acetyl-salicylic acid for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention [abstract 1225-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in primary care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Pediatric appendicitis: trends in emergency department imaging and outcomes in the community setting, 2010-2015 [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2016
  • Qualitative data from a trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management (Hyperlink) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Randomised trial of a diabetes clinical decision support system: use rates, provider satisfaction, and impact on clinical outcomes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Relation of change in weight status to the development of hypertension in children and adolescents [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • The BestFIT Weight Loss Trial: smart study design and early implementation lessons learned [abstract]
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2016
  • Use and customization of risk scores for predicting cardiovascular events using electronic health record data [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Achieving clinically significant weight loss: how soon can we respond to non-responders [abstract]?
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2015
  • Are composite measures of diabetes quality of care associated with major CV events [abstract 440-P]?
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Disseminating web-based EHR-linked diabetes clinical decision support system from one medical group to another: case study [abstract 1377-P]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Evaluation of provider experience with an EHR-based clinical decision support tool [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • How to minimize future CV events and total mortality in adults with diabetes: lessons from the 10,000,000 person-year SUPREME Cohort Study [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Severe hypoglycemia in a large cohort of adults with diabetes mellitus treated in U.S. integrated health care delivery systems, 2005-2011 [abstract 390-P]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Surveillance of cardiovascular events and total mortality among insured adults with and without diabetes: the SUPREME Cohort Study [abstract 55-OR]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Sustained use of a diabetes clinical decision support tool in primary care practices [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Timing of consent into a multicenter randomized controlled traumatic brain injury clinical trial conducted under exception from informed consent [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • A candidate gene study of genetic risk for dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in women aged >65 years: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) [abstract]
    Alzheimer's & dementia. 2014
  • Educating resident physicians using virtual case-based simulation improves diabetes management--a randomized, controlled trial [abstract 322-OR]
    Diabetes. 2014
  • Improving mental health and diabetes management with mindfulness-based stress reduction [abstract] [presentation]
  • Randomized trial of telephone outreach to improve medication adherence and metabolic control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2014
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Costs associated with delivering intensive or standard glucose, lipids, and systolic blood pressure control strategies in the ACCORD Trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2013
  • Glucose screening and identification of pre-diabetes in children and adolescents 2007-2011 [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2013
  • Leukotriene inhibitors may be more effective than inhaled corticosteroids in preventing asthma-related exacerbations [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Outcomes of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled BP levels in previously controlled hypertension patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Virtual diabetes education improves resident physician knowledge and performance: a cluster randomized trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Virtual diabetes education improves resident physician knowledge and performance: a cluster-randomized trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2013
  • A comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research settings [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • A descriptive study of vaccinations occurring during pregnancy, 2002-2006 [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • A simulated diabetes learning intervention improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Are outcomes from diabetes self-management education sustained? A randomized controlled trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Comparison of ethnicity and race categorization in electronic medical records and by self-report [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Diabetes prevalence among 2.4 million health maintenance organisation (HMO) members < 20 years of age, 2005-2009: the SUPREME-DM project [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2012
  • Experiences in designing a simple education interface for shared decision support for cardiovascular risk [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Identifying pregnancy episodes in the Vaccine Safety Datalink [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Improved glycemic control from diabetes self-management education is not sustained [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Intensive glucose, blood pressure, or lipid control had no significant negative impact on health utility or quality-adjusted life years in the ACCORD Trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Prevalence of HT in children: comparison between task force recommendations and average of multiple measurements over 2 or 4 years [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Prevalence of elevated blood pressure and BMI in U.S. children and adolescents [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Primary care residents highly rate simulated diabetes training [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Season, daylight, and A1c levels [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Simulated diabetes training helps providers bring patients to goals: a cluster randomized trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Simulated training improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Use of electronic health records to estimate 5-year incidence of diabetes among health maintenance organization (HMO) members <20 years of age: the SUPREME-DM Project [abstract]
    Pediatric Diabetes. 2012
  • Adherence to comprehensive interventions for management of uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Early initiation of metformin in new-onset type 2 diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes mellitus: ACCORD Trial [abstract 47-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • HMORN research on pediatric hypertension and obesity: predictors, care, and costs: design of a new pediatric cohort [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Impact of bariatric surgery on long-term remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes mellitus: multi-site study [abstract 1190-P]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Intensive blood pressure control does not increase falls and fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Intensive glycemic control and fracture risk [abstract 1352-P]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Intensive glycemic control not linked to falls in ACCORD [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Major depression predicts total mortality in ACCORD trial participants [abstract 48-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Medication adherence in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure: results from the Hyperlink Study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Microvascular effects of intensive blood pressure control and its relation to glycaemic control in the ACCORD blood pressure trial [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2011
  • Overweight and obesity in those age 3-17 years old: implications for diabetes prevention [abstract 2377-PO]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Personalization of care for type 2 diabetes: a process control approach [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Prevalence of overweight and elevated blood pressure in a large cohort of children and adolescents (age 3-17 years) at an initial clinic examination [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Prioritization of treatment and its consequences: implications of accountability measures [abstract 46-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Use of alternative lifestyle methods to control hypertension in individuals entering a blood pressure clinical trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • A diabetes simulated physician learning program improved glucose control and is highly cost-effective [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • A new approach to CME? A simulated physician learning program improves glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Changes in physical activity and nutrition in a behavioral intervention pilot study - passport to brain wellness [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Comparing characteristics of adults who successfully lost weight using exercise vs. non-exercise focused methods [abstract]
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2010
  • Cost-effectiveness of an EMR-based diabetes clinical decision support system [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Does physical activity promote positive body image in recent weight losers [abstract]?
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010
  • EMR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Effect of point-of-care A1c testing in primary care clinics on diabetes medication intensification [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Enhancing long-term weight loss maintenance: Keep It Off trial design and baseline data [abstract]
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: HyperLink trial design and baseline characteristics [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: hyperlink design, baseline characteristics, and intervention adherence [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract]?
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Hypertension treatment intensification and BP control in adults with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Identifying physician decision stretegies for treating patients with type 2 diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Personalized learning intervention to enhance hypertension care skills of physicians and extended-care providers [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Personalized physician learning intervention improved glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Racial disparities in A1c change and medication intensification [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Readiness of U.S. health plans to manage cardiometabolic risk [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Standardized vs personalized diabetes care goals: implications for guidelines, decision support, and accountability measures [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Strategies used by physicians to treat hypertension [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • The long and winding road to physical activity maintenance: theory-driven mediation analysis in the Keep Active Minnesota (KAM) trial [abstract]
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010
  • Towards lower macrovascular risk in diabetes patients: a simulation-based evaluation of prioritization strategies [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Use of complementary and alternative medicine in people with diabetes [abstract]
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010
  • Validation of self-reported diabetes from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) clinical trials [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Validation of the SimCare model: a computational model of individual patients with type 2 diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Clinical decision support delivered through EMRs improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2009
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Does a higher serum 25(OH) vitamin d level predict lower blood pressure in post-menopausal women? Prospective data from the Women’s Health Initiative [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • EMR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Heart failure incidence and prognosis in post-menopausal women according to different diagnostic criteria: the Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy randomized trials [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Hormone therapy and heart failure incidence and prognosis in post-menopausal women: the Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy randomized trials [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract]?
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Multi-marker prediction of coronary heart disease risk: the Women’s Health Initiative [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Neighborhood SES and incident CHD among women [abstract]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Personalized physician learning intervention improved glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Two-year outcomes of a physical activity maintenance RCT in 50 to 70-year-old adults [abstract]
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2009
  • Are diabetes patients with depression more likely to get routine care process measures [abstract 361-OR]? Diabetes
  • Are diabetes patients with depression more likely to get routine care process measures [abstract PS2-13]?
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract 2524-PO]? Diabetes
  • Implementation of electronic decision support for providers to improve diabetes care [abstract] Diabetes
  • Reasons for diabetes clinical inertia in primary care practice [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • The anatomy of clinical inertia: using EMR-derived data to profile 21 physician-specific medication treatment strategies in diabetes care [abstract 1220-P] Diabetes
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data for passive patient safety surveillance in clinical trials [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • Using natural language processing (NLP) to identify depression in diabetes patients [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
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