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M. L. Stefanick All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Characteristics associated with 5-year fracture risk versus 5-year mortality risk among late-life men
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2023
  • Repeat bone mineral density screening measurement and fracture prediction in older men: a prospective cohort study
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2022
  • Hypertension treatment and control and risk of falls in older women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2019
  • Physical activity and weight gain after smoking cessation in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2019
  • The association between objectively measured physical activity and subsequent health care utilization in older men
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2019
  • Breastfeeding history and risk of stroke among parous postmenopausal women in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018
  • Effects of mobility and multimorbidity on inpatient and postacute health care utilization
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2018
  • Impact of hormone therapy on Medicare spending in the Women's Health Initiative randomized clinical trials
    American Heart Journal. 2018
  • Impact of competing risk of mortality on association of weight loss with risk of central body fractures in older men: a prospective cohort study
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2017
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and long-term all-cause and cause-specific mortality: The Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2017
  • Change in physical activity after a diabetes diagnosis: opportunity for intervention
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2014
  • Use of Medicare data to identify coronary heart disease outcomes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2013
  • A prospective study of leukocyte telomere length and risk of type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Association of active and passive smoking with risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women: a prospective cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2011
  • Health outcomes after stopping conjugated equine estrogens among postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy: a randomized controlled trial
    JAMA. 2011
  • Interaction between smoking and obesity and the risk of developing breast cancer among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2011
  • Vasomotor symptoms and cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2011
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy and subclinical cerebrovascular disease: the WHIMS-MRI Study
    Neurology. 2009
  • Usefulness of baseline lipids and C-reactive protein in women receiving menopausal hormone therapy as predictors of treatment-related coronary events
    American Journal of Cardiology. 2008
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  • M. L. Stefanick
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