Elisabeth M. Seburg
Supervisor, Research Project Management
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Characterisation and validation of lactation information from structured electronic health records for use in pharmacoepidemiological studies
    Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2024
  • Cumulative environmental stress and emerging cardiometabolic risk during childhood
    Pediatric Obesity. 2024
  • Household income, cortisol, and obesity during early childhood: a prospective longitudinal study
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2023
  • Association of childhood abuse with behavioral weight-loss outcomes: Examining the mediating effect of binge eating severity
    Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2022
  • BestFIT Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial results: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatment sequences
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2022
  • Race/ethnicity and age associations with hair cortisol concentrations among children studied longitudinally from early through middle childhood
    Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022
  • Discrepancies between clinician and participant intervention adherence ratings predict percent weight change during a six-month behavioral weight loss intervention
    Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2021
  • Using targeting to recruit men and women of color into a behavioral weight loss trial
    Trials. 2020
  • The Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids 5-10 Obesity Prevention Trial: 12 and 24-month outcomes
    Pediatric Obesity. 2019
  • Parent choice in a pediatric obesity prevention intervention
  • Predicting dietary intake among children classified as overweight or at risk for overweight: Independent and interactive effects of parenting practices and styles
    Appetite. 2017
  • The BestFIT trial: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatments
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2016
  • Activity patterns of preschool-aged children at risk for obesity
    Journal of physical activity & health. 2015
  • Disability and discussions of health-related behaviors between youth and health care providers
    Journal of Adolescent Health. 2015
  • Eating behaviors and quality of life in preadolescents at risk for obesity with and without abdominal pain
    Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2015
  • Household factors, family behavior patterns, and adherence to dietary and physical activity guidelines among children at risk for obesity
    Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2015
  • Objectively coding intervention fidelity during a phone-based obesity prevention study
  • Concern about child weight among parents of children at-risk for obesity
  • Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2013
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  • Elisabeth M. Seburg
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