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J. G. Robinson All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Risk patterns and mortality in postmenopausal women using latent class analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021
  • Evaluation of the pooled cohort risk equations for cardiovascular risk prediction in a multiethnic cohort from the Women's Health Initiative
    JAMA internal medicine. 2018
  • Red blood cell polyunsaturated fatty acids and mortality in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2017
  • Red blood cell fatty acids and incident diabetes mellitus in the women's health initiative memory study
    PloS One. 2016
  • Use of Medicare data to identify coronary heart disease outcomes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Influence of type 2 diabetes on brain volumes and changes in brain volumes: results from the Women's Health Initiative Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Racial and ethnic differences in incident hospitalized heart failure in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation. 2012
  • Calcium/vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcification in the Women's Health Initiative
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2010
  • Multimarker prediction of coronary heart disease risk: the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2010
  • Relationship of hypertension, blood pressure, and blood pressure control with white matter abnormalities in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS)-MRI trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • A prospective study of the effect of hypertension and baseline blood pressure on cognitive decline and dementia in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2008
  • Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of treated diabetes mellitus in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2008
  • Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative: comparison with medication inventories and fasting glucose measurements
    Clinical Trials (London, England). 2008
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  • J. G. Robinson
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