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National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • A National Dental Practice-Based Research Network phase II, cluster-randomized clinical trial assessing nicotine replacement therapy sampling in dental settings: study protocol for the Free Samples for Health (FreSH) study
    BMC oral health. 2024
  • Dental staff and patient attitudes about nicotine replacement therapy samples in dental care: a National Dental Practice-Based Research Network study
    Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 2024
  • Recruitment strategies and retention rates for five National Dental PBRN studies
    Journal of clinical and translational science. 2024
  • Characteristics of dentists in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Dentistry. 2023
  • Onset and resolution of pain among treated and untreated posterior teeth with a visible crack: three-year findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Dentistry. 2022
  • Outcomes of treatment and monitoring of posterior teeth with cracks: three-year results from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Clinical Oral Investigations. 2022
  • Root canal treatment survival analysis in National Dental PBRN practices
    Journal of Dental Research. 2022
  • Structure, function, and productivity from the National Dental Practice Based Research Network
    Journal of clinical and translational science. 2022
  • Leveraging electronic dental record data for clinical research in the National Dental PBRN practices
    Applied Clinical Informatics. 2020
  • Practitioner engagement in activities of the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN): 7-year results
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020
  • Concordance between practitioner questionnaire responses and observed clinical treatment recommendations for treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    BMC oral health. 2019
  • Preferences for peer-reviewed versus other publication sources: a survey of general dentists in the National Dental PBRN
    Implementation science. 2019
  • Dentists' decision strategies for suspicious occlusal caries lesions in a National Dental PBRN study
    Journal of Dentistry. 2018
  • Patient-centered dentinal hypersensitivity treatment outcomes: results from the National Dental PBRN
    JDR clinical and translational research. 2018
  • Practitioner participation in National Dental Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) studies: 12-year results
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2018
  • Preparation techniques used to make single-unit crowns: findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Prosthodontics. 2018
  • Judgment of the quality of restorative care as predictors of restoration retreatment: findings from the National Dental PBRN
    JDR clinical and translational research. 2017
  • Survey methods to optimize response rate in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Evaluation and the Health Professions. 2017
  • Dentist material selection for single-unit crowns: findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Dentistry. 2016
  • Frequency, impact, and predictors of persistent pain after root canal treatment: a national dental PBRN study
    Pain. 2016
  • Concordance between responses to questionnaire scenarios and actual treatment to repair or replace dental restorations in the National Dental PBRN
    Journal of Dentistry. 2015
  • Differential diagnoses for persistent pain after root canal treatment: a study in the National Dental Practice-based Research Network
    Journal of Endodontics. 2015
  • Predicting severe pain after root canal therapy in the National Dental PBRN
    Journal of Dental Research. 2015
  • Provision of specific dental procedures by general dentists in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network: questionnaire findings
    BMC oral health. 2015
  • Characteristics, detection methods and treatment of questionable occlusal carious lesions: findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Caries Research. 2014
  • Dentist and practice characteristics associated with restorative treatment of enamel caries in permanent teeth: multiple-regression modeling of observational clinical data from the National Dental PBRN
    American Journal of Dentistry. 2014
  • Practice change toward better adherence to evidence-based treatment of early dental decay in the National Dental PBRN
    Implementation science. 2014
  • Root canal therapy reduces multiple dimensions of pain: a National Dental Practice-based Research Network study
    Journal of Endodontics. 2014
  • Smoking cessation e-referrals: a National Dental Practice-Based Research Network randomized controlled trial
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • Supplementing online surveys with a mailed option to reduce bias and improve response rate: the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2014
  • Twenty-month follow-up of occlusal caries lesions deemed questionable at baseline: findings from The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of the American Dental Association. 2014
  • Agreement among dentists' restorative treatment planning thresholds for primary occlusal caries, primary proximal caries, and existing restorations: findings from The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Dentistry. 2013
  • Caries treatment in a dental practice-based research network: movement toward stated evidence-based treatment
    Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 2013
  • Cluster effects in a National Dental PBRN restorative study
    Journal of Dental Research. 2013
  • ONJ in two dental practice-based research network regions
    Texas Dental Journal. 2013
  • Practical science in the real world: the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
  • Purpose, structure, and function of the United States National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Dentistry. 2013
  • The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network: engaging dental school faculty as well as practitioners in the nation's network
  • Utilization of nondentist providers and attitudes toward new provider models: findings from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
    Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2013
  • ONJ in two dental practice-based research network regions
    Journal of Dental Research. 2011
  • presentations
  • Advancing your practice with the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network [presentation]
  • Blood glucose testing in Dental PBRN practices: a community-based feasibility study [presentation]
  • Characteristics of questionable occlusal caries: from the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Concordance between practice and evidence: The National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Concordance between questionnaire scenarios and actual treatment: The National Dental-PBRN [presentation]
  • Current oral hygiene habits: what are your patients really doing? [presentation]
  • Electronic dental records in research: from the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Engaging in practice-based research [presentation]
  • Engaging the dental team in practice-based research [presentation]
  • Feasibility of conducting large-scale endodontic research within the Dental Practice-Based Research Network [presentation]
  • Frequency of persistent pain following endodontics within the National-Dental-PBRN [presentation]
  • Impact of participation in a PBRN on evidence-based treatment [presentation]
  • Impact of persistent pain following endodontics within the National-Dental-PBRN [presentation]
  • Innovative and time efficient nutritional counseling for pediatric patients [presentation]
  • Introduction to the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Introduction to the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Introduction to the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Introduction to the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Introduction to the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Materials and longevity of repaired/replaced restorations: the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • Operations and characteristics of The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network [presentation]
  • Orientation to the nation's Network [presentation]
  • Orientation to the nation's Network [presentation]
  • Patient satisfaction with a dental restoration visit [presentation]
  • Peri-operative endodontic pain within the Dental Practice-Based Research Network [presentation]
  • Peri-operative pain and root canal therapy [presentation]
  • Perspective from the executive committee [presentation]
  • Predicting persistent pain following endodontic treatment within the National-Dental-PBRN [presentation]
  • Questionable occlusal lesions and implementing practice-based research into your practice [presentation]
  • Random plasma glucose values measured in community dental practices: findings from the Dental Practice-Based Research Network [presentation]
  • Risk factors for osteonecrosis of the jaw: a Dental Practice-Based Research Network case-control study [presentation], Oral and Systemic Health 2012 Regional Conference
  • Supplementing online surveys with mailed option: the National Dental PBRN [presentation]
  • The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN): research that benefits real world clinical practice [presentation]
  • The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network: why are your colleagues participating [presentation]?
  • The meat and potatoes of endodontic treatment or "How the heck do I get out of this?" [presentation]
  • Training requirements for studies in My Practice [presentation]
  • Why I participate in practice-based research: what's in it for my patients, my profession, and me [presentation]
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