John J. Marini, MD
Director of Physiological and Translational Research, Regions Hospital

Title: Physician in pulmonary medicine, Regions Hospital

Education and training: MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; residency in internal medicine and fellowship in pulmonary medicine, University of Washington.

Overview/research interests: Cardiopulmonary physiology and management of acute respiratory failure, with an emphasis on patient-ventilator interactions occurring in that clinical setting. In most of his research, he has positioned himself at the interface between basic physiology and clinical medicine to develop insights into advancing clinical practice.

Current research activities and funding: Collaborating with colleagues who are well-versed in advanced imaging and biological sciences to explore questions of mutual interest.

Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • High- versus low-flow extracorporeal respiratory support in experimental hypoxemic acute lung injury
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2023
  • Lung injury is induced by abrupt increase in respiratory rate but prevented by recruitment maneuver in mild acute respiratory distress syndrome in rats
    Anesthesiology. 2023
  • Ventilatory ratio, dead space, and venous admixture in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
    British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2023
  • A more gradual positive end-expiratory pressure increase reduces lung damage and improves cardiac function in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.. 2022
  • Bedside detection of end-tidal hyperinflation in acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2022
  • Can we always trust the wisdom of the body?
    Critical Care Medicine. 2022
  • End-tidal to arterial Pco(2) ratio as guide to weaning from venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2022
  • Energy dissipation during expiration and ventilator-induced lung injury: an experimental animal study
    Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.. 2022
  • Intracycle power distribution in a heterogeneous multi-compartmental mathematical model: possible links to strain and VILI
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2022
  • Mechanical power thresholds during mechanical ventilation: an experimental study
    Physiological reports. 2022
  • Mechanisms of oxygenation responses to proning and recruitment in COVID-19 pneumonia
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2022
  • Paradoxical positioning: does "head up" always improve mechanics and lung protection?
    Critical Care Medicine. 2022
  • Paradoxical response to chest wall loading predicts a favorable mechanical response to reduction in tidal volume or PEEP
    Critical Care (London, England). 2022
  • Reliable estimates of power delivery during mechanical ventilation utilizing easily obtained bedside parameters
    Respiratory Care. 2022
  • Static and dynamic measurements of compliance and driving pressure: a pilot study
    Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
  • The possible predictive value of muscle ultrasound in the diagnosis of ICUAW in long-term critically ill patients
    Journal of Critical Care. 2022
  • Dorsal push and abdominal binding improve respiratory compliance and driving pressure in proned coronavirus disease 2019 acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Critical care explorations. 2021
  • Elastic power of mechanical ventilation in morbid obesity and severe hypoxemia
    Respiratory Care. 2021
  • Intra-cycle power: is the flow profile a neglected component of lung protection?
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2021
  • Intracycle power and ventilation mode as potential contributors to ventilator-induced lung injury
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2021
  • Paradoxically improved respiratory compliance with abdominal compression in COVID-19 ARDS
    Chest. 2021
  • Prevalence and outcome of silent hypoxemia in COVID-19
    Minerva Anestesiologica. 2021
  • Role of total lung stress on the progression of early COVID-19 pneumonia
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2021
  • The impact of fluid status and decremental PEEP strategy on cardiac function and lung and kidney damage in mild-moderate experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Respiratory Research. 2021
  • "Less is More" in mechanical ventilation
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2020
  • Does iso-mechanical power lead to iso-lung damage: an experimental study in a porcine model
    Anesthesiology. 2020
  • Elastic power but not driving power is the key promoter of ventilator-induced lung injury in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Critical Care (London, England). 2020
  • Estimating the damaging power of high-stress ventilation
    Respiratory Care. 2020
  • Management of COVID-19 respiratory distress
    JAMA. 2020
  • Physiological and quantitative CT-scan characterization of COVID-19 and typical ARDS: a matched cohort study
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2020
  • Time course of evolving ventilator-induced lung injury: the "shrinking baby lung"
    Critical Care Medicine. 2020
  • What have we learned from animal models of ventilator-induced lung injury?
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2020
  • Driving pressure: defining the range
    Respiratory Care. 2019
  • Gradually increasing tidal volume may mitigate experimental lung injury in rats
    Anesthesiology. 2019
  • Positive end-expiratory pressure and mechanical power
    Anesthesiology. 2019
  • Understanding lactatemia in human sepsis. Potential impact for early management
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2019
  • Conditional hemodynamic tolerance to decremental recruitment of the "open lung"
    Critical Care Medicine. 2018
  • Energetics and the root mechanical cause for ventilator-induced lung injury
    Anesthesiology. 2018
  • PEEP titration: the effect of prone position and abdominal pressure in an ARDS model
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2018
  • Positional effects on the distributions of ventilation and end-expiratory gas volume in the asymmetric chest-a quantitative lung computed tomographic analysis
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2018
  • Protecting the ventilated lung: vascular surge and deflation energetics
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2018
  • Evidence or belief-based medicine? Ten doubts
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2017
  • Reliability of transpulmonary pressure-time curve profile to identify tidal recruitment/hyperinflation in experimental unilateral pleural effusion
    Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 2017
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2017
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016
    Critical Care Medicine. 2017
  • Fast versus slow recruitment maneuver at different degrees of acute lung inflammation induced by experimental sepsis
    Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2016
  • Strain rate and cycling frequency-The "dynamic duo" of injurious tidal stress
    Critical Care Medicine. 2016
  • The effect of compartmental asymmetry on the monitoring of pulmonary mechanics and lung volumes
    Respiratory Care. 2016
  • Biological impact of transpulmonary driving pressure in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Anesthesiology. 2015
  • Critical care evidence--new directions
    JAMA. 2015
  • Diaphragm ultrasound as indicator of respiratory effort in critically ill patients undergoing assisted mechanical ventilation: a pilot clinical study
    Critical Care (London, England). 2015
  • Impact of chest wall modifications and lung injury on the correspondence between airway and transpulmonary driving pressures
    Critical Care Medicine. 2015
  • The top attributes of excellence of intensive care physicians
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2015
  • Development of a lethal, closed-abdomen, arterial hemorrhage model in noncoagulopathic swine
    Journal of Surgical Research. 2014
  • Drainage of pleural effusion in mechanically ventilated patients: time to measure chest wall compliance?
    Journal of Critical Care. 2014
  • Positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure during unilateral mechanical asymmetry
    Minnesota Medicine. 2014
  • Self-expanding foam for prehospital treatment of intra-abdominal hemorrhage: 28-day survival and safety
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2014
  • Self-expanding foam for prehospital treatment of severe intra-abdominal hemorrhage: dose finding study
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2014
  • Self-expanding foam improves survival following a lethal, exsanguinating iliac artery injury
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2014
  • Unilateral mechanical asymmetry. Positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2014
  • Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension influences airway pressure limits for lung protective mechanical ventilation
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2013
  • Recruitment maneuvers modulate epithelial and endothelial cell response according to acute lung injury etiology
    Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Under pressure
    Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2013
  • Value and limitations of transpulmonary pressure calculations during intra-abdominal hypertension
    Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Ventilator-associated problems related to obstructive lung disease
    Respiratory Care. 2013
  • Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension attenuates the benefit of positive end-expiratory pressure in ventilating effusion-compressed lungs*
    Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Dynamic hyperinflation and auto-positive end-expiratory pressure: lessons learned over 30 years
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2011
  • Impact of pressure profile and duration of recruitment maneuvers on morphofunctional and biochemical variables in experimental lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2011
  • Non-pulmonary factors strongly influence the stress index
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2011
  • Pleural effusion complicates monitoring of respiratory mechanics
    Critical Care Medicine. 2011
  • Agreement between functional residual capacity estimated via automated gas dilution versus via computed tomography in a pleural effusion model
    Respiratory Care. 2010
  • Can we prevent the spread of focal lung inflammation?
    Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of high-dose insulin in a porcine septic shock model
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2010
  • Recruitment maneuver in experimental acute lung injury: the role of alveolar collapse and edema
    Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Thirty years of critical care medicine
    Critical Care (London, England). 2010
  • Acute coronary thrombosis in a patient with septic shock without any evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation
    BMJ Case Reports. 2009
  • Evaluating humidity recovery efficiency of currently available heat and moisture exchangers: a respiratory system model study
    Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 2009
  • High dose insulin in toxic cardiogenic shock
    Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2009
  • Semi-quantitative tracking of intra-airway fluids by computed tomography
    Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 2009
  • Cigarettes-induced acute eosinophilic pneumonia: a case report
    Cases journal. 2008
  • Lung stress and strain during mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Mechanical ventilation: flow-through ventilation
    The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine. 2008
  • Mechanical ventilation: four forgotten factors of respiratory mechanics The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine
  • Mechanical ventilation: minute ventilation - the neglected parameter The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine
  • Mechanical ventilation: prone ventilation - more questions than answers The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine
  • Mechanical ventilation: the stress index The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine
  • Mechanical ventilation: weaning tips and tricks: the preparation phase The FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008
    Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2008
  • Ventilation patterns influence airway secretion movement
    Respiratory Care. 2008
  • The "open lung" compromise
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2007
  • Time course of physiologic variables in response to ventilator-induced lung injury
    Respiratory Care. 2007
  • A proposed curvilinearity index for quantifying airflow obstruction
    Respiratory Care. 2006
  • Limitations of clinical trials in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2006
  • Advances in the understanding of acute respiratory distress syndrome: summarizing a decade of progress
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2004
  • Effects of ventilatory pattern on experimental lung injury caused by high airway pressure
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Intercomparison of recruitment maneuver efficacy in three models of acute lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Partitioning the work-sparing effects of partial ventilatory support in airflow obstruction
    Critical Care (London, England). 2004
  • Reluctant horses at the digital river
    Critical Care (London, England). 2004
  • Transient hemodynamic effects of recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Ventilatory management of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a consensus of two
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Bench-to-bedside review: microvascular and airspace linkage in ventilator-induced lung injury
    Critical Care (London, England). 2003
  • Distal projection of insufflated gas during tracheal gas insufflation
    Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.. 2002
  • Oscillations and noise: inherent instability of pressure support ventilation?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2002
  • Pulmonary microvascular fracture in a patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Critical Care Medicine. 2002
  • Tracheal gas insufflation during late exhalation efficiently reduces PaCO(2) in experimental acute lung injury
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2002
  • Ventilation of patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2002
  • Dynamic behavior during noninvasive ventilation: chaotic support?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Relative roles of vascular and airspace pressures in ventilator-induced lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Static and dynamic pressure-volume curves reflect different aspects of respiratory system mechanics in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Respiratory Care. 2001
  • Prone positioning attenuates and redistributes ventilator-induced lung injury in dogs
    Critical Care Medicine. 2000
  • Recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury. Effect on lung volume and gas exchange
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2000
  • Editorial Article
  • Are we ready to think differently about setting PEEP [editorial]?
    Critical Care (London, England).  26. 2022
  • In search of the Holy Grail: identifying the best PEEP in ventilated patients [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  48. 2022
  • Prone position and COVID-19: mechanisms and effects [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  50. 2022
  • "Established" respiratory treatment in acute respiratory distress syndrome: scientific rigor or a square peg in a round hole [editorial]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  203. 2021
  • COVID-19 and ARDS: the baby lung size matters [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  47. 2021
  • Complexity and unanswered questions in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 ARDS [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  47. 2021
  • Conceptual simplicity in pursuit of precision [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  47. 2021
  • Isn't it time to abandon ARDS? The COVID-19 lesson [editorial]
    Critical Care (London, England).  25. 2021
  • Pathophysiology of COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome [editorial]
    The Lancet. Respiratory medicine.  9. 2021
  • Reply to Tobin: Respiratory drive measurements do not signify conjectural patient self-inflicted lung injury [editorial]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  203. 2021
  • Smoothing the edges of lung protection [editorial]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  203. 2021
  • The 4DPRR Index and mechanical power: a step ahead or four steps backward [editorial]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  204. 2021
  • COVID-19 phenotypes: leading or misleading [editorial]?
    European Respiratory Journal.  56. 2020
  • COVID-19: scientific reasoning, pragmatism and emotional bias [editorial]
    Annals of intensive care.  10. 2020
  • Dealing with the CARDS of COVID-19 [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  48. 2020
  • Finding best PEEP: a little at a time [editorial]
    Respiratory Care.  65. 2020
  • Hysteresis as an indicator of recruitment and ventilator-induced lung injury risk [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  48. 2020
  • Integrating the evidence: confronting the COVID-19 elephant [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  46. 2020
  • Recruiting the acutely injured lung: how and why [editorial]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  201. 2020
  • Spontaneous breathing, transpulmonary pressure and mathematical trickery [editorial]
    Annals of intensive care.  10. 2020
  • The baby lung and the COVID-19 era [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  46. 2020
  • The respiratory drive: an overlooked tile of COVID-19 pathophysiology [editorial]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  202. 2020
  • Which component of mechanical power is most important in causing VILI [editorial]?
    Critical Care (London, England).  24. 2020
  • The tidal volume fix [editorial]?
    Journal of Thoracic Disease.  11. 2019
  • Conditional value of raising positive end-expiratory pressure to counter vigorous breathing efforts in injured lungs [editorial]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  197. 2018
  • Do trials that report a neutral or negative treatment effect improve the care of critically ill patients? No [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  44. 2018
  • Firmer footing for ventilating and monitoring the injured lung [editorial]
    Journal of Thoracic Disease.  10. 2018
  • Should we titrate positive end-expiratory pressure based on an end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure [editorial]?
    Annals of translational medicine.  6. 2018
  • Time to rethink the approach to treating acute respiratory distress syndrome [editorial]
    JAMA.  319. 2018
  • Volutrauma and atelectrauma: which is worse [editorial]?
    Critical Care (London, England).  22. 2018
  • Clinical deployment of the esophageal balloon catheter-making the case [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  45. 2017
  • Transpulmonary pressure meaning: Babel or conceptual evolution [editorial]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.  195. 2017
  • Dynamic predictors of VILI risk: beyond the driving pressure [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  42. 2016
  • Should we embrace the "open lung" approach [editorial]?
    Critical Care Medicine.  44. 2016
  • Does high-pressure, high-frequency oscillation shake the foundations of lung protection [editorial]?
    Intensive Care Medicine.  41. 2015
  • Prone positioning and neuromuscular blocking agents are part of standard care in severe ARDS patients: we are not sure [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  41. 2015
  • Introduction (foreword) to the issue. Heart and lung monitoring [editorial]
    Current Opinion in Critical Care.  20. 2014
  • Mid-frequency ventilation: a viable option for lung protection [editorial]?
    Respiratory Care.  59. 2014
  • Spontaneous breathing, extrapulmonary CO(2) removal, and ventilator-induced lung injury risk: less power to the people [editorial]?
    Critical Care Medicine.  42. 2014
  • Lower tidal volumes for everyone: principle or prescription [editorial]?
    Intensive Care Medicine.  39. 2013
  • Monitoring breathing effort: a work in progress [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  41. 2013
  • Position, positive end-expiratory pressure, and obstructive obesity [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  41. 2013
  • Too much for too long-wrong targets, wrong timing [editorial]?
    Critical Care Medicine.  41. 2013
  • Transpulmonary pressure as a surrogate of plateau pressure for lung protective strategy: not perfect but more physiologic [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  38. 2012
  • Does positive end-expiratory pressure improve CO(2) exchange in controlled ventilation of acute airflow obstruction [editorial]?
    Critical Care Medicine.  39. 2011
  • Point: Is pressure assist-control preferred over volume assist-control mode for lung protective ventilation in patients with ARDS? Yes [editorial]
    Chest.  140. 2011
  • Recruitment by sustained inflation: time for a change [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  37. 2011
  • Risk factors associated with early reintubation in trauma patients: a prospective observational study [invited editorial]
    Journal of Trauma.  71. 2011
  • Prone positioning for ARDS: defining the target [editorial]
    Intensive Care Medicine.  36. 2010
  • Safer ventilation of the injured lung: one step closer [editorial]
    Critical Care (London, England).  14. 2010
  • Thermal therapeutics: the importance of good timing [editorial]
    Anesthesia and Analgesia.  110. 2010
  • Acoustic monitoring--super sonics [editorial]?
    Critical Care (London, England).  13. 2009
  • How best to recruit the injured lung [editorial]?
    Critical Care (London, England).  12. 2008
  • Meta-analysis: convenient assumptions and inconvenient truth [editorial]
    Critical Care Medicine.  36. 2008
  • Chapter
  • Ventilatory management of obstructive airway disease
    Critical care medicine: principles of diagnosis and management in the adult. 2014
  • Position and the compromised respiratory system
    Annual update in intensive care and emergency medicine. 2012
  • Principles of gas exchange
    Textbook of critical care medicine. 2011
  • Consequences of pleural effusions for respiratory mechanics in ventilated patients
    Intensive Care Medicine 2010 Annual Update. 2010
  • Review
  • COVID-19-related ARDS: key mechanistic features and treatments [review]
    Journal of clinical medicine. 2022
  • Chest wall loading in the ICU: pushes, weights, and positions [review]
    Annals of intensive care. 2022
  • The physiological underpinnings of life-saving respiratory support [review]
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2022
  • COVID-19 pneumonia: pathophysiology and management [review]
    European Respiratory Review: An Official Journal of the European Respiratory Society. 2021
  • Improving lung compliance by external compression of the chest wall [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2021
  • Personalized mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2021
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory failure [review]
    Anesthesiology. 2020
  • Prone position in ARDS patients: why, when, how and for whom [review]
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2020
  • Static and dynamic contributors to ventilator-induced lung injury in clinical practice. Pressure, energy, and power [review]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2020
  • Acute lobar atelectasis [review]
    Chest. 2019
  • Evolving concepts for safer ventilation [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2019
  • Dissipation of energy during the respiratory cycle: conditional importance of ergotrauma to structural lung damage [review]
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2018
  • Physiology-guided management of hemodynamics in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]
    Annals of translational medicine. 2018
  • Management of critical burn injuries: recent developments [review]
  • Respiratory support in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: an expert opinion [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2017
  • Seven unconfirmed ideas to improve future ICU practice [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2017
  • The future of mechanical ventilation: lessons from the present and the past [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2017
  • The intensive care medicine research agenda for airways, invasive and noninvasive mechanical ventilation [review]
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2017
  • Time-sensitive therapeutics [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2017
  • Excellence in intensive care medicine [review]
    Critical Care Medicine. 2016
  • Experts' opinion on management of hemodynamics in ARDS patients: focus on the effects of mechanical ventilation [review]
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2016
  • Is automated weaning superior to manual spontaneous breathing trials [review]?
    Respiratory Care. 2016
  • Should early prone positioning be a standard of care in ARDS with refractory hypoxemia [review]?
    Respiratory Care. 2016
  • The "baby lung" became an adult [review]
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2016
  • Lung recruitment in acute respiratory distress syndrome: what is the best strategy [review]?
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2014
  • Mechanical ventilation: past lessons and the near future [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2013
  • Our favorite unproven ideas for future critical care [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2013
  • Prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Rationale, indications, and limits [review]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Two steps forward in bedside monitoring of lung mechanics: transpulmonary pressure and lung volume [review]
    Critical Care (London, England). 2013
  • Unproven clinical evidence in mechanical ventilation [review]
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2012
  • Update: adjuncts to mechanical ventilation [review]
    Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 2012
  • Spontaneously regulated vs. controlled ventilation of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2011
  • Airway pressure release ventilation [review]
    Journal of burn care & research. 2009
  • Do airway secretions play an underappreciated role in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]?
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2008
  • Do airway secretions play an underappreciated role in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]?
    Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2008
  • Lung injury--settle for a sketch or design a blueprint [review]?
    Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Propagation prevention: a complementary mechanism for "lung protective" ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review]
    Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • The pulmonary artery catheter: in medio virtus [review]
    Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Abstract
  • How does IAP affect esophageal pressure [abstract]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Fowler's position reduces effusion-caused compressive lung stress and increases functional residual capacity [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Intra-abdominal pressure transmission to the thorax is predominantly at end-inspiration [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Tidal coefficient of variation as a predictor of weaning success [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Does increased pre-trial respiratory pattern variability portend failure-to-wean [abstract]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Pleural effusion induced lung collapse is highly recruitable in normal pigs [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Reliability of the stress index in an animal model of unilateral pleural effusion [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) increases end expiratory lung volume (EELV) without a parallel increase in AutoPEEP [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Contact
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  • John J. Marini, MD
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