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W. D. Leslie All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Effect of abdominal tissue thickness on trabecular bone score and fracture risk in adults with diabetes: the Manitoba BMD registry
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2024
  • FRAX predicts cardiovascular risk in women undergoing osteoporosis screening: the Manitoba bone mineral density registry
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2024
  • Hip fracture risk assessment tools for adults aged 80 years and older
    JAMA network open. 2024
  • Simultaneous automated ascertainment of prevalent vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification in clinical practice: role in fracture risk assessment
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2024
  • Effect of BMI-discordant abdominal tissue thickness on fracture probability: a registry-based study
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2023
  • Liver enzyme inducing anticonvulsant drug use is associated with prevalent vertebral fracture
    Osteoporosis International. 2023
  • Machine learning for abdominal aortic calcification assessment from bone density machine-derived lateral spine images
    EBioMedicine. 2023
  • Machine-learning assessed abdominal aortic calcification is associated with long-term fall and fracture risk in community-dwelling older Australian women
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2023
  • Should vertebral fracture assessment be performed in Fracture Liaison Service patients with non-vertebral fracture?
    Osteoporosis International. 2023
  • Time since prior fracture affects mortality at the time of clinical assessment: a registry-based cohort study
    Osteoporosis International. 2022
  • Associations of clinically recognized vs unrecognized vertebral fracture with mortality
    Bone. 2021
  • Differential risk of fracture attributable to type 2 diabetes mellitus according to skeletal site
    Bone. 2021
  • Machine learning for automated abdominal aortic calcification scoring of DXA vertebral fracture assessment images: a pilot study
    Bone. 2021
  • Fracture risk following high-trauma versus low-trauma fracture: a registry-based cohort study
    Osteoporosis International. 2020
  • Loss in DXA-estimated total body lean mass but not fat mass predicts incident major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture independently from FRAX: a registry-based cohort study
    Archives of osteoporosis. 2020
  • Measured height loss predicts incident clinical fractures independently from FRAX: a registry-based cohort study
    Osteoporosis International. 2020
  • A comparison of US and Canadian osteoporosis screening and treatment strategies in postmenopausal women
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2019
  • Performance of FRAX and FRAX-based treatment thresholds in women aged 40 years and older: the Manitoba BMD Registry
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2019
  • Prevalent vertebral fracture on bone density lateral spine (VFA) images in routine clinical practice predict incident fractures
    Bone. 2019
  • Vertebral fracture assessment increases use of pharmacologic therapy for fracture prevention in clinical practice
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2019
  • Performance of FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment tool) in clinical practice according to sex and osteoporosis definitions: the Manitoba BMD registry
    Osteoporosis International. 2018
  • Clinical use of quantitative computed tomography (QCT) of the hip in the management of osteoporosis in adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions--Part I
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Clinical use of quantitative computed tomography-based advanced techniques in the management of osteoporosis in adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions-Part III
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Clinical use of quantitative computed tomography-based finite element analysis of the hip and spine in the management of osteoporosis in adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions-Part II
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Executive summary of the 2015 ISCD Position Development Conference on Advanced Measures from DXA and QCT: fracture prediction beyond BMD
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Fracture risk prediction by non-BMD DXA measures: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions Part 2: trabecular bone score
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Fracture risk prediction by non-BMD DXA measures: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions part 1: hip geometry
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2015
  • Definition of osteoporosis by bone density criteria in men: effect of using female instead of male young reference data depends on skeletal site and densitometer manufacturer
    Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2014
  • Implications of expanding indications for drug treatment to prevent fracture in older men in United States: cross sectional and longitudinal analysis of prospective cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014
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  • W. D. Leslie
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