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RW Jeffery All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • BestFIT Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial results: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatment sequences
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2022
  • Discrepancies between clinician and participant intervention adherence ratings predict percent weight change during a six-month behavioral weight loss intervention
    Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2021
  • Using targeting to recruit men and women of color into a behavioral weight loss trial
    Trials. 2020
  • The Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids 5-10 Obesity Prevention Trial: 12 and 24-month outcomes
    Pediatric Obesity. 2019
  • Understanding outcomes in behavior change interventions to prevent pediatric obesity: the role of dose and behavior change techniques
    Health Education and Behavior. 2019
  • Mediators of weight loss maintenance in the Keep It Off Trial
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2018
  • Exploring gender differences in a randomized trial of weight loss maintenance
  • Feasibility of standardized methods to specify behavioral pediatric obesity prevention interventions
    Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2017
  • Parent choice in a pediatric obesity prevention intervention
  • Durability of addition of roux-en-Y gastric bypass to lifestyle intervention and nedical management in achieving primary treatment goals for uncontrolled type 2 diabetes in mild to moderate obesity: A randomized control trial
    Diabetes care. 2016
  • The BestFIT trial: a SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatments
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2016
  • Regulatory focus, proximity to goal weight, and weight loss maintenance
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2015
  • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for diabetes (the Diabetes Surgery Study): 2-year outcomes of a 5-year, randomised, controlled trial
    The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology. 2015
  • Enhancing long-term weight loss maintenance: 2 year results from the Keep It Off randomized controlled trial
    Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2013
  • Lifestyle patterns associated with diet, physical activity, body mass index and amount of recent weight loss in a sample of successful weight losers
    The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2012
  • Keep it off: a phone-based intervention for long-term weight-loss maintenance
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2011
  • The drop it at last study: six-month results of a phone-based weight loss trial
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2010
  • Is frequent self-weighing associated with poorer body satisfaction? Findings from a phone-based weight loss trial
    Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009
  • Mail and phone interventions for weight loss in a managed-care setting: weigh-to-be 2-year outcomes
    International Journal of Obesity (2005). 2006
  • A platform for population-based weight management: description of a health plan-based integrated systems approach
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Editorial Article
  • Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? No [editorial]
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.).  336. 2008
  • Contact
    full name
  • RW Jeffery
  • R. W. Jeffery
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