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S. A. Hylwa All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Allergic contact dermatitis to salicylic acid: a case series of relevant sensitization
    Contact dermatitis. 2024
  • Clinical relevance of doubtful reactions in patch testing: a single-centre retrospective study
    Contact dermatitis. 2024
  • Influencing itch: why training background of skinfluencers matters from a contact allergen perspective
    Dermatitis. 2024
  • A deep dive into Instagram's top skinfluencers
    JMIR Dermatol. 2023
  • Can you picture it? Using smartphone artificial intelligence to identify allergenic plants
    Dermatitis. 2023
  • Investigation of commercial essential oils for formaldehyde content
    Dermatitis. 2023
  • Negative formaldehyde release from textiles washed with a formaldehyde-containing laundry soap according to manufacturer instructions: an application of chromotropic acid testing
    Contact dermatitis. 2023
  • Patch testing from the patient perspective: an internet-based survey
    Dermatitis. 2023
  • Allergic contact dermatitis from benzyl alcohol in hydrocortisone cream
    Contact dermatitis. 2022
  • Formaldehyde in electronic cigarette liquid (aerosolized liquid)
    Dermatitis. 2022
  • Nickel release from metal tools in United States barbershops
    International Journal of Dermatology. 2022
  • Searching the Holy Grail - evaluating contact allergens in popular Reddit starter skincare routine [editoral]
    International Journal of Dermatology. 2022
  • Titanium allergy as a likely cause of post-reconstruction dermatitis of the breast
    Contact dermatitis. 2022
  • Too much of a good thing? Allergic contact dermatitis to pimecrolimus
    Dermatitis. 2022
  • A mini-epidemic of suspected contact dermatitis to Delta Airlines uniforms
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Allergenic ingredients in health care hand sanitizers in the United States
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Allergic contact dermatitis from Boswellia carterii (frankincense) oil
    Contact dermatitis. 2021
  • Contact allergy strikes! Allergic contact dermatitis in a bowling pro shop operator
    Contact dermatitis. 2021
  • Defining fragrance allergy in the Contact Allergen Management Program
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Facial personal protective equipment: materials, resterilization methods, and management of occupation-related dermatoses
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Inter-rater variability in patch test readings and final interpretation using store-forward teledermatology
    Contact dermatitis. 2021
  • Our approach to textile dermatitis: in-clinic dye extraction
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Patch testing: the patient experience
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Wearable woes: allergens in diabetic devices
    Dermatitis. 2021
  • Cutaneous reactions to aluminum
    Dermatitis. 2020
  • Effectiveness of support groups for patients with contact dermatitis: a pilot study
    Dermatitis. 2020
  • Safety checks in patch clinic: 5 hurdles in the patch testing obstacle course
    Dermatitis. 2020
  • Sodium disulfite/bisulfite allergy manifesting from dish soap: not limited to hairdressing or food industries
    Dermatitis. 2020
  • The versatile UV absorber drometrizole: expanding from the realm of cosmetics to feminine sanitary products
    Contact dermatitis. 2020
  • Tolerability of hair cleansing conditioners: a double-blind randomized, controlled trial designed to evaluate consumer complaints to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. 2020
  • Urushiol compounds detected in toxicodendron-labeled consumer products using mass spectrometry
    Dermatitis. 2020
  • Allergic contact dermatitis to crisaborole
    Dermatitis. 2019
  • Allergic contact dermatitis to operating room scrubs and disinfectants
    Dermatitis. 2019
  • Allergic dermatitis to Dyclonine (Dyclocaine)
    Dermatitis. 2019
  • Clinical features of neutrophilic dermatosis variants resembling necrotizing fasciitis
    JAMA dermatology. 2019
  • Use of essential oils: a general population survey
    Contact dermatitis. 2019
  • Nickel release from surgical instruments and operating room equipment
    Dermatology Online Journal. 2018
  • Rubber accelerators in medical examination and surgical gloves
    Dermatitis. 2018
  • Seeing double: allergic contact dermatitis to para-amino compounds
    Dermatitis. 2018
  • What Is tetrasodium etidronate and how is it related to formaldehyde?
    Dermatitis. 2018
  • Utility of store and forward teledermatology for skin patch test readings
    Dermatitis. 2017
  • Contact
    full name
  • S. A. Hylwa
  • Quick Info