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Boyle, Raymond G., MD
Retired Institute Sr. Research Investigator
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Integrating tobacco dependence counseling into electronic dental records: a multi-method approach
    Journal of Dental Education. 2014
  • Computer-assisted guidance for dental office tobacco-cessation counseling: a randomized controlled trial
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • Health information exchange: participation by Minnesota primary care practices
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010
  • A randomized controlled trial of telephone counseling with smokeless tobacco users: the ChewFree Minnesota study
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2008
  • Evaluating strategies and costs to recruit smokeless tobacco users
    Addictive Behaviors. 2007
  • Proactive recruitment of health plan smokers into telephone counseling
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2007
  • Smoking and cessation behaviors among young adults of various educational backgrounds
    American Journal of Public Health. 2007
  • Young adult smokers: are they different?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • Mail and phone interventions for weight loss in a managed-care setting: weigh-to-be 2-year outcomes
    International Journal of Obesity (2005). 2006
  • Physician-patient interaction for smoking cessation medications: a dance of mutual accommodation?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Frequency of physician-directed assistance for smoking cessation in patients receiving cessation medications
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2005
  • Offering telephone counseling to smokers using pharmacotherapy
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2005
  • A randomized trial of telephone counseling with adult moist snuff users
    American Journal of Health Behavior. 2004
  • Is making smoking status a vital sign sufficient to increase cessation support actions in clinical practice?
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2004
  • A platform for population-based weight management: description of a health plan-based integrated systems approach
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Does insurance coverage for drug therapy affect smoking cessation?
    Health Affairs. 2002
  • Physician smoking-cessation actions: are they dependent on insurance coverage or on patients?
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002
  • Aids to quitting tobacco use: how important are they outside controlled trials?
    Preventive Medicine. 2001
  • Patient satisfaction and discussion of smoking cessation during clinical visits
    Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2001
  • Professional advice and readiness to change behavioral risk factors among members of a managed care organization
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2001
  • Effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to an intervention trial to reduce smoking
    Preventive Medicine. 2000
  • Health behaviors of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in an HMO
    Preventive Medicine. 2000
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