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T. J. Beebe All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Health status and health behaviors among citizen endurance Nordic skiers in the United States
    BMC Research Notes. 2017
  • A survey of social support for exercise and its relationship to health behaviours and health status among endurance Nordic skiers
    BMJ open. 2016
  • A national survey of radiation oncologists and urologists on recommendations of prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer
    BJU International. 2014
  • Envelope type and response rates in a survey of health professionals
    Field Methods. 2014
  • Misperceptions of weight status among adolescents: sociodemographic and behavioral correlates
    Patient related outcome measures. 2014
  • Survey mode and asking about future intentions did not impact self-reported colorectal cancer screening accuracy
    BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2014
  • A brief Patient-Reported Outcomes Quality of Life (PROQOL) instrument to improve patient care
    PLoS Medicine. 2013
  • An assessment of incentive versus survey length trade-offs in a web survey of radiologists
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2013
  • Clinical implementation of quality of life instruments and prediction tools for localized prostate cancer: results from a national survey of radiation oncologists and urologists
    Journal of Urology. 2013
  • Potential bias in the bank: what distinguishes refusers, nonresponders and participants in a clinic-based biobank?
    Public health genomics. 2013
  • Deployment of a mixed-mode data collection strategy does not reduce nonresponse bias in a general population health survey
    Health Services Research. 2012
  • Getting physicians to open the survey: little evidence that an envelope teaser increases response rates
    BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2012
  • Patient characteristics of provider survey respondents: no evidence of nonresponse bias
    Evaluation and the Health Professions. 2012
  • Telephone follow-up to a mail survey: when to offer an interview compared to a reminder call
    BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2012
  • Offering results to participants in a diabetes survey: effects on survey response rates
    The patient. 2011
  • The Reflux Disease Questionnaire: a measure for assessment of treatment response in clinical trials
    Health and quality of life outcomes. 2008
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  • T. J. Beebe
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