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R. A. Arena All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • 2022 county-level population changes in the United States through the lens of the Lifestyle Health Index
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2024
  • Arthritis in the regional cultures of the American Nations: an overlooked component of a larger unhealthy lifestyle syndemic
    American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2024
  • Identifying the disability belt and epicenters in the American Nations
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2024
  • Novel approaches to addressing the US physical inactivity and obesity pandemics: an opportunity for religious organizations
    American Journal of Medicine. 2024
  • Regional cultures and insufficient sleep in the United States
    J Act Sedentary Sleep Behav. 2024
  • Regional cultures, voter participation, and health
    Lancet Reg Health Am. 2024
  • The influence of social vulnerability and culture on physical inactivity in the United States - identifying hot spots in need of attention
    American Journal of Medicine. 2024
  • The potential influence of firearm violence on physical inactivity in the United States
    American Journal of Medicine. 2024
  • The relationship between the lifestyle health index and voter turnout during the 2020 United States presidential election in the context of regional cultures
    Public Health Pract. 2024
  • COVID-19, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and chronic disease in the United States: mapping the social injustice overlay
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023
  • Social injustice as a common source epidemic: the role of civic engagement in addressing inequitable population health
    Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023
  • Cardiovascular health research in the workplace: a workshop report
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021
  • Work, health, and COVID-19. The role of healthy living in pandemic preparedness for business
    ACSMs Health Fitness J. 2021
  • Assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior, and cardiorespiratory fitness in worksite health promotion
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2019
  • Editor's desk: promoting physical activity in the workplace
    American Journal of Health Promotion. 2019
  • Workplace wellness recognition for optimizing workplace health: a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association
    Circulation. 2015
  • Editorial Article
  • Introducing the Lifestyle Health Index in the American Nations [editorial]
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.  44. 2024
  • Review
  • Exploring the complex relationships between health behaviors, health outcomes, social vulnerability, regional cultures, and oral health [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2024
  • Physical inactivity and obesity in the United States through the lens of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2024
  • Predicting life expectancy in the United States: the importance of healthy living behaviors and residential geography [review]
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2024
  • The Lifestyle Health Index in the context of COVID-19 mortality and vaccination in the United States: a syndemic not to be repeated [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2024
  • The tip of the iceberg: will GLP-1 receptor agonists unintentionally contribute to titanic cardiovascular events in certain individuals [review]?
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2024
  • Unhealthy dietary patterns in the American Nations: a crisis with cultural distinctions [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2024
  • How has physical inactivity changed in the American Nations from 2010 to 2020: a decade of lost opportunity [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2023
  • Physical inactivity and obesity in the United States: at the intersection of politics, socioeconomics, race, and culture [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2023
  • Systems science approaches to cardiovascular disease prevention and management in the era of COVID-19: a Humpty-Dumpty dilemma [review]?
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023
  • The geographic distribution of unhealthy living characteristics according to the American Nations model: cultural factors warranting attention [review]
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023
  • Defining the importance of stress reduction in managing cardiovascular disease - the role of exercise [review]
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2022
  • Mapping one million COVID-19 deaths and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors in the United States: recognizing the syndemic pattern and taking action [review]
    American Journal of Medicine. 2022
  • Post pandemic research priorities: a consensus statement from the HL-PIVOT [review]
    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2022
  • Current activities centered on healthy living and recommendations for the future: a position statement from the HL-PIVOT Network [review]
    Current Problems in Cardiology. 2021
  • Contact
    full name
  • R. A. Arena
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