Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Journal uri icon
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  • Barriers and facilitators to using a clinical decision support tool for opioid use disorder in primary care 2024
  • Does clinical decision support increase appropriate medication prescribing for cardiovascular risk reduction? 2023
  • Estimating the cardiovascular disease risk reduction of a quality improvement initiative in primary care: findings from EvidenceNOW 2023
  • The impact of COVID-19 on patients receiving care coordination in primary care: a qualitative study 2023
  • A new pandemic of loneliness 2022
  • Blood pressure checks for diagnosing hypertension: health professionals' knowledge, beliefs, and practices 2022
  • How does prior experience pay off in large-scale quality improvement initiatives? 2022
  • Patient and clinician perspectives on two telemedicine approaches for treating patients with mental health disorders in underserved areas 2022
  • The effects of major disruptions on practice participation in facilitation during a primary care quality improvement initiative 2022
  • A taxonomy for external support for practice transformation 2021
  • Clinician perceptions about a decision support system to identify and manage opioid use disorder 2021
  • Experiences and perceptions of patients with uncontrolled hypertension who are dissatisfied with their hypertension care 2021
  • Retirement tea 2021
  • Practitioner engagement in activities of the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN): 7-year results 2020
  • Predictors of family medicine patient retention in opioid medication-assisted treatment 2020
  • The effect of depression and rurality on diabetes control 2020
  • Does ownership make a difference in primary care practice? 2019
  • Large-scale implementation of collaborative care management for depression and diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease 2018
  • Practice facilitator strategies for addressing electronic health record data challenges for quality improvement: EvidenceNOW 2018
  • Practitioner participation in National Dental Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) studies: 12-year results 2018
  • System transformation in Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH): variable impact on chronically ill patients' utilization 2016
  • The effect of achieving patient-reported outcome measures on satisfaction 2015
  • Challenges of medical home transformation reported by 118 patient-centered medical home (PCMH) leaders 2014
  • How much shared decision making occurs in usual primary care of depression? 2014
  • Depression in patients with diabetes: does it impact clinical goals? 2008
  • Crossing the quality chasm for diabetes care: the power of one physician, his team, and systems thinking 2007
  • Physician-patient interaction for smoking cessation medications: a dance of mutual accommodation? 2006