American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Journal uri icon
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  • High- versus low-flow extracorporeal respiratory support in experimental hypoxemic acute lung injury 2023
  • End-tidal to arterial Pco(2) ratio as guide to weaning from venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 2022
  • Renin and survival in patients given angiotensin II for catecholamine-resistant vasodilatory shock. A clinical trial 2020
  • Understanding lactatemia in human sepsis. Potential impact for early management 2019
  • Protecting the ventilated lung: vascular surge and deflation energetics 2018
  • Health coaching and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rehospitalization. a randomized study 2016
  • The effect of treatment of obstructive sleep apnea on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes 2016
  • Statin exposure is associated with decreased asthma-related emergency department visits and oral corticosteroid use 2013
  • Dynamic hyperinflation and auto-positive end-expiratory pressure: lessons learned over 30 years 2011
  • Early-onset chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with female sex, maternal factors, and African American race in the COPDGene Study 2011
  • Effectiveness and safety of bronchial thermoplasty in the treatment of severe asthma: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial 2010
  • Lung stress and strain during mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome 2008
  • Oscillations and noise: inherent instability of pressure support ventilation? 2002
  • Application of tracheal gas insufflation to acute unilateral lung injury in an experimental model 2001
  • Dynamic behavior during noninvasive ventilation: chaotic support? 2001
  • Recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury. Effect on lung volume and gas exchange 2000
  • Association between corticosteroid use and vertebral fractures in older men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1998
  • Gender gap in critical care literature authorship and task force participation [abstract] 2017
  • Post-approval study for bronchial thermoplasty (BT): results to 2 years [abstract] 2017
  • Sleep quality in patients with moderate to severe COPD [abstract] 2014
  • How does IAP affect esophageal pressure [abstract]? 2013
  • Leukotriene inhibitors may be more effective than inhaled corticosteroids in preventing asthma-related exacerbations [abstract] 2013
  • Fowler's position reduces effusion-caused compressive lung stress and increases functional residual capacity [abstract] 2012
  • Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of insomnia [abstract] 2012
  • Intra-abdominal pressure transmission to the thorax is predominantly at end-inspiration [abstract] 2012
  • Tidal coefficient of variation as a predictor of weaning success [abstract] 2012
  • Does increased pre-trial respiratory pattern variability portend failure-to-wean [abstract]? 2010
  • Pilot study of sleep disturbance and lung disease in older adults [abstract] 2010
  • Pleural effusion induced lung collapse is highly recruitable in normal pigs [abstract] 2010
  • Reliability of the stress index in an animal model of unilateral pleural effusion [abstract] 2010
  • Safety of bronchial thermoplasty (BT) in patients with severe, symptomatic asthma: positive safety profile in the AIR2 trial [abstract] 2009
  • Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) increases end expiratory lung volume (EELV) without a parallel increase in AutoPEEP [abstract] 2008
  • "Established" respiratory treatment in acute respiratory distress syndrome: scientific rigor or a square peg in a round hole [editorial]?.  203. 2021
  • Reply to Tobin: Respiratory drive measurements do not signify conjectural patient self-inflicted lung injury [editorial].  203. 2021
  • Smoothing the edges of lung protection [editorial].  203. 2021
  • The 4DPRR Index and mechanical power: a step ahead or four steps backward [editorial]?.  204. 2021
  • Recruiting the acutely injured lung: how and why [editorial]?.  201. 2020
  • The respiratory drive: an overlooked tile of COVID-19 pathophysiology [editorial].  202. 2020
  • Conditional value of raising positive end-expiratory pressure to counter vigorous breathing efforts in injured lungs [editorial].  197. 2018
  • Transpulmonary pressure meaning: Babel or conceptual evolution [editorial]?.  195. 2017
  • Static and dynamic contributors to ventilator-induced lung injury in clinical practice. Pressure, energy, and power [review] 2020
  • Prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Rationale, indications, and limits [review] 2013