The EBAN experience: an equitable health collaborative uniting health professionals and community members to improve care [poster] Conference Poster uri icon
  • The effectiveness of a yearlong educational format that included interdisciplinary teamwork, quality improvement and care process redesign was demonstrated through the EBAN Experience, an equitable health collaborative. Ethnic community members and health professionals, in teams together, improved outcomes in preventive services for cancer screening, immunizations, dental care, diabetes and other conditions. 100 participants in 9 teams learned about quality improvement, explored the influence of culture on health and redesigned care according to cultural preferences for East African, African American and Latino populations in Minnesota, USA. In four quarterly meetings, participants learned about culture and health, quality improvement and the social determinants of community well-being. Educational methods included didactic lectures, interactive learning, panel discussions and facilitated dialogue. Three screenplays were commissioned from ethnic screenwriters, performed in native languages, filmed by public television and used to stimulate intercultural discussion and understanding. A structured framework of meetings, conference calls and reports to leadership maintained the momen-tum and discipline needed for success of the collaborative. Outcomes included improved experience of the clinical system, better health for patients of color and new, robust, relationships with cultural organizations and members of diverse communities in the region. Poster contact Debra Bryan, [email protected],

  • publication date
  • 2012
  • Research
  • Collaboration
  • Cross Cultural Health Care
  • Delivery of Health Care
  • Ethnic Groups
  • Health Equity
  • Quality of Health Care