You may have heard that there will be changes to the COVID-19 vaccine for this fall and winter. And maybe you’re wondering, should I get another COVID-19 shot? The answer is yes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that almost everyone 6 months old and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine when they become available. Below, we share the latest information about the updated vaccines and why you should get one.

Why updated COVID-19 vaccines are recommended

The virus that causes COVID-19 is always changing and the protection from previous vaccines can also decrease over time. So, getting an updated vaccine can help restore or boost protection from the variants that are most common right now.

Updated COVID-19 vaccines will be available from Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax. We expect the CDC to provide more information about dosage when the vaccines are released.

Does the need for a new COVID-19 vaccine mean that previous COVID-19 vaccines weren’t safe and effective?

Absolutely not. The need for updated vaccines is not a reflection of the safety and efficacy of the previous COVID-19 vaccines. It’s just that COVID-19 continues to change – and we’ll get the best protection from vaccines that are updated to protect against the strains of the coronavirus that are currently most common.

There’s no denying that previous COVID-19 vaccines saved countless lives during the pandemic – and continue to reduce the chance of severe illness. But it’s also true that current strains of the coronavirus are different than the strains that earlier vaccines were based on.

Since the new COVID-19 vaccine includes components based on the Omicron variant XBB.1.5, it should offer even better protection against COVID-19 in your community.

How many updated COVID-19 vaccines are there?

The two mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) have been updated. The Novavax vaccine, a protein subunit vaccine, hasn’t yet been updated for the XBB.1.5 subvariant. However, an updated Novavax vaccine may be available in the coming months.

Is the new COVID-19 vaccine considered a booster?

No, these new vaccines aren’t considered boosters. Instead, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is calling them “updated COVID-19 vaccines.” So, what’s the difference?

This updated vaccine is different than a booster because it’s a new formula, and not part of a series. Most people only need one dose of the new vaccine – even if they’ve never had a COVID-19 vaccine before.

A booster is an additional dose of vaccine that you get when the protection of the original vaccine starts to decrease. Getting a booster helps to bring a vaccine back up to the original level of effectiveness and extend the length of protection.

During the pandemic, the CDC recommended booster shots of the original vaccine because there were an increasing number of COVID-19 infections (and cases of breakthrough COVID-19).

Why you should get the updated COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 looks a lot different than it did a few years ago. Symptoms of the current subvariants are usually less severe. In fact, it can be hard to tell the difference between the flu and COVID-19. Still, there are good reasons to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Boost your waning immunity

You probably don’t have the protection against COVID-19 that you once did. You can build up immunity to a virus in one of two ways: getting a vaccination or getting sick with the virus. You likely developed immunity to COVID-19 in one (or both) of these ways. But immunity wanes over time, and for most people, it’s been a while since they got sick or vaccinated.

According to the CDC, getting the 2024-2025 vaccine can help renew or strengthen your protection against the COVID-19 variants that are currently causing the most infections and hospitalizations.

Protect against long COVID

For some people, the lingering long haul COVID-19 symptoms are worse than being sick with the coronavirus. There are over 200 possible symptoms of long COVID that can affect your entire body, including your lungs, brain and heart – and these symptoms can last for weeks, months or even years. Getting the new vaccine can reduce your chance of long-haul symptoms, even if you get sick. Studies show that, in adults, the chance of getting long COVID is 50% lower if you’re vaccinated.

Prepare for what’s next

COVID-19 continues to change. While it’s unlikely that there will be a new variant that has the serious symptoms of Delta and earlier variants, we don’t know for sure. We also don’t know if new variants will be more likely to cause lingering symptoms like chronic fatigue after COVID-19.

Get a COVID-19 vaccine for best protection against new variants

Getting the updated vaccine when it becomes available will help ensure you have the best protection against current COVID-19 variants. The updated COVID-19 vaccines should be available before respiratory season this fall. You’ll be able to make a vaccination appointment once they’re available.